*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

yeah when i have the time to write a letter...what gets me most is the ob that made me go for the final hour - drip turned up epi not working..horrific.
i had that too, drip on full for a whole day with only gas and air, then made to push for an hour. waters broken in theatre incase of cord prolapse everyone was standing by for c sec with spinal, i wish that had happened would of saved me a whole day of pain. aswell as the kidneys! annoys me cos i asked the consultant at 8am for a section and he said no but went off shift and when he came back on at 9pm did my section at half past. waste of a day!
You're brave topaz! I've only just summoned up the courage to have a look, I've been convinced it would look different or weird but it doesn't. Thank goodness. Haha.

But yes, mention it when your MW next comes around and she can write you up a prescription.
hi i am fine thanks. had my stitch removed after 5 days was one big line. they cut off beads then pulled stitch straight out. Then for the next 5 days I had to have bp checked cos I still had high bp. I was still visiting caleb so didnt make a difference going up to have it done. After my c section I felt fine so didnt ask for pain killers but then midwife said it will kick in so took their advice. When i was discharged I had a bag of tablets, co-codamol, iron,labetol and another, i was glad to finish. Have got 6 week check 15th at hospital. I dont get much pain just if I laugh then it hurts my scar abit. Hope everyone is ok. Caleb sort of getting pattern. Had bottle then went 9-1 ,1.30-5 then 5-9 so we are getting there. xx
You're brave topaz! I've only just summoned up the courage to have a look, I've been convinced it would look different or weird but it doesn't. Thank goodness. Haha.

But yes, mention it when your MW next comes around and she can write you up a prescription.

must be the nurse in me, id rather know what im dealing with.
spoke to midwife today and i ve ben prescribed antibiotics and painkillers.
anyone elses LO's french kiss them? its the cutest thing! like she tries to eat me! haha!
when i go to kiss caleb and he's hungry he goes for my nose and is so funny and my other half thinks its cute when he sucks his finger.
aw haha, i think its adorable, gonna try get a video, she will suck on my neck or mouth or nose or anything its so cute!
haha yup :) especially cute when he goes for the nose! :) though i let him grab onto my nose and nearly got it ripped off my face! :haha: right now he is lying across me having just finished his bottle and he's now sound asleep after torturing me all morning lol maybe now i can get a nice hot mug of tea and dressed ! lol
hehe, were still in bed, she was up from 5-7 and then fed at 9 so we slept 9-now, but obv i woke up, shes in her nesty thingy. making lots of weird noises!
lol we were up 6am til 8am he just wouldnt settle after his bottle! then woke just before 11 and has been feed,changed, dressed and washed and is sleeping now!

the weird noises are funny! and when they jump in their sleep like something startled them! and the wee arms and legs go up in the air lol
yeah hehe, its cute! she was sleeping on me earlier for a couple of hours.

might have to wake her soon i smell her nappy... : /

its bn nice not having visitors the last few days, now theres a bunch coming over the next few days! ugh!

baby group starts this week, im nervous!
Emilie makes some funny nosies too makes me laugh at times :haha:

she always opens her mouth when I kiss her too :D

How is everyone?
Resting, passed a massive clot type thing yesterday and my wounds hurting today, but gonna get up soon cos ive not eaten yet. Ava's still snoozing, i wish it wasnt so icy outside i wanna take her out in the pram!
Purple, sorry your scar is hurting today :hugs::hugs:

I lost a huge clot when Emilie was about 2 weeks had nomore since .. NSH dierct didnt seem concerned at all, I also checked with my HV who wasnt concerned either
yeah rang a mw and she said as long as it doesnt keep happening, bleeding doesnt get really heavy or go bright red and as long as i dont have tummy cramps should be fine, but if that all happens and continues can be a sign of an infection. Today theres been notihing tho
i know its horrible outside!:( i love pushing the pram about!

well tea and dressed is still on hold coz he's just woke and is back on the bottle! he's been playing with his bottles all morning!

ohhh baby group? that sounds good! i dont think there is anything like that near me :( will start looking this month!lol

im ok still general aches and pains and i have the back of an old man im grabbing it when i try straighten up after lifting things etc :( lol i notice quite a lot of dec stars have said they were pushing for an hour and then had to get emergency section etc i flipped at the hv when she said that my notes said i was pushing for an hour 40mins :haha: told her they started me pushing at 00:15 and matthew wasnt born until 4am ! so the notes were a bit bullshittish :haha: was in a bad mood when she said that lol
Im not sure re pushing as I didnt get to that stage, I failed to progress from 7cm was pretty disappointed if Im honest but as long as Emilie was healthy thats all that mattered, people say I should be glad I had a section since Emilie was 10Ibs 8oz :wacko::haha:

Theres a few group things around me too but havent joined up to anything yet
just went through last few pages lol some one asked did i have a sore back coz of epidural? think it was you claire lol

i didnt get an epidural i didnt want one. I had really bad back labour that was completely awful from 9pm til 4am LO's head was at a weird angle and they thought it was causing problems for me. i had to have a catheter as well because going to the toilet was killing me and i was in the most pain then. they thought i had an infection (luckily not) and when they got the doctor just after 8pm they wanted to take me into theatre but my condition was to unstable or something. my temperature had rocked and my blood pressure dropped and they had to pump me full of fluids then by the time the doctor came back to take me for a section it was too late and i ended up with episiomety(cant spell) because there was rim of undilated cervix and vacumn delivery coz lo's head was at a really weird angle and kept getting stuck at the ridge thingy.

was bloody awful and have been trying to write birth story but finding it really difficult. though wasnt all bad was ok up til going to delivery suite lol

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