*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

I watched the first series of Lost .....then when i got back to it I was lost :rofl: so dont watch it anymore!

Matthews sound asleep :) We were out today getting frozen food shopping in etc and he slept a lot today!!Makes a change lol he also went his usual 3 hours between feeds and 4 hours between one as well! So was all good!

Going out tomorrow afternoon fresh food shopping :haha: Our usual Saturday! Then have two friends coming over around 8pm :) So will have to record Casualty :haha:

Whats everyone else been up to/ doing?

Oh Chuck (havnt seen any posts from you hope you're alright :flower:) I cant find the colief but will look over the weekend...its definately here somewhere and get it posted on monday! :flower:

Sweetlullaby,chuck is in swansea visiting family!!but im more interested to know if her and her OH got their tattoos...lol
OMG, Lost!!! I watched the first series religiously whilst I was at uni,then havent watched any since.my OH on the other hand DIDNT watch the first series but has watched every one since...but he doesnt have a clue either!!I think its got ridiculous now...although I dont doubt there will be a massive twist at the end.just a hunch!!lol
I met up with that girl I havent spoken to for over 10years yesterday...it was wierd,but nice to get some decent fresh air!!
Today I sent my OH to a baby store clearance sale...people had been queueing from 9am and it didnt open until 10!it was packed out,and all a bit of a scramble!!luckily,it turns out that my OH in knows the guy who bought the building (and ultimately everything inside,hence the sale) and he is going to let us browse for what we want whilst they are closed during the week.yay :lol:
hi everyone.
I was wondering what happened to chuck to x
I have just got back from somerset, went to see my grandparents and we only had to stop 1 time each way and that was just for a nappy change. i cant believe though how some changing places are. the one didnt have th pull down changing thing and the other no mats in holder but luckily i was prepared. I was suprised caleb had filled his nappy and he didnt even cry about but he did decide to try and wee over me but luckily i got the nappy on just in time.
I`m glad i only had a couple of pages to catch up on. cant believe saturday has nearly gone.
How is everyone and the little ones xx
Hello!!Bought my wedding dress!! I ahve a pic of me in it, but gonna post in the Girly sanctury so it won't be sneal by lurkers!! :flower:
Omg,just went back to the clearance thing and got the next stage up car seat (planning ahead,lol).we got a recaro young expert plus for £55...bargain!!I also got an OiOi changing bag that was £60 but reduced to £25 :D and got her a few pressies for when xmas/bday comes around!! So I am a happy happy bunny. Now I just need my dinner cooking for me.lol
Aww Nic,yay!! But im not in the girly sanctury so I wont see it :( is there a picture of just the dress on the web that you can link me to?
Nic, :happydance::happydance: off to see pictures :)

Aly, :happydance: on bargain :)

Faye, How are you?

I was also wondering about charlie maybe she is just busy
Hi Lorna I'm fine thanks. How about you. Have you done anything exciting today? X
I think I might order something from mother care on the baby plan for a birthday or Xmas present for caleb. Not sure what to get though.
Really shocked today I did 7oz bottles today and caleb has took nearly all of them. He has just got his 11pm bottle then it's bed time. Xx
Faye, funny Emilie took 7oz bottles today too :wacko: Nothing too exciting here we went & picked up the learn & groove station we got off ebay thats about it, we have the inlaws coming for the day tomorrow so were prob off out not sure where though we usually go for a carvery or something but were see

I havent even thought about next christmas yet
Was the learn and groove station on facebook? I can't believe how much hair emile has.She is so cute . I think we need to get caleb something for him to sit in because he is getting really wriggly and I think he will enjoy it now he is awake more x
Hey Everyone :hugs:

Nic- glad you got your dress- I'm not in Girly Sanctuary either so I can't see it! Also thanks for your advice re settling Skyla earlier. I think she will cry though-what would you do if Noah cried instead of just chattering to himself (bless him he sounds like a little dream!)??

I've still only got Skyla on 5oz bottles because she's breast fed as well. I really worry about how much milk she is actually taking but she is definitely not underfeeding- I'd estimate her weight at getting on for 12lbs!! Seriously thinking of changing to just formula though.
Aww Nic,yay!! But im not in the girly sanctury so I wont see it :( is there a picture of just the dress on the web that you can link me to?

https://www.ellabridals.com/dress.php?id=5 Without the straps!! You should join the GS it's nice in there, :hugs:
Hey Everyone :hugs:

Nic- glad you got your dress- I'm not in Girly Sanctuary either so I can't see it! Also thanks for your advice re settling Skyla earlier. I think she will cry though-what would you do if Noah cried instead of just chattering to himself (bless him he sounds like a little dream!)??

I've still only got Skyla on 5oz bottles because she's breast fed as well. I really worry about how much milk she is actually taking but she is definitely not underfeeding- I'd estimate her weight at getting on for 12lbs!! Seriously thinking of changing to just formula though.
I put the link above and you should join GS too. It's nice if you want to ask something private.
If Noah cried I would probably leave him 2 mins and then go back in and show him I am there, maybe give the dummy and stroke his tummy and keep doing that. I would try not to pick him up unless he got hysterical, just reassure him. it will probably be hard at first but she'll get it. Good Luck x:hugs:
Faye, yeah the new picture I put up on FB is of the learn & groove station :) we got a pretty good deal on it

Nic, I wrote in GS, you look stunning :flower:
Ok....have to nip into GS cant wait to see this dress of yours :)

Matthews on 5oz/7oz bottles :haha: seems to take half of them 5oz and the other half 7oz! :wacko:

I got him a bumbo seat :) Havnt really used it yet because his head support isnt 100% yet....but i bought him a gorgeous octopus with a shiney mirror on the bottom rattle on the top and bell,squeaky bit, crinkly, silky, ribbon, shoe lace with knots, etc etc on each of the legs and he loves it!! £5 in tesco! He grabs the shoe lace bit and tries to chew it lol

Though on that hand with the chewing.....its everything and anything....and dribble dribble dribble, bright red cheeks, slight temperature, fussy, and hard lumps front bottom gum and....a teeny white bit at the inside gum sort of like the side closer to the tongue than the lips bit (confusing). Showed my mum and she says she's definate its a tooth starting to come through!!:wacko:

Ohhhhh I got lovely bargains today :happydance: nice little expensive clothes shop in town....reduced lots of baby outfits like trousers, top and cardigan to £3!!!:)

Hope everyone else is fine and LO's are ok! xxx
Nic that dress is gorgeous.and I imagine you look stunning in it too!!
I dont really know what the GS is all about.just never got round to asking for access.but may do now just so I can see you in your wedding dress.Yay!!
Sweetlullaby,you and me seem to be hitting the sales hard.im back off to the warehouse clearance later to spend more money!!haha
If Lana starts to cry in her cot we dont pick her up,unless she gets herself really worked up.but we usually get to her before that point and shove a dummy in and hold her hand...she usually goes straight back off to sleep then!!sometimes we have to go back every 10mins or so but if you stick with it they eventually drift off!!
SL, you shopaholic you!

Well, wonders will never cease but... Molly has started sleeping through from 9pm to 7am with just one hour long feed at 3am. She's done this for a few days now and, at first I thought it was exhaustion from fighting sleep all day but, she had a great day yesterday and still did it! She's stopped fighting so hard now that I've taken to dancing around the living room with her... :lol: she's sleeping in minutes. Good stuff, peaceful baby and weight loss at the same time :haha:

OH is having his first night out for months tonight, his best mate is coming down from Scotland (might be moving nearby) and they're away out. A bit scared of being on my own at night with Molly but I'll cope. We'll just go to bed at 9 :lol:

How's everyone else? Love your dress btw Nic, you look gorgeous in it x
Morning All :hugs: Skyla had quite a disturbed night last night but I think it was because her bit of daytime routine was not followed because we had a day in York yesterday. Bought myself a lovely new coat :happydance: But didn't get much for Skyla:-think I'm waaaaaaaaaaaaayyy too fussy with her stuff!

Nic that dress is absolutely stunning! I will defo join GS so I can see how beautiful you look in it :thumbup: I was thinking it must be lovely to have had a new baby and still have your wedding and baby's christening to look forward to!

Hope everyone and all those gorgeous LO's are well :flower:
I know i need to stop buying stuff :haha: I have 7 parcels due to arrive this week :blush: Well you only live once :)

Arg Matthew wont drink his bottle...keeps shoving it out to put his fingers in instead!:dohh: He slept 11.30 - 6.00am then up there at 9.45 but i noticed yesterday morning as well...he isnt waking and atomatically screaming for his bottle...this morning was 20mins before he started to fuss for it!

He's got the snuffles though :( sounds all bunged up with his nose!

Awwwk you'll be fine on your own :) xxx
Aye but... what about naughty men and burglars??? :rofl:

Bless him, must be the teething. I thought Molly might have been as she chews her hands a lot, dribbles and has a few white spots... but, no red cheeks, temp or off behaviour. So, who knows. Probably just likes her hands!

She's really handsy these days, grabbing at everything and fiddling :lol: I must was her hands a million times a day... always full of bits of fluff.

As for parcels... I have about 5 due :lol: oh dear... I want more too, there aren't enough things available to buy!!!

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