*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

hi all. cancelled my 6 week check today. caleb keeps being sick after night feeds. i have phoned the nurse just waiting for callback. he seems ok just unusual him bieng sick at night. to be honest i think hes being greedy takin 5oz so i have reduced it to 4. funny seeing him smack his lips but then he settles.
finally got out of the house yesterday and went to my moms. getting into town was fine but had to miss 3 busses to moms all because the bus had a step and there was no way of getting it into the space cos aisle was too narrow, oh well. hope babies and moms doing ok xx
Jaydee, Hopeful it was just a one off & Jake will be better tonight :hugs:

Been Dr's she checked Emilies chest/back said its clear, checked her tongue/ears, she was wide awake & very alert the Dr said this is great, said since shes feeding fine, alert, happy theres nothing to worry about said if anything changes to trush my intution & go back, she also gave me some nasal drop just in case her nose becomes alittle blocked
Added Jake!

Glad emilies better, i need some kind of nose unblocker too, Ava gets all bunged up and snores cos her nose is full. Lol. Going to St Enoch shopping centre in Glasgow with my auntie on saturday so i will try pick up one of those nasal things that suck out snot! :D

We had a rough night, She was fed at 11 and took ages to settle, was crying but i think she had a sore tummy? And then she slept but woke up at 2 and cried again, gave her a bit of boiled cooled water and a fed her and got some wind up, then she slept till just after 7 fed and slept till half ten. I feel shattered!!

Not decided what to get done at the hairdressers, but it looks like its rained outside!!! wooo
Purple, I know alot of people use them nose unblockers I dont have one myself

sorry you had a rough night :hugs:

Faye, ddi the nurse call you back? I hope caleb feels better soon :hugs:
Aww Girls it must have been something in the air last night! Noah was dreadful bless him. Fed at 11pm and then thrashed and cried and was generally upset until 1am. I fed him at 1 and he was still off it. I decided to un-swaddle him and try out his sleeping bag.
He seemed to like being able to move a bit more so am thinking he is just growing out of the need to be swaddled. He went down at 1.30am and made small whingy noises but didnt cry so just kept shushing him and he went off. he woke at 4.30 and fed and straight back down!!! The I heard him at 7 but he was just making noises in his sleep so left him until 8am .

I am so tired now, but I have been really brave and let daddy take him out alone for a few hours to visit family!!!! I know he'll be fine but I have given him to low down and packed the bag and told him to call if any probs!

It will be lovely to have a few hours to rest and generally potter around. :flower:

Hope you'll get some more rest tonight. I am planning to start bedtime earlier and see if after a bat at 8.30 I can get him into bed a bit earlier to try and stop this unsettled time. Fingers crosses!!
Gosh, Molly was the best ever! Slept from 12 til 5, fed for an hour then has been sleeping ever since... I've had the most sleep ever.

In other news, OH has a new job! Better pay, less hours and room to transfer when we move up to Scotland at the end of this year. Very pleased. My firth though was "Yay, even more dresses for Molly!" :rofl: life is so different now...

I have one of those squishy nose unblockers and it doesn't seem to work... I just use a warm, wet cotton bud verrry carefully.

Today, I am going to do nothing. Maybe tidy up a bit.
ooh better pay and less hours... lovely!!

I am just waiting for my mum to come home, picking us up then my sister, sister has an appt at 2,20 at docs for her knees - think shes gonna need surgery. Then both of us getting our hair done at 3.15 30 mins away in town! Gonna be tight! Only difference my mum pays for my sisters hair but i have to pay for my own, :rofl: damn being an adult eh!! lol. Cant wait to get my mop sorted tho.

Pram will actually be taken out the house for the first time! Just leaving the carrycot tho and clipping carseat onto chassis.. bit scared that i do something wrong!

Avas given me a couple of smiles today, was so nice. She was awake from bout 11 till 1, shes in one of her new outfits from my friend :D

A weird thing happened earlier, i was just cuddling her and she was looking at me and making faces hehe, then i just wanted to burst into tears.. like, i cant even explain it, i cant believe shes mine.... just so overwhelmed i dunno.. just cant believe this perfect little baby is mine and she smiles for me.. And now im about to bubble like a baby hahaha. Anyone else had that?
How weird that lots of our babies were unsettled last night, was it a full moon or something random like that? Hopefully it's a one off for us all.

I've had a shower and stuff and feel ok now, but sure I'll be tired later. Also managed to take Jake for a walk to the post box. Only about 10 mins from our house but it's the first time I've taken him on his own, I normally let DH figure out how the technology (pram etc) works.

I've managed to figure out how the car seat goes on and off the wheels of the pushchair, but I don't seem to be able to take the seat off the isofix base in the car, I know how but don't think I pull the lever hard enough. Think I'm going to have to practice otherwise I'll never be able to take him out on my own!

Question - Jake seems to go to sleep much better on my chest/knee but seems to wake up when I try and transfer him to his crib/carrycot so I can actually do stuff while he's sleeping. Anyone got any tips or any idea how long I have to leave him asleep on me before he won't notice that he's been moved?
It's all such an emotional rollercoaster, I feel like crying for good and bad reasons almost every day. I could just burst with pride at all the little things she does, even the massive rude farts. Odd. I think it's all normal and a good thing.

Jealous about you getting your hair done. Last had mine done when I was 20 weeks pregnant. Honestly have no idea when I'll ever have time. I have to have a tooth extraction in a few weeks under sedation at the local hospital and I'm dreading having to leave Molly. I'll have to express for her but I've never fed her expressed milk from a bottle before... who knows if she'll even take the bottle. She's a comfort feeder too, I have images of her screaming the house down while I'm gone :( Have to do it though, am in so much pain and taking ibuprofen every 8 hours for the past week. Have just weaned myself off of paracetamol and coping with the pain because I don't like taking them so much whilst BFing.

Question - Jake seems to go to sleep much better on my chest/knee but seems to wake up when I try and transfer him to his crib/carrycot so I can actually do stuff while he's sleeping. Anyone got any tips or any idea how long I have to leave him asleep on me before he won't notice that he's been moved?

Molly used to be the same. Still is sometimes. You have to leave them for 15 minutes as they're not fully asleep until then. I also swaddle Molly, not too tight but enough to keep her feeling snuggled and warm enough so that she doesn't notice the temp change.

Put a blanket down in the crib too, to lay him on. Can be a bit cold with just a sheet over the plastic covered mattress. Place him in gently and rock him very gently if he stirs so it's like he's feeling the movement of you still. Stop as soon as he settles.

Always works for us.
My firth though was "Yay, even more dresses for Molly!" :rofl: life is so different now...

:haha::haha: that made me giggle, :happydance:on a new job :flower:

Purple, enjoy having your hair done :flower: the smiles are precious arent they?

Nic, Enjoy the few hours rest :D

Jaydee, Im not sure what to recomend how long does it take Jake to get into a deep sleep? I usually wait until Emilie is in a deep sleep than transfer her she dont really notice
hey,few had bumpy ladt night,i can kinda had the same but were through the day, amber and oh have a cold hol were bit stuffed up,when lay her down seem to struggle.got down at 11til4 then till 8 then 11 again today not really been asleep.
Thanks Femme, we'd been wrapping him in a blanket when on us so he doesn't go onto a cold crib, not really swaddling (he likes to have his hands out) but means he's laid on the blanket.
We'd been leaving him for 10 mins before moving, maybe we just need to wait a bit longer.

I don't know how long it takes for him to deep sleep, I'll maybe have to pay more attention and wait until then, problem is I'm normally falling asleep myself!
I hope you find something that works for you soon :hugs:
Im not aure about the falling asleep on you/transferring, I let Ava lie on me lots during the day and if i move her she doesnt bother / notice and in evenigns i put her down awake in bed so dont have that problem, Prob just wait a bit longer like you say..

Hair is done, it was too dark so now its lighter brown but couldnt get the highlights cos had to sort the colour first, so next time highlighting it, Glad its done tho, feel so much better. Next stop a D.I.Y nails job!

Got my child benefit today, Backdated for a month! :yipee:

I would try expressing now and giving molly EBM in a bottle before you go into hospital as she might not take bottles or know how to suck from it.. if shes tried it beffore might be easier for her/less crying when ur gone,
Dewi has had some lovely awake time this evening, so we had some tummy time

awh cute pic!!!

I might have to leave BnB or stop posting anywhere other than GS.
Think FOB has been spying on me/my posts since may.
A user who viewed my page, with a similar name, joined 2 days after i mentioned BnB to a fake acc on fb who mailed me, (i said whos this-are u from bnb) (i got lots of fake profiles adding and messaging me after i found out i was pg and me and FOB cut ties.)
And the fact the user has no friends,no posts,no stats,nothing.
Hmmm does seem strange, Pm your suspicions to a moderator, they can check out the IP address of the user and see if it matches any other user so you can tell if they've made multiple accounts.

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