*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

I'll be going back to My part time job at the end of september then the following september I will hopefully be doing a Uni Degree which i was supposed to start september past there :haha: Though dont think I'll go to Glasgow anymore with a nearly two year old...frig think about that all our LO's being 2!!!Scary!!:haha: i've also completly changed my mind about what Im going to do at Uni. Was supposed to be doing a teaching degree at Glasgow university and think I would like to go into Midwifery or Peditician (sp) like be a community midwife/hv/peaditician nurse one where you can job share between the community and hospital etc (not making much sense but know someone that does it and i like the sound of it!)but stay here instead of going across the water!As much as I love Scotland lol

Though might leave it two years instead of one dunno depends on Matthew and how i'd feel about leaving him/child care costs/my mum helping out etc etc. But I'll definatly be going to Uni at some point in the next/1/2/3 years lol

Anyone else? :) xx
To be a paediatrician you'd need to do medicine, but if you mean paediatric nursing then it's just that.

I'm going to be starting my second degree this time next year, in nursing. I have a modern languages degree already and I really don't want to do anything with it. Plan to manage care homes for the elderly and eveeentually own a few. Whilst at uni I worked in a few and loved it, but there are lots of bad places and bad managers. I always remember thinking how bad it was and how I could do their job a million times better. I might be the only person in the world whose dream is this... :lol:
Claire, :haha: I know what you mean there are some bad places/bosses around I think Im pretty lucky there my boss is great, very approachable which Ive found previous care homes Ive worked in lacked .... we sit with the residents have a coffee/tea with them ect its a pretty laid back place but the care given is of a high standard & thats how it should be ...

I love my job, although very draining at times its so rewarding too

Lullaby, I hope you get to do what you want :D
I am a Savings and Investment Adviser in a large financial group (like a bank, but we're not a bank we are a mutual as part of a large Co-operative!!) ! I love my job and I shall be back full time on the 10th May!!

I have timed maternity leave quite well as we should be crawling out of recession when i go back and hopefully I'll have more money to play with. :flower:

Bad night for our Noah last night. fed at 10 and still up at 2am!!! I fed him again then and he slept till half 7. Think it's the growing!!

Hope you're all well. Off shopping now!! xx
I used to work at a makro by me but was made redundant at end of may and because i was 12 weeks pregnant i couldnt get a job. I will look into work but because steve works nights I might be able to stay at home with caleb. I think when we have our next and they are both in full time education i will defiantely want to work full time because we want to sell our flat soon and get a house so we will need the money .
Just waiting for community nurse to weigh caleb and hopefully she will discharge him then i will have tuesdays free. The days go so quick and it feels like you have to write evrything down.
Hope evryone ok xx
To be a paediatrician you'd need to do medicine, but if you mean paediatric nursing then it's just that.

I'm going to be starting my second degree this time next year, in nursing. I have a modern languages degree already and I really don't want to do anything with it. Plan to manage care homes for the elderly and eveeentually own a few. Whilst at uni I worked in a few and loved it, but there are lots of bad places and bad managers. I always remember thinking how bad it was and how I could do their job a million times better. I might be the only person in the world whose dream is this... :lol:

Thats the one :thumbup: Can you tell I havnt actually looked into it all yet :haha: Just changed my mind very recently dont know why teaching just doesnt seem to appeal to me anymore:shrug: Matthew slept 10.30 til 1am quick bottle then slept til 6am then another bottle then 9.30am and fed again and he's lying in his moses basket with the hiccups. Think he's hitting his wee growth spurt lol Hope everyone else is ok :) Im trying to decide what i want for breakfast...cereal/toast/yogurt hmmmm. Then my mum is bringing me back lunch from the bakery later :happydance: So probably pancakes and a bun lol ....why does it always go back to food?lol xx
seriously 2 poo explosions in as many nappy changes. Could have done without the 5:30am one though!

I'm blaming asda nappies and the fact Dewi merrily ate 1000ml of milk in 24hrs and only spit up 1 mouthful.
Pink - Jake's the smallest at the min, he was 7lb 1oz on Friday which makes him 2nd percentile. He was only 6lb 4oz when he was born so he's growing ok.

Chuck - well done Dewi, not sure when they are meant to be able to fully roll over but sure the average is well over 4 weeks. Jake can hold his head up when he wants to and can roll on his side, I'm impressed enough with that.

Lullaby - I haven't tried weighing Jake on the wii fit but i think i will now, sounds cute :)

Jobwise, I'm an accountant/auditor but was made redundant when I was 6 weeks pregnant and didn't find another job before Jake arrived. I'm going to start looking again soon, to hopefully go back May/June time.
I really want to find out how much Dewi weighs now - the rate he's eating he should be well over 9th centile now! mind you the rate he's pooping maybe not LOL!

Well done people wanting to go back to uni after having a LO - I couldn't do it, mind you I am hating having to go back to work in April!!
i cant remember...its their own ones but not smart price!!! We had been using tesco ones but happened to be in asda when we needed nappies so got them there.
Ive just brought some asda little angels nappies we usually use huggies but thought we would try something different because we had heard good things about them, were see .. if I dont like them Ill go back to huggies :haha:
we've had no probs with tesco...and out of a big pack i think theres been 3 poo escapes from the asda ones!
Urg nappies!!! I started Matthew on huggies then changed to pampers then tesco's which turned out to be the best with just one poo explosion. Then when i went to buy new nappies (size twos now) decided to get huggies because i had vouchers for them and they were on offer so paid buttons for them and have had two bloming explosions in the last two days since i started them! Think I'll be returning them...again !!And going back to tesco's ones lol

Still looking into reusables but dont have a clue really he can pee and poop for england ! lol
I got given a million pampers newborn, we just finished them so moved onto the re-useables, but still on disposables for nighttime, till i get more nappies anyway. But, is size 1 newborn, or does it go newborn, size 1, size 2, or just straight to size 2? cos i need to buy some for nighttime ....

ps, pampers reek, i didnt find huggies smell i had a few of them in my freebie bag from my friend, but omg, the smell on pampers .. the chemicals are just vomit
Emilie weighs 12Ibs 9oz she only put on 7oz in 2 weeks :wacko: they dont seem too concerned she is still a good weight & still gaining we have the jabs/health assessment thing next week so were see than
we're going to make the move to reuseables when Dewi's butt fills out a bit!
We've used pampers and huggies and prefer the pampers. Huggies didn't really seem to fit as well when he was first born, not so bad now but not had any explosions with pampers so I'll stick with them for now!
we use huggies newborn 1 but once this pack is done im going to use the size 2`s.
Well caleb has been discharged from the nurse now so i have my tuesdays back. He weighs 9lb 14 put on 10z in a week greedy boy lol. He is starting to smile abit more and gurgles when we put him on his changing mat, its so cute.
I have been naughty today and started to day off off ok for diet but have just ordered pizza from dominos mm x
I use Pampers and I did with james. I have uber respect for you ladies using reusables, but they're not for me. I need an easy life!! :blush:

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