hi i am fine thanks. had my stitch removed after 5 days was one big line. they cut off beads then pulled stitch straight out. Then for the next 5 days I had to have bp checked cos I still had high bp. I was still visiting caleb so didnt make a difference going up to have it done. After my c section I felt fine so didnt ask for pain killers but then midwife said it will kick in so took their advice. When i was discharged I had a bag of tablets, co-codamol, iron,labetol and another, i was glad to finish. Have got 6 week check 15th at hospital. I dont get much pain just if I laugh then it hurts my scar abit. Hope everyone is ok. Caleb sort of getting pattern. Had bottle then went 9-1 ,1.30-5 then 5-9 so we are getting there. xx