*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

:rofl: Chuck... could be having another LO faster than you thought :p

I've seen the first 4 eps of 24 :D it's immense, as always! x
I hope Noah's ok :hugs: was his temp ok? Maybe its an off day before his 6 week growth spurt where he'll probably be constantly hungry lol

Matthews been having a few really gurney days lol he's just starting to winge again now! Think he might have a slight touch of reflux or something he's been spilling his milk all down him and crying through a bottle in the evening and throwing up about an hour after a feed and its all gross n thick like clumps of off milk. Even threw a bottle out just in case i miscounted a scoop or something but even really carefully counting he's been throwing it up...though it isnt every bottle just one a day it seems...weird!

Unless its overeating in the evening and with coming up to 6 weeks its the start of his growth spurt?! dunno!

I have my postnatal appointment in the morning will let you know if i get the contraception talk :haha: xx
Hi girls, I'd forgotten this thread was here....must be the baby brain! Where have the last 6 weeks gone????? Does anyone else feel the time fritters away some days?! My OH comes home from work and asks what we've done each day....not quite sure what to answer some days :)

Anyway, there's no way I can read 75 pages of chat, so hopefully I'll just catch up with what everyones going through and how you're all getting on. Just waiting for my wee man to wake for his feed then I'm back to sleep!
Yawwwwnnn... can you believe I'm up for the day and have been for 30 mins? I'm knackered!!! Molly is sleeping but I decided to get up as it's OH's first day in a new job today and he needs his sleep. I feel a bit dizzy though, only went to bed at 11 and Molly fed twice between 11 and 4. I'll be napping today methinks.

I went to bed so late because OH's mum called as I was due to go to bed and OH was in the bath. She wants to visit and it would be fine if she could stay elsewhere, but we're just not set up for guests atm. We moved 2 days before Molly was born and the spare room just hasn't had a look in yet. We've not even gotten around to buying a bed for it! Plus, OH is starting a new job... just not a good time. I feel bad denying her from spending time with Molly, she's not seen her since she was born. I'd let her sleep on the sofa but she has a bad back and the sofa is too soft.

I have to admit it annoys me a bit actually. OH's family are Scottish and live up there and we're currently 400 miles south of them so visiting is difficult. In the first 3 weeks of her life, his mum and sister came to stay, then his dad and then his sister again. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to see them but they stay for a few days at a time and back then, and even now really, I don't feel like entertaining for days on end... I have a baby to look after and spend most days in my pyjamas with mad hair and my boobs hanging out. I only really manage to shower and get things done around the house when Molly is sleeping on OH. I just wish they could visit like my family do... for a few hours, once or twice a week.

What a cow eh? :lol:
Mamie, Hey :D time really is flying its scarey how fast :wacko: How are you?

Leanne, Not a cow at all I woiuld be the same tbh :hugs::hugs:

I have a baby to look after and spend most days in my pyjamas with mad hair and my boobs hanging out
I had to giggle at this :haha:

How is everyone?
lol I'm in the same boat with family - ours both live 250 miles away. Its a pain and blessing at the same time. Although I do wish I had help/babysitters here!

Dewi was a pain last night - very noisy and a little unsettled, didnt help that I was super tired and fell asleep with him on me so didnt put him down!

He's still feeding all over the place anything from every 2 to 4 hours. I wish he'd settle down into more of a pattern!
Well Matthew finally went to sleep around 1am then woke me at 20 to 9 :happydance: cant complain with that :haha:

Im in a good cheery mood!Finally got child tax credits through :wohoo:and they're all backdated!!:):):) And I get paid on Thursday so am well chuffed :) Guess who's gonna be treating LO after her postnatal appointment :haha: though just one treat. Gonna properly save from today on!:)

Leanne your not a cow. One of my mates text me saying she would pop round this afternoon and im just about to text her back saying can she leave it today coz i cba entertaining her :haha: Had guests over the weekend and need a break lol

Awwk chuck :( Matthew was like that for a day or two a while ago. He still has his evenings of complete cluster feeding. Every evening I have him in my arms nearly right through til bed! Right now he's in his moses basket filling his nappy for me :dohh:

Some of my family live 1000's of miles away (canada) so it isnt too bad with family visitors!

Hey Mamie :flower: how are you and your LO?
I think there's a good few ladies who probably dont know/dont remember there's a chat thread for decmummies lol xx
Sweetlullaby, Im glad Matthew let you sleep in a while :D I havent even sent my tax credits form off yet :blush:

Ive had my first depo injection this morning, stung like hell :wacko: but least its done now :D
Thats good news about the tax credits lullaby!!

I wish I had some good news all I seem to do is moan, apart from a visit from a friend today I've got nothing done as someone is either eating or screaming - I was about to admit defeat on the housework front and take him out for a walk see if he would sleep but hubby left the pushchair in the car and drove to ork so we cant even go out and buy the things we need for tea!!

I feel flippin useless today, cant get a contented baby long enough to get anything done and cant even sort out something for tea!! aarrgggghhhh...why wont this child leave it more than 2 hours without wanting to eat?? I've tried bigger feeds but he wont eat that much and he wont sleep between them!!

Boys eh?!
Charlie, Im sorry your stuck in the house & Dewi wont let you get anything done :hugs::hugs::hugs:
ach dont worry about tea! its ages away! :D

I had x-ray this morning, got there at 10 to 9, was second in the q and was done by 9.20. Get results in a week from the GP but im hoping theyre there by fri when i have an appt! Then i walked with the carseat on pram bit from hospital to station, was good getting out and just walking for a bit. then got the taxi home. Got a washing in and got a heap of clothes to go thru.. got to sort it all out and do some ironing later.
Im making chicken and roast poatatoes for din din's!

might go for another walk later if its dry.. i dont have a raincover for the carseat so would need to use carrycot, blah, maybe ill wait till 2m.
Hmmm... dinner. Today is OH's first day at work and my first day alone with Molly. Not bad really, I had 6 weeks of help :lol:

Anyway, dinner... I waaaant... fajitas. Nice and easy!
6 weeks! u lucky mare, I didnt quite get 2...hubbys work were being knobs.

mmm fajitas...but alas we have no onions or peppers.
euw i dont put onions in. They are gross.

I had my mum at home for 2 weeks, but now when her and my sister get home they always want to cuddle/feed her so i have a couple hours free :D then i bath her etc.
Never again....:haha: I went to Docs for 6 week appointment they were running late so didnt get in til 11am instead of 10.20am but didnt mind coz LO was sleeping and had plenty of time to get appointment done, nip into a few shops including tesco then home before he needed fed. Well that didn't happen.

Appointment was quite quick though had a natter with the doctor (wish she was my doctor instead of the old grump it usually is :haha:) Got stitches checked etc and she wanted to know how i was getting on, did I have a good relationship with my hv(weird question) and I have to make an appointment with the nurse to get bloods done because i look as if I've died (in a polite way coz im really pale):haha: well just as I was leaving Matthew woke up so hurried up and into shop and got him a cute little outfit for.....£1.50!!!:):)Then skipped next (proud of myself + he started crying lol) and up into tesco and changed his bum and fed him then he screamed all round tesco's while i grabbed some nappies and milk and when i was paying had a massive nappy explosion so had to change him again....while he screamed and screamed :( People must have thought I was beating him or something it was that loud! But finally got him settled and managed to get home. But bloody hell I am wreaked! :haha:

We're having gammon for tea again lol My mum startedback at Uni today so I get the house to myself but cant wait til she gets home so i can tell her that one of her friends(she doesnt act like her) got a pile of abuse off me in tesco's :blush: for saying that matthew was a "spoilt brat" just because i lifted him out of the pram because he was really crying proper and wouldnt settle with a dummy. she tried to claim he was crying like that because he knew he would get lifted. Yeah right stupid woman he was crying like that because he was trying to poo and he was upset! Grrrr....sorry still angry that she called him a spoilt brat!
Well, he was able to work from home with his last job but the new one is a more managerial role so he can't laze about any more :lol: I feel bad for the last place he worked really... they let him work from home indefinitely and then he fucked off and found another job!

Ah well.

But now, I'm going to be expected to do everything myself! Oh god... it's not going to end very well.
OMG, a spoilt brat? What a cow... I hope you told her so too. Has she ever had a baby? If so, I feel sorry for them.
euw i dont put onions in. They are gross.


You are wrong!!!!

Onions are yum..hubby doesnt like things that taste too onioney but we cook lots of things with lots of onions lol...In love em I love cheese and onion sandwiches, onion marmalade, onion tarts omnomnomnom...
sweetlullaby, Do you have a good relationship with your HV? weird question really, although saying that Im not too keen on mine :blush: Id be annoyed if someone said that too how rude! :growlmad:

Claire, Im glad all went ok this morning I hope the results are good too :hugs:

Im going to cook Thai sweet chilli & rice tonight I think

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