*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

We've only got Bumgenius and they arent the most exciting looking anppies although we have got nice colorful ones...oh and 1 'pop-in' that the council gave me for enquiring about cloth nappies.

The Bumgenius survied a big wee with no leaks but there was no poop - well only a skiddy lol - we were waiting till he was a lil bigger and we were sure we wanted the Bumgenius before washing them all!

We'll see how the pop-in holds up against poop.
Our local council gives you £45 towards reusable nappies. Pretty good of them really.
MTA, :happydance: on a growth spurt what does Hollie drink atm 4oz?

Jaydee, Im not sure about the consistency in their behaviour, :happydance: on a new cut :D

Claire, :happydance: on Ava's weight gain :D How are you doing?

How is everyone?

We went to town today met my mum for lunch, everytime Emilie smiles she sticks her tongue out its so funny, shes a cheeky one :haha:

I brought some pram shoes from next for her the booties she usually wears are getting too small very quickly
Hello all! :flower:

Got my first mother and baby group tomorrow! I am looking forward to meeting new people in the area!
Hello ladies, i'm fine thanks :-D.
Laura has started sleeping 8hours in the night. She's going from 9 until 5am. Very pleased with that!
Got our first baby massage class tomorrow, they started last week but she had her jabs so we had to opt out.
Right I am determined to get this LO to take a whole bottle one go...he took his 150ml's no probs last night but today it been half now and half 30-->60 mins later. Its annoying.

Tongue Tie clinic tomorrow, our appt is at 9am, we have to get up and out and to Margate for 9am eek! Not only that but he isnt allowed to eat for 3 hours before the appointment ans we're supposed to keep him awake.

He is going to be one grumpy boy!
Leanne, thats good of your council, How are you?

Puppycat, WTG on Laura sleeping 9 - 5am thats great :happydance: How are you?

Charlie, Good luck tomorrow :hugs:
I read over two pages and have forgotten what everyone said :haha:

ok here goes....

Claire...yay on weight gain, did ava poop in her cute little nappy? lol

Jaydee...laughed at the having no hair left low maintence = good and none for LO to tug on!

MTA...yay on weight gain, you must have to have eyes in the back of your head lol with amber running around and LO as well

Lorna...i copied everyones names from your posts coz i forget by the time i read through :blush: are you another mummy with a shoe obssession?haha Matthew has 20 pairs :blush::blush:

Chuck....i could have wrote that myself about the bottle half now half 30-60mins later damn these blooming growth spurts! Matthews been a real grump the last 2 days!And good luck tomorrow with tongue clinic :hugs:

Puppycat....8 hours thats brilliant!!! Matthews on 6 hours so cant complain atm its very late bed and up around 8.30am!hoping that'll go back earlier!

Femme...:hugs: for the baby sling soon on its way :wohoo: thank you!! wish our council gave £45.00 towards reusable nappies...i might be cheeky and phone them :haha: how does it work? surely they dont just hand you £45 cash do they?

Flowerfairy...enjoy your baby group tomorrow :hugs:

Im really sorry if i've forgotten someone lol i have a seive memory at this time of night!

Lorna, I'm fine thank you :D Been having a rough few nights with Molly. How are you?

SL - I hope you like it :D Most councils do something so do some googling and see.

Sweetlullaby, No I only have a few pairs I think I may have when shes alittle older though :haha:

Leanne, Im sorry you have had a rough few night woth Molly :hugs::hugs:

Im doing good thanks :flower:
7 hours of solid sleep!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:

hows everyone today?

I have a million and one things to do this morning hoping matthew's over his growth spurt and that il get the lot done :haha:
hi everyone.
we had to get up early today cos i had docs at 8.50 just for some blood, but caleb didnt wake till 7ish so it felt like a rush. He slept 12-7. I thibk he had worn himself out as he had been seek seemed like the whole bottle then was hungry so he took about 3oz then fell asleep.
We have the hospital today just for a check up for him at 3 today so hopefully wont be long, got to go on own though because hospital has got the winter bug and only letting patient plus 1 parent in.
Im fine, hair cut 2moro think i might have it cut short , think its been a year since i last had it done.
Hope little ones are doing ok xx
We had 5 hours sleep (again) and I thought that was good, :happydance: to anyone who had more than that.

I've got the task of filling in child tax credits forms today, luckily it doesn't seem too bad. Anyone else doing anything more interesting than that?
si i`m off to docs again before hospial because just recieved letter from post natal on friday to say i have a water infection, great more tablets. Must be carefull because im in pill to.
On the other hand i`m bit worried as caleb has a prickly rash on chest, if i didnt have hospital with him i would be going to docs. never really been worried before but I am now.
will let you know what they say when i get back. xx

hollie gets this rash all over it comes and goes, has been away for good few weeks, since i started using baby products on her it seems to have appeared again, fishy.

lorna, on 4oz. i put on 5oz yesterday only drank 4oz the lil bugger so back to 4.
Today was eventful for me :haha:

Went into town (mum dropped us off) then went post office, bank, superdrug, boots and asda and matthew slept the whole time! (paying for it now though! wee grump he is lol) Then got the bus up home (i definately need a buggy suitable from birth for buses!anyone recommend one?) and got home to find I had locked myself out :dohh: what a complete idiot ended up having to go to friends house for an hour and a half for my mum with the key!:haha:

I went social security as well and gave them my forms for sure start grant. tax credits have paid me but still waiting on letter saying how much i get etc etc etc lol

Does anyone get the healthy start vouchers? i still have heard NOTHING from them an have sent the application twice! when i was pregnant though wasnt sure if i qualified then then again when matthew was born and havnt heard a squeak from them!

Whats everyone else been up to?
It's in the post :D

Wish I'd been out. Last time was Tues just to get her weighed. Sent OH away into town as he's winding me up. Complains he's tired after 7 hours of unbroken sleep every night... It's been 7 weeks since I had that. 5 hours once or twice but usually it's 3 or 4 hours here and there. He was also complaining that Molly wouldn't stop crying the whole ten minutes I was in the shower :/ ten minutes? Try 12 solid hours of crying/feeding. He never has to listen to her cry for longer than 5 minutes as I always come running as soon as I hear...

Stupid man. :lol:
Oh no, he's just come home with chocolates and flowers! I feel bad for moaning now :lol:
hi all. the rash went , as soon as i took his clothes i looked and it had gone.
Ooh found out because caleb was 4 weeks he is classed as only a month old instead of 8 weeks but has to have jabs next week. consultant was pleased with him. He decided to scream the place down then as soon as he was changed and i gave him his bottle he was fine.
Got to go back when he is 6months.
It was funny today, caleb was sleeping and i kept on caliing him cheeky chops and he kept on smiling, they are so cute. xx
we have town 2moro and our pushchair isn`t ideal for buses either cant wait to get a smaller one x
lol our icandy is HUGE sod it people will just have to move outa the way on the bus!

We've managed a few times on the bus though fine thankfully.

Tongue Tie clinic today was fine...turns out its borderline so the Doc decided to leavfe it be as its doubtful it'd affect his speech - its too late for him to worry about it affecting the breastfeeding.

But there was another lady in the waiting room with a baby with a bad tongue toe and he was BF'ing merrily - arrrrgggghhhhh that hurt to watch.

Had another counselling session today, things ar getting easier but till horrible to think about most of the time.

Well done all you ladies that got some sleep...I get about 2 hour naps through the night, someone stil wants to eat roughly every 3 hours and it takes about 45 mins to feed/wind/change/settle him so I get 2 hours in between.

Hope everyone's ok this evening?

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