*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

My dr`s was realy nice today gave me a lot of info cos of high bp and my pre-eclampsia and he has even sent off for my kidney scan which the hospital didnt do friday. The only scary thing was i went for a repeat prescription of pill and because bp up a bit i have to go on mini pill. Im worrying now when i do start it I will not take it at the exact time (near enough) each day because therwise i could fall pregnant again soon.
How is everyone and their little ones? caleb has been sleeping since 3.45 after a bath in his playnest and is so relaxed.
He had a bottle at about 3am today and kept crying so i rocked the side of basket and he fell asleep.
WE went to town today to do some shopping and every now and again he would scrunch up face and drop bottom lip like he was going to cry cos he was hungry but never did but was funny xx
Faye, Im glad the Drs was nice,How are you?

Nic, Did you have fun today?

Were both good :D I got Emilies jab appointment through today
hi lorna, im fine thanks. How about you. have you done anything exciting today. How is little one.Is she sleeping ok at night for you xx
Faye, Im glad your good :D Im doing ok thanks :flower: Emilie is good, she sleeps 11pm - 5am most nights now :D, How about caleb?

Havent done anythng exciting today tbh how about you?
we just went into town today for a couple of hours, was nice to get out of house but all you seem to do is look for stuff for the little one.
caleb is doing realy well. He has a bottle about 11 ish then goes till about 4 then sleeps about 7. still sleeps alot in day but i am trying to play with him more after he`s had his bottle. he still like to be held and get all the attention xx
What games do you like to play?

Emilie is very nosey, she likes to sit on my lap but look out towards the room to see whats going on alot :haha:

Were off to town Weds, Im becoming a pro on the bus now, she loves being out & about, takes after me there
Am i the only one that still has a LO awake/half asleep at this time of night :( how do you ladies get them to sleep by 11pm??!!im lucky to get him asleep at 12.30!last night it was 20 to 3 in the morning before he settled! too many late nights are making me cranky. he doesnt realy sleep at all in the evenings either maybe 10min cat nap :(

Arrrg!!!! Why do i have the night owl? lol What do you ladies do? Do you wake them at a set time every morning or just let them wake when they're ready?

I know every LO is different but its 1.45am!!!!!

Im not losing it btw just having a winge coz im tired lol xx
I haven't disappeared we've just got house guests so haven't really been online much! Will update properly 2moro.

Except to say I've disowned my son this morning.

Waking every 2 hours over night hungry and demanding feeds only to not quite finish them - and he has given me a pee shower. Little git peed on me, luckily I has stood up after giving his bits a thorough clean so he only got my arms not my face lol.
Sweetlullaby - amber was a baby like that, it took awhile before she would settle good at night etc all that, i personally cant remember what we did, but my mam would share night shifts with me for a good while, she did get point only wake up once at 4am for a bottle.

No i dont tend to wake up hollie she wakes up on a feed, then decides herself if she wants go back to sleep or not.
Maybe try a night time routine, keeping him awake as much as possible when you can.

How is everyone doing?

I had a fantastic day yesterday, grandparents took the girls, me & OH went to stoke shopping, came back went bowling, loved it i won 2 outta 3 games :happydance: had fair bit to drink haha, went for a meal, came home drank bit more. now today neeed go for a long walk to burn it all off, i dont wana be puttin lbs back on.

My bodies being really weird last few days, i menitoned i started to bleed, that stopped yesterday, still got stomach cramps, this morning i had first proper nose bleed, god so much blood were horrible.
I've been having nose bleeds since got home with matthew though not too bad.And same with me for periods started and stopped.

Got him to sleep at 2am and he slept through to 8am so cant really complain then back to sleep til 10am.

Chuck has disowned her son :haha: i havnt had pee on me yet, just all over himself, on my bed, on his changing mat quite a few times but still to get it in the face etc :haha:
Sweetlullaby, We dont really do anything she just seemed to slot into it, we usually bath/wash her, massage, cuddle, bottle, your get there :hugs::hugs:

Charlie, :haha: Ive not been peed on however I have had an exsplostion of poo all over me :haha:

MTA, Im glad you had a great night sounds like you had fun :D

I have my first depo in the morning, my bleeding is really heavy something new for me as I used to only have light periods for a few days :wacko:
i`ve had the pee fountain today too, luckily had a wipe i hand to stop it getting everywhere.
Caleb has made me smile today , just at mom and dads and taking to him and he kept on smiling every time i spoke, so funny.
Sweet lullaby we have days when caleb has a bottle at 9 then wont settle till 12 then will wake for a feed at 3/4 then goes till 8.
It was weird last night we put him in basket before we went to bed and settled then when he woke for next feed and had it i had a dull light on and he was crying as soon as it was off he went to sleep. it was just strange the flat being quiet with caleb sleeping in other room x

Glad everyones doing well,

Had doc fri eve, she sent off urine and a swab, had to get an internal.. burst into tears and was really freaked out about it, kept thinking of in the labour room and the guy who made us pretty much faint, She said i can talk to a midwife i had in labour, go over and read thru all my notes, get a copy, write a letter of complaint, forman or informal. (it will be formal), anyways stopped crying got it over and done with, wsz quite shaken up.

Got 5th and 6th lots of antibiotics, back on all the painkillers, Got an x-ray first thing tomorrow morning and an ultrasound at some point this week, appt not thru yet. And back to doc on friday about it all and also for my 6week check.

The swab is for a discharge i have - she was even mentioning something about retained placenta.. there better bloody not be and theres no excuse if there is as i had a c-section and he was IN my uterus!!!!!

Had a friend from uni come stay fri night, another mate was down we got curry and then yest went into town shopping, was good. Today in absoloute agony, mum and sister watched ava all morning and i slept, my kidneys are so sore its tear worthy.

ava i think has a bit of diareah (sp) and being a bit fussy just wants me to cuddle her and not finishing all her bottles, also sneaked in an extra one at 2.. so think she might be a bit ill. no fever tho. Just keeping an eye on it,

got my NCT reunion in 2 weeks! :D quite exciting, ava's the youngest baby in the group but i think 1 other is smaller. she was 10lb 3 on wed,

into 0-3 now, and i think newborn nappies are pretty much not gonna fit much longer, so gonna try go straight onto the reusables and ill just get a pack of disposables for night time and emergencies!

She smiles at me mum and a friend its so cute, i love her so much!
Hi sweetlullaby, Laura used to cluster feed from 9pm until 1am and then go to sleep but now she settles around 11 every night.
The health visitor said she's find her own routine from 8weeks and she did.
Oh crapola reading a few posts I realise I've just done something naughty.

We had visitors over this weekend and had a huge sunday lunch - when everyone left we decided to have a nap...baby was sleeping so when we woke from nap we had some errrr adult fun (well ok we DTD for the 1st time since Dewi arrived lol :happydance:) using protection didn't even cross my mind :argh:

...eeeek I'm 4 weeks postpartum and my lochia has just about stopped (still a lil goopy iykwim down there) so if what I've read is anything to go by expecting a period 2 weeks from now...2 weeks from now oh shit.

I'm a bad girl, I'm going to be in bloody bits waiting for this :witch:

Will catch up on everyones weekend tomorrow, hope all is well!!!!!
oh in other news NEW SERIES OF 24 TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I <3 Jack Bauer!!!
Roll on 8 weeks then :haha: i dont overly mind coz im a night owl myself just would be nice to have some time in the evenings to myself when he's in bed sleeping instead of me having to go straight to bed as well!lol

Ohh claire :hugs: hope everythings ok!!and hope ava's ok!!

Matthew's starting size 2 nappy's in the morning lol i would love to get reusables but need to get the money first lol and am a bit clueless about what one's are best and liners and wraps etc should go nosey in the natural parenting section again!
Charlie, :hugs::hugs:

Claire, great to see you :D Im sorry your kidneys are sore :hugs:I hope everything is ok & the anti biotics work soon :hugs:
Hello all :hugs:

Just put Noah to bed after 1oz of Milk. Didn't know what to do really . he's been off it all day and fed on and off all day 1 or 2 oz here and there and been sickly. I put it down to 6 week growth spurt. anyway he has barely slept since this morning,. 2 or 3 cat naps so when I put him in the sleeping bag and gave him his warm bed time bottle he fell asleep after 1 oz! he is really hard on so put him to bed. Might be up in an hour or so but he'd be better in bed!

Had a great day at football yesterday but I am really tired now.

Is everyone ok? :hugs:

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