Never again....

I went to Docs for 6 week appointment they were running late so didnt get in til 11am instead of 10.20am but didnt mind coz LO was sleeping and had plenty of time to get appointment done, nip into a few shops including tesco then home before he needed fed. Well that didn't happen.
Appointment was quite quick though had a natter with the doctor (wish she was my doctor instead of the old grump it usually is

) Got stitches checked etc and she wanted to know how i was getting on, did I have a good relationship with my hv(weird question) and I have to make an appointment with the nurse to get bloods done because i look as if I've died (in a polite way coz im really pale)

well just as I was leaving Matthew woke up so hurried up and into shop and got him a cute little outfit for.....£1.50!!!

Then skipped next (proud of myself + he started crying lol) and up into tesco and changed his bum and fed him then he screamed all round tesco's while i grabbed some nappies and milk and when i was paying had a massive nappy explosion so had to change him again....while he screamed and screamed

People must have thought I was beating him or something it was that loud! But finally got him settled and managed to get home. But bloody hell I am wreaked!
We're having gammon for tea again lol My mum startedback at Uni today so I get the house to myself but cant wait til she gets home so i can tell her that one of her friends(she doesnt act like her) got a pile of abuse off me in tesco's

for saying that matthew was a "spoilt brat" just because i lifted him out of the pram because he was really crying proper and wouldnt settle with a dummy. she tried to claim he was crying like that because he knew he would get lifted. Yeah right stupid woman he was crying like that because he was trying to poo and he was upset! Grrrr....sorry still angry that she called him a spoilt brat!