Hi again, I've not been online for a few days so have skipped a few pages, hope everyone's ok.
We went to a carvery for my birthday, forgot that having a baby with us would get us sat in the family section - lots of screaming children/babies and Jake sat quietly all the way through! Well, he cried a little bit to be fed, which I had to do in public for the first time - scary - and then eat my food one handed. It was a nice meal though.
Seems the talks appears to be about periods at the minute, I've not even thought about that yet, hopefully, as I'm breast feeding, they'll stay away for a bit longer, I'm not sure.
Jake was having a "let's be a pain" couple of days and was screaming to be fed every hour or so, put him on a strict 3 hour schedule yesterday and he seems much better today, I guess my baby just needs some tough love sometimes!