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*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

well another garage said they could try something that'd be £20 but it didnt work so we need to change the servo on the brakes so still £££££, will have to wait until tomorrow though to find out. Joy.

We usually leave a stroller a tthe nursery (we wont leave the icandy in the shed at the nursery that doesnt get locked lol) but we werent planning on picking him up on foot so there was no stroller so I had to carry him - I used to carry him lots when he was smell but havent in a long while and no I wont be doing it as the bump grows lol....but it'll be great for the lo when he/she arrives!

Still havent got a booking appt rearranged yet...need to call maternity liason but they close at 3:30pm and I always forget until the end of the day and then it's too late!

Just asked in my post whos preg, then i seen your sig!

Congrats :happydance: when you due?
Haven't even thought about xmas presents yet, you lot are so organised.

Have you got the next size car seat yet? Jake's nowhere near 9kg yet so don't think we'll need it for a while, think he'll prefer facing forward though.

Hollie went in at 8months, same time as amber did.
She loves it.
Anytime shes put in infant 1 just for popping around to nan's in ians car she screams the whole way haha.
Leanne, I hope you find a house soon :hugs::hugs: Im glad Hollie is doing good sorry shes a terrible sleeper though :hugs: I saw the Videos of Hollie walking on facebook :happydance:

Emilies doing good :D
Leanne, I hope you find a house soon :hugs::hugs: Im glad Hollie is doing good sorry shes a terrible sleeper though :hugs: I saw the Videos of Hollie walking on facebook :happydance:

Emilies doing good :D

Has emilie got much more hair? Is she crawling?

Thanks. She sleeps with me everynight lol

Is anyone still using bath support? I do to wash her hair then i take her out she goes crazy haha she stands up then falls down on her bum for the big splash lol
her hair just keeps growing :haha: Yeah shes been crawling a while now she walks around the furiture & with her vtech walker thing but I dont think shes near walking unaided yet saying that my mum said I just let go of the sofa one day & walked so I guess you can never tell :haha:

We still use the bath seat
Yeh what happened with amber & hollie.

First time she did it, just turned around & walked off, then got excited throwing arms around & fell. haha.
So far the date I have is May 11th...but will wait for 12 week scan to say really/ Scan is a week tuesday, finally has my booking appt today, she seemed a little taken aback but not completely against me wanting a homebirth!
Awww Hollie's the first walker!!! Thats so scary though knowing that any of our LO's could just take off any time! Well done!!

Awww potty training is it that bad MTA?? :wacko: Im seriously considering starting to introduce the potty when Matthew turns one everyone tells me boys are easier to potty train than girls but im not sure on that lol he hates wearing his nappy he screams and screams when your changing him and most of the time he takes off like a rocket naked and will laugh until you manage to catch him :rofl:

We still use the bath seat as well but having problems with hair washing because he refuses to tilt his head back and ends up with water in his face or shampoo in his eyes :dohh: I usually end up sponging it out of his hair!

Still first stage car seat here as well until his head starts to go over the top next stage one's are so expensive and I need two :dohh:

Chuck fingers crossed your car doesn't cost too much to get fixed! :wacko:

Matthew's buggy broke so returned it today and they didn't have the same one in stock so got a gift card instead and his buggy has went up to £120 so will cost me £30 more to replace it :growlmad: So trying to sell the argos voucher so can go to mama's and papa's and get him one of the buggy's I really want! (love their buggies lol)

He's recovered from the tonsilitus but still has really explosive poo's think it's like a follow on with the medicine leaving his system so has got bad nappy rash again because of the runny poo's :(

Also attempting to change his nappies to size 5 pull up's this week even though they'll be a bit too big because he's in pampers baby dry size/active fit 4+ and is sleeping right through most nights 13-14 hours in total with the darker mornings and is soaking right through them which is not fun for me to wash everything including cot sheets and blankets sleeping bags etc and horrible for him probably!
We ordered 2 size 1 car seats yesterday - one for each car, come in 2 weeks (trust us to want the ones that are out of stock) so that dinted the credit card a bit. Also got some xmas toys and a ride on which we let him have now and he loves.

MTA - we were thinking about schools and houses when we moved 3 years ago (so no kids or even planned in the near future) it's a nightmare isn;t it, hope you find the right one soon.

Glad the midwife was ok about the homebirth Chuck, fx for you.

Jake walks holding on, and can stand unaided for a while now if he doesn't think about it. Loads of people have said he will be walking soon...
Awww Hollie's the first walker!!! Thats so scary though knowing that any of our LO's could just take off any time! Well done!!

Awww potty training is it that bad MTA?? :wacko: Im seriously considering starting to introduce the potty when Matthew turns one everyone tells me boys are easier to potty train than girls but im not sure on that lol he hates wearing his nappy he screams and screams when your changing him and most of the time he takes off like a rocket naked and will laugh until you manage to catch him :rofl:

We still use the bath seat as well but having problems with hair washing because he refuses to tilt his head back and ends up with water in his face or shampoo in his eyes :dohh: I usually end up sponging it out of his hair!

Still first stage car seat here as well until his head starts to go over the top next stage one's are so expensive and I need two :dohh:

Chuck fingers crossed your car doesn't cost too much to get fixed! :wacko:

Matthew's buggy broke so returned it today and they didn't have the same one in stock so got a gift card instead and his buggy has went up to £120 so will cost me £30 more to replace it :growlmad: So trying to sell the argos voucher so can go to mama's and papa's and get him one of the buggy's I really want! (love their buggies lol)

He's recovered from the tonsilitus but still has really explosive poo's think it's like a follow on with the medicine leaving his system so has got bad nappy rash again because of the runny poo's :(

Also attempting to change his nappies to size 5 pull up's this week even though they'll be a bit too big because he's in pampers baby dry size/active fit 4+ and is sleeping right through most nights 13-14 hours in total with the darker mornings and is soaking right through them which is not fun for me to wash everything including cot sheets and blankets sleeping bags etc and horrible for him probably!


Ive always heard boys are harder lol.
Yes ambers is stressfull. I wish id getting one of the easy kids lol. Amber had 1 around from about 14months, but not been till after 2 shes been using it. From what ive learnt there is no point in trying to get them to use it unless there is some understanding there, of needing a wee, knowing they go for a wee etc. Amber only this year realised she does it so any sooner wouldnt have worked.
She still isnt 100% knowing when she needs to go this is the major problem.

Oh hollie loves her hair washed, no problem with water all down her face.
I just buy the next stage off ebay so much cheaper where i got ambers.

Hope the rash clears up soon for him, its horrible stuff.

Wow size 5. Hollie in 3 still, surprized like.
We ordered 2 size 1 car seats yesterday - one for each car, come in 2 weeks (trust us to want the ones that are out of stock) so that dinted the credit card a bit. Also got some xmas toys and a ride on which we let him have now and he loves.

MTA - we were thinking about schools and houses when we moved 3 years ago (so no kids or even planned in the near future) it's a nightmare isn;t it, hope you find the right one soon.

Glad the midwife was ok about the homebirth Chuck, fx for you.

Jake walks holding on, and can stand unaided for a while now if he doesn't think about it. Loads of people have said he will be walking soon...

Thanks. It is a huge nightmare.

Id LOVE to be in a new home for xmas instead of this poo hole, thats making me just want to jump in but could wait till next year, better schools but dearer house but could be able to afford it better as ian getting pay raise so many things to think about.

Does he hold your hand or just your little finger? Yeah one day he'll just go & then you can never stop them haha
I'm trying not to worry too much about potty training yet my friends little boy was 2 and a half (they waiting until he showed an interest) and was done in 2 weeks only the odd accident and pull up pants over night no fuss.

Dewi id off nursery today - chest infection, anitbiotics and an inhaler but thankfully he thinks the inhaler is a game so thats no problem.

Dwi loves ot walk with his walker and will cruise around the furniture no problem, I doubt it'll be too long before he's off, he has no fear, he loves trying to climb up everything including the slides at nursery!
yes having interest & understanding is great start.
today been first day of full on training, over last months ive bulit up as she still didn't know when she needed to go but for me its been hell.
esp get people keep asking isn't she potty trained yet, cuz she's big/tall get funny looks in the baby changing.

hope dewi better soon!

ive got a climber too got up onto seat of amber drawing table thingy then was trying climb up the bit where put the paper lol
Mta, good luck with the potty training :hugs: How are you?

Jaydee, sounds like Jake is doing great :D How are you?

Sweetlullaby, Did you get the size 5's? Emilie is still in size 4 maxi I think she will still be in them for a while yet, How are you doing?

Charlie, Sorry Dewi isnt well I hope he feels better soon :hugs: How are you feeling?


How is everyone?
Ergh its going to be a long night, Dewi is not chuffed to be in his cot he keeps drifting off then waking up screaming. nice.
Im fine thanks lorna? Hows your day been?

Aww chuck sorry to hear that. Hollie got a bad habit of screaming/crying in her sleep. Amber would do it but not as much as hollie does.

we've got tooth #5 :)
MTA - he just holds fingers, we're trying to encourage him to take a step to reach us by putting hands just out of reach, sure he can do it, he just doesn't know it yet!

He's in size 4's - just. 3s fit but he wriggles a lot when being changed so we decided a bigger size might be easier.

He's decided he hates the bath, won't sit down, will only stand, and tries to climb out, you get more wet than he does lol.

He climbs everything too, including the baby gates on the stairs! Think that one could hurt, he does get told off for it though, think he understands too cos he pulls a real innocent face.

Hope the potty training goes well MTA and hope Dewi better soon Chuck x
Hmmm maybe I'll just buy a potty for christmas so he knows its there :rofl: My mum trained my brothers really young and said they were easier than me so was going on her words :haha:

Lorna- Just bought a packet of size 4 maxi pull ups in tesco's to give them a try looked at size 5 didn't realise the weight was so big on them :haha: Still using the pampers baby dry 4+ atm to use them up but hopefully will be into pull up's soon and nappy changes might be easier for us!

Matthew can stand on his own as well without realising it :rofl: He climbs the stairgate as well and I usually open it when he's holding it and he stands there on his own not holding anything. Oh our stairgate is on living room door not at the top of stairs :haha: Just in case that sounded really dodgy lmao!

Oh he also understands no but boy does he not like being told no :haha: He pouts and quivers the bottom lip and sometimes starts crying. Makes you feel so guilty for saying no but he can't try and snap the scanner section of my new printer or pull the kitchen chairs over/ all the books out of the bookcase etc :haha:

He's a monkey! Still buggy hunting :( Having nightmares trying to pick one I want don't want the same one coz it could break again and don't want that lol what buggies do you girls have?

Still can't get him to drop any bottles atm :dohh: Think he's slowly dropped one but not the other yet
Argh stoopid rotten broken car and stoopid garage not being able to get the parts.

Its taken a week to get 1 part replaced and it's still not fixed!

Hubby has to leave the house at 6:50 to get Dewi to nursery - it's over 2 miles walk, so we see him for maybe half an hour in the morning, and then I get dropped off at 5ish in town have to walk over a mile to get to nursery and then back home over 2 miles unless I can grab a bus (they are few and far between at that time of night) so by the time we get in its change bottle and bed time.

HUFF. I am fed up of never seeing my son in the week, its bad enough on a normal day he gets 3 meals a day at nursery and we only see him for a couple hours but grrrrrrrr we're so damned reliant on the car now to save time.

Not to mention I'm shattered after work let alone all tha twalking

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