*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

Good Evening all!

Femme - I have an OH like that at home, he's "soooo tired" but I spent 2 hours between 2.30 and 4.30am trying to settle Noah and he slept through it all!! Ah well, at least he has offered to take him out for a few hours tomorrow so i can rest ( and Iron!!) Nice one with the Flowers and Choc!!!!

So last night was a pain!! Noah was wide awake and I am so tired! he's a lot better early evening now so I hope it doesn't mean for bad nights :haha:

Went to baby group today which was nice, met some lovely Mums and put name down for Baby massage.

Hope you're all well :hugs:
Faye, sorry you have a water infection :hugs::hugs:

Leanne, :happydance:on chocolates & flowers whats your fav flower?

Sweetlullaby, I cant help with the vouchers sorry, How are you?

Charlie, Im glad the tongue tie clinic went well :hugs:
:hugs: for those not getting much sleep :(

Faye, hope your water infection clears up pretty quick!

Wish someone bought me flowers and chocolate :haha: that was nice of him :)

I have a load of clothes in the washing machine that i washed and forgot to take out to dry :dohh: so going to have to rewash them tomorrow morning.

My travel system isnt too bad on buses but because of where i live its very rarely the buggy friendly buses usually an old one with steps so needed a smaller pushchair that is light, suitable from birth and folds small and quickly.....and i bought one tonight :blush: wanted a maclaren or something similar but none had footmuffs or raincover included and when added those prices on it was far too expensive! So got the new mama's and papa's ollie pushchair from argos...havnt opened the box etc yet but it came included with everything for cheaper than the maclaren buggy on its own! Cant believe ive bougt a new pram already!:dohh: but will use usual pram when out with car and new pram for going into town etc on buses!lol
We have the Graco Mosaic Travel System from babies r us
They're purple Iris', beautiful! My favourite are lillies.

Buggy looks nice SL, which colour did you pick? I've got a M&P Pliko pramette in mimi, it's so cute and lightweight. Molly just stares at all the little polka dots when she's awake. That and her little hanging teddy.

I'm up so early! 4 hours sleep... OH being back at work is hard going.

What's everyone up to today? x
Urrrggghhhh Was up between 2am and 4am again!! So tired.

OH is taking Noah out today so I am ironing and cleaning to do a major catch up!! Hoping to get an hour to put my head down too.

Hope everyone ok? x
Today I will be mostly cold and hoping Dewi gets better.

Without any notification we have no gas today so no heating because of works along our road...plus theyre digging up the pavement so hubby cant use our driveway easily if at all by the end of the day. plus its noisy!!

Dewi had a feed at 10ish no probs...put him down quarter to 11ish, slept till 1ish then he woke up making all of his hungry noises and what not - Hubby fetched his milk - he refused it after a couple mouthfuls!!

Tried to put him down but he wouldnt settle at all and was vv.grizzly so I popped him in bed with me only to pretty much be kept awake till half 4 when the hungry noises start again, so daddy gets his bottle which he thankfully eats

~He made a MASSIVE dirty nappy and was vv.farty, I settled him and put him down then a couple mins later SICK. I mean proper sick smelling of stomach acid etc and all over the crib, most of the way down his blanket and all in his hair - loads of it.

So I'm up checking him and making sure he's dried off and stripping the crib completely yay MORE laundry.

Being all worried now I'm sat up in bed with him on my chest keeping him upright in case he's sick again and there we stayed until half 7 (yeah like I slept!) until the workmen knock at the door about the gas.


Well he's just had 3 oz milk and fallen asleep again but has filled his nappy it smells and sounded BAD!! Just working up the courage to change it!!

Its going to be a long cold day.
Leanne, My fav are Lillies too however Im happy with any, purple iris are gorgoeus too, How are you?

Charlie, Im sorry Dewi is being sick :hugs::hugs: I hope he feels btter soon :hugs:

Nic, Im sorry you aint getting much sleep :hugs: :happydance: on OH taking him out are you going to go back to bed for a little while?
Yawnies, Matthew was up last night as well around 5am for an hour and a half!
Right now he's lying on me grunting like no tomorrow and filling his nappy up :dohh:

Ohh purple iris are gorgeous! I have a basket of flowers that my gran got me when matthew was born and they're still alive nearly 7 weeks later! im surprised coz im a forget about them and they die type person :haha:

Hope Dewi's ok chuck :hugs: matthew tends to be sick right before bed everywhere then have to clean and change him and whatever he threw up over incl myself and by then he's usually wide awake again :dohh:

Thats well nice of hubby to take noah out! Dont do too much cleaning though! Make sure you get your head down for a nap!lol

I got the green in the buggy :blush: the black looked waaay more grey to me then still couldnt decide so it was the one that was in stock :haha: Gonna get it out later when matthew's sleeping.
Its very unusual for Dewi to be sick - he's only posseted a handful of times.

He seems ok now - fingers crossed!

Hubby gets me flowers sometimes - usually lillies

Seems like a lot of us had bad nights...we'll have to have a grand dec stars nap!
Gonna finish my ironing then off to bed!! :happydance:

Charlie - Hope Dewi is ok!

We definitely need to have a word with these wakeful babies!! :haha:

Does anyone use Hungry baby milk? What is the benefit? I ask because at the moment Noah doesnt seem filled on thr normal milk and I am giving him 4oz every 2 hours during the day . Wonder if changing the mlik would help? :hugs:
Does anyone use Hungry baby milk? What is the benefit? I ask because at the moment Noah doesnt seem filled on thr normal milk and I am giving him 4oz every 2 hours during the day . Wonder if changing the mlik would help? :hugs:

I'm wondering the same...I'm going to speak to my HV on tuesday about it.


Jake will only have a dummy when he wants it, and only ever from DH not me (think I smell too much like milk!)

Chuck - hope Dewi's ok. Jake had a bit of a sicky morning yesterday, fed him in the morning and he threw up on my pjs (top and bottoms somehow) and the quilt cover. I cleaned him up a bit and put him back in his crib whilst I had a shower and got dressed. Carried him downstairs so I could have some breakfast and he threw up again, on my top and jeans as well as himself, so I had to get changed again and change him!
Luckily, he didn't really sick for the rest of the day, only a little bit on DH's hand whilst he was burping him after I'd fed him so he's got all 3 of us yesterday!

My birthday at the weekend, think it'll be a pretty quiet one, 1 month old and partying don't really mix do they?
Nic, Im not sure on the benefits it doesnt have any extra calories in it but stays in the guy longer I asked the HV when I saw her last

Emilie has been on hungry baby twice a day since 2 weeks old by HV recommendation, but because she only gained 7oz in 2 weeks *including a week she had a chest infection* the HV recoomended taking it down to one to see how she gets on, she drinks between 5 - 6.5oz & since not being ill she most feeds so Im happy

Jaydee, when is your birthday?

Charlie, :haha: classic

How is everyone?

Were doing good, Emilie is still sleeping 11 - 5am on a rare day she wakes at 4:30 but all in all Im pretty happy with it :D:haha:
11-5!!! You lucky mare.

Dewi is feeding at around 11/12, 3/4, 6/7....so still roughly every 2.5-->3 hours, if we're out and about he'll go longer without eating but the car/pushchair seems to be like liquid valium to him!

He's sleeping lots today but he's not himself bless with his upset tummy.

It's so tiring.
Lorna - my bday is Sunday. Guess I'll have to take down all our baby congratulations cards to put my birthday ones up.
Charlie, Emilie is the same car/pushchair wise :haha:

I know it is tiring I remember from last week I hope Dewi feels better soon :hugs:
Jaydee, its my mums birthday sunday too :D

were taking her for a carvery

whats your plans?

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