*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

aww the pics are cute. i thiught caleb was going to be big cos they say diabetics normally do.`caleb has just woke after 1 and 1/2 hrs sleep and now wants a bottle. think im going to try the hungry baby milk xx
Aww, such a cutie! All that hair too!!!

Taking Molly to be weighed tomorrow... she was 8lbs9oz 10 days ago so we'll see... I'm hoping she's over 9lbs now but she doesn't seem to have fed anywhere near as much this week as she did last.

We'll see! Off to bed now.

Dewi has always been really strong, at 3 weeks he can hold his head up for ages, he pushes his feet out and can 'stand up' supported for a while, he pushed out with his feet when he's lying down and almost rolls over.

...yeah I agree with the something in the air thing, Dewi is a hungry hungry hippo tonight!
chuck....i would ask your hv before using hungry baby milk....i got told off for putting matthew on it :blush: lol its a heavier milk and stodgier and is usually only used to "hold off" weaning and it can really upset their tummys because they cant handle it etc.

know what you mean about something in the air matthews been bottle bottle bottle all day! But he also has been spitting up more than usual though it seems quite creamy and thick or all splattery as if the powder and water have seperated in his tummy???

:haha: love the stick the tongue out game! could play for hours! Its weird how strong these LO's are! My mum keeps joking that he'll be walking before he's talking etc! :haha:

I've seen a few posts in GS by purpledahlia for who ever asked about her lol

I am here, im just not able to post about ava in here anymore, anywhere. :(

We're both good tho, Well im sitll ill, been in agony all day with my kidneys, now all the tablets have finished and the pain is back, spoke to doctor today and shes also calling tomorrow, need to see her this week and then my 6 week check is next tuesday, Ava got her dates for her BCG and 8week check and first lot of jags. :(

Think ive got kidney stones, and as im on week 5 of it now i think theyre gonna need medical intervention to break them up, think theyre too big to pass themselves, been reading up today and will need to go in and get it done under a local :( the pain today is basically what i had in labour only without them getting more intense with contractions. Effing sore! Id say kidney pain is worse than labour anyday.

Diet started today and snow has gone so might get out for a walk tomorrow if the pain is bearable.
Good to see you havnt totally dissapeared claire :hugs: Hope your ok.

I have HV coming out tomorrow quite glad coz i dunno i just dont feel somethings right with Matthew today. He has barely slept and was either not drinking his bottle or drinking it in dribs and drabs all evening and being quite sick :( He had a slight temperature as well so stripped him down to his vest and gave him some slightly warm boiled water. then put the blanket over him because he seemed clammy. He's exhausted but isnt sleeping yet.

Hope everyone elses LO's are in dreamland :) xx
If hes clammy dont put a blanket on him hun, Of he gets a temp sponge him down with cool water and take his clothes off, just get the temp down. hope hes ok, HV might suggest seeing doctor tho. x
OMG... Molly is having a seriously bad night. Hasn't slept since 9pm and just cries and cries unless she's chewing on my nipple :(

She's been asleep now for about 5 minutes but it's a trick... she'll wake up any minute and cry :lol:
Hey Femme did she sleep eventually?

Got Matthews Temperature down *phew!* Thanks Claire! He fell asleep around 1am and slept through til 7.30am! Then had a bottle and change and back to sleep til 10am then bottle and change(poo'd and pee'd when the nappy was off :haha:) and play and has been sleeping since 11.30am. His temperatures fine today but HV will be out in an hour so will still be saying to her about it!

Hows everyone else doing?
She stayed asleep after I posted on here! Typical :lol:

Slept from 2:30 - 7:30 and then 9:30 - 1:30 and was as good as gold for her foot clinic appt and for being weighed too! She's been discharged from the foot clinic as her positional talipes has sorted itself and she's gained almost another 1lb in 10 days :D she's now 9lb 7oz! Way to go Molly! :D

Saw my MW again today, she's taken my notes so she can write up her clinical incident reports about the care I (didnt) receive in hospital. She's going to pop back and see me in a few weeks just to make sure I'm ok - now that what I call care!

She mentioned today that if I'm thinking of having another baby I'd have to do some serious thinking about what hospital I'd be in as I wouldnt be able to labour/deliver at the birthing centres in the area.


I always hated the idea of being in hospital and now I'll have to be for the next I don't even get the option of having a nice birth in a birthing centre.

What make sit worse is if I want to avoid having the OB who I now damn to the depths of hell because of what she made me go through involoved in my care I shouldnt go to Ashford hospital.

Now the only other high risk maternity unit on the area in Margate...and their maternity unit has a bad reputation - lets just say that when I went to my counselling session in that hospital the other day I witnessed the evidence of why there are shockingly high infection rates in hospitals today.

I went to use a loo and it was filthy! disgusting!! There were rolld of dust on the floor you could have stuffed a cushion with, the toilet hadnt been flushed and was brimming with gawd knows what, the soap/paper towel dispensers had been ripped off the wall leaking taps it was horrendous.

So it seems I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place if I ever recover enough from this experience to consider giving hubby what he wants and start TTC again at the end of the year.

I go to Ashford and risk having that bitch involved in my care or go to a bad hospital.


I can see why people pay thousands to go private.
What a nightmare!

Do YOU want to ttc at the end of the year? All very well and good your husband wanting to but it sounds like it's mostly you caring for Dewi. I honestly couldn't handle another baby so soon as that... I think 5 years is realistic for me :lol:

I did want to...I'm not so sure right now, but then I think thats mostly because the I went through is still too raw.

We always planned on having 2 close together to get it all out of the way (newborns/nappies/weaning/potty training/terrible 2's) as stressful as it'll be!!

I just hadn't thought that the next baby will have to be born in hospital (I'm not up for a home VBAC!).

OH does a bunch of stuff with LO when he's home, but I'm not at work so I do the majority at the moment whereas he does a lot more around the house..I ma jealous of his being able to do things that arent work or being at home doing housework/looking after LO...he's in training for 2 marathons in a week in April so he's running a lot at the mo bless him.

I don't want him not to be doing it - the working out/running does him the world of good, he sleeps better, drinks less, is less grumpy! I just get a lil jealous I don't have anything to do other than look after this little monster!
why cant you go to the birth centre you liked?? can always have a homebirth!

Having had a section now I'll be considered too high risk and will have to go to hospital.

Homebirth!! lol I don't think Hubby would cope with the mess...lol no really I don't think I'm cut out for a homebirth despite what I went through in hospital!
I'd just have a section, planned. Get a date and go in and wham its done. im never going thru labour again!
Charlie, What a nightmare :hugs::hugs::hugs: How are you feeling?

Purple, How are you?

Leanne, Im glad Molly slept for you after you posted :hugs: How are you doing?
I'd just have a section, planned. Get a date and go in and wham its done. im never going thru labour again!

Thing is labour wasn't that bad...until the OB made me do a final hour with a failed epi and the drip turned to max.

It was the lack of care I received and the horrible unplanned section alone with no one telling me what was happening that gets me.

I'd love to have a proper labour and be able to push my baby into the world myself rather than them being dragged out of me...I never got chance to even try to push.

BUT I don't know if I can put myself through that hospital experience again and running the risk of being stuck on monitors with drips and what not for hours on end only for it to end in instruments/section.

An elective seems the easier option, done under epi during the day so we actually get some time together as a family and I can remember it as I wont be full of morphine!
Charlie, What a nightmare :hugs::hugs::hugs: How are you feeling?


In general things are getting easier but gosh I just feel so miserable every time I think about labour/birth or have to talk about it.

I am dreading going back to work in April...I'm going to get asked about it so much, (I'm a secondary school teacher) kids have no qualms about asking you personal questions, at least with staff I can politely say I'd rather not talk about it and they'll get the picture.

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