*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

and i hated the main midwife that was telling me to push :haha: i worked well with the other one that gave me encouragement and told me i was doing really well etc and the other one kept shouting at me and telling me i was doing it all wrong etc so i wouldnt work with her.she really hurt my feelings and made me feel like a failure and think thats part of whats making me block it all out.
gosh that sounds traumatic! I had a nice midwife and consultant when i was being told to push they were really encouraging even altho i could see in their faces nothing was happeneing, Her head was well and truly stuck. I was in labour for 4 days and took more than 24 hours to get from 4cm to 10cm. I can honestly say i dont know what a contraction feels like because all my labour pains were in my kidneys, thats all i can remember, getting my mum to shove her knuckles into my kidneys, aswell as a back to back labour, when it came to pushing my body just knew when to push i dont remember feeling any pain in bump or anything. I was hooked up to all sorts tho on both arms my bump my finger etc, the beD WAS SO UNCOMFORTABLE!! was relief after the section when i got a normal bed!

im the same sweetlullaby i keep going to start the Birth story but i cant do it : /
I think ill have to start it all over the place then put the paragraphs into order cos different bits come at different times in my head,

my hv gave me a list of baby groups, but i know a couple of ppl at the one im going too on thursday, bit nervous about going out alone with her for the first time but... im sure itll be ok!

Shes almost out of her newborn sleepsuits!!!!!!! :(
same here i stayed at 4cm for forever!!

matthews gonna last maybe a wee bit longer in newborn though 0-3 months drowns him still!

he's actually worrying me today :( i cant get him to drink his usual 4-5oz!he's drank 2oz and is asleep on me again! i keep jiggling him a wee bit to try get him to wake up and take some more he took from 11am til 2.30pm to drink 3oz earlier he kept falling asleep on me! :( dont know why he's so sleepy. ok just got him burping away like mad!phew! he's more awake now

i can remember screaming that my back was splitting in two the pains when pushing were all in my back and all those positions *shudders* on all fours made my back worse and in stirrups my legs kept locking like at my hips and on my side i wouldnt push it was too sore! i hated the beds as well so uncomfy and had the same drips in one arm blood pressure thing on the other arm. gas and air in one hand alongside remifentil button thing and a pulse thingy on the other finger in my other hand! and a cathetar! some of the midwifes were lovely one had curly black hair and reminded me of cilia black though i told her to stop showing off her tattoo to my mum and nattering away coz they were doing my head in lol
:rofl: at cilla black!!

i hated the stirrups, i had basically no choice over anything my body was just put into positions, i wish i had been able to move around. *sulks*

i was gonna say he prob needs burping if hes falling asleep before finishing, but then u said u got burps, hehe!

well, new year, new babies, YEY how exciting!
i was at 5cm for hours until i got an epi and drip.

but in an EPIC FAIL couldnt get past 9cm.

I never got chance to try to push....for the best too coz I wouldnt have managed after what they made me go through.

...and as the people that prepped for theatre a good hour and a half before the ob agreed to let me go messed up my epi i had to have it removed and get a spinal aswell.

not had any back pain tho..luckliy!
I guess in a way I'm lucky that my epi failed and I was able to feel when to push so didn't need intervention. I was so exhausted that I pretty much passed out after she was born. Literally couldn't keep my eyes open. It took everything I had to push and it only took 25 mins! Can't imagine how I'd have coped with it being any longer or requiring intervention!

Molly did not sleep well last night at all... she was either awake or feeding between midnight and 10am!!! I'm exhausted, but managed to sleep a bit today as, typically, she's been passed out big time between feeds. Haha. Colic is hideous, I suggest you all buy infacol or colief (if you FF) right now as I had to go all night without it.
Ive been using infacol last few days but i dont think she has colic (i did at first) but its helped her burp better, she was just being a grump and having a growth spurt i think, was told not to let her go 5 hours without a feed and she normally goes every 4 hours but is still sleeping, not sure whether to wake her now and feed her or wait till she wakes and is hungry? last feed was at 2!
I'd wake her, she's a bit little to go too long without a feed plus, if she sleeps loads now you'll probably find she's awake more tonight so encourage 4 hourly in the day, but a bit longer at night if she's settled is fine.

Molly is colicy but she gulps loads of air during feeds so I'm a bit lost with what to do... I burp her but she almost never brings it up. Hopefully the infacol will help.
well she was awake till about 4, but just lying there haha!

no idea how you do colic+BF... i guess infacol would still work... Ava gulps loads really fast too, i just burp her tonnes and seems fine,

she sleeps 5 hours at a time at night, basically only up around midnight and then those annoying early hours in the morning, but then we go back to bed till lunch :D

gonna wake her and see what the deal is!
That's really good! Molly is up and down all night, feeding for 2 hours every 4 hours these days. Last night was something else though. She's been farting like a trooper all day so hopefully she'll be feeling better tonight.
Matthews sleeping again flip dont know whats with him today :( he's been really sleepy and taking ages to drink his bottles! Or only drinking a few ozs compared to his usual 5oz! He has real problems with wind as well managed to get him to burp lots n then he drank the rest of his usual 5oz (phew) but drank with his eyes closed the whole time and was barely sucking at the bottle he just seems like he's exhausted or something!

I'd wake her as well!She could be up all night in return lol

They kept getting me to change positions etc and kept telling me no i wasnt to take any gas and air or push the button on remifentil etc and i was begging her to let me have a few wee puffs :blush: then they got me to stop pushing for a while and i was really drousy and sleepy and then she was telling me to push again but i didnt feel like pushing at all and told her i wasnt feeling any contractions to push. It was so confusing!
She poops a zillion times a day and her nappies were dirty at every feed, it was definitely gas as she was doing her usual curling up that she does to push out gas but nothing was happening so she was getting upset. Then when she passed some she'd want to feed and she'd swallow loads of air and not burp so it all began again. Upsetting and frustrating!
Also had the farting like a tropper all day :haha:

If he's filled with gas then he wont feel hungry and wont feed which will make him lethargic in turn. If you FF try colief as it works pretty much straight away instead of building up like infacol. Might break the cycle and get him to fill up.

Luckily Molly doesn't care if she has a belly full of gas, she feeds, feeds, feeds and comfort sucks all day.
I am feeling quite lucky with Noah! We have no sleep or feeding probs and he doesn't suffer with Colic. He is very settled and here's hoping it doesn't change! :thumbup:
I had really wanted an Epi, but as the aneathatist (sp?) arived I suddenly decided I needed to push and Noah was born 2 mins later :haha: Hoping all you ladies and babies are well! :hugs:
Also had the farting like a tropper all day :haha:

If he's filled with gas then he wont feel hungry and wont feed which will make him lethargic in turn. If you FF try colief as it works pretty much straight away instead of building up like infacol. Might break the cycle and get him to fill up.

Luckily Molly doesn't care if she has a belly full of gas, she feeds, feeds, feeds and comfort sucks all day.

How does colief work? do you have to get it prescribed? I have Hv tomorrow so gonna have a moan to her lol I've been trying everything all different winding positions walking with him over my shoulder up and down the stairs to try and get the wind up and out and upped the infacol to two doses which isnt really helping much though sometimes he winds quite well and other times i can barely get a teeny burp out of him!
i wish i knew what i was doing feeding wise.

Dewi has a tongue tie, my nips are still sore despite 48 hrs no BF'ing I'm trying to express with limited success, babba is doing well on formula but we're all over the place.

We have a tongue tie clinic 2moro so hoping they can help.

I really want to bf, it feels important seeing as in couldnt give birth but its causing me so much stress and pain!
i wish i knew what i was doing feeding wise.

Dewi has a tongue tie, my nips are still sore despite 48 hrs no BF'ing I'm trying to express with limited success, babba is doing well on formula but we're all over the place.

We have a tongue tie clinic 2moro so hoping they can help.

I really want to bf, it feels important seeing as in couldnt give birth but its causing me so much stress and pain!
Luckily Molly doesn't care if she has a belly full of gas, she feeds, feeds, feeds

Emilie is the same, she also farts alot :haha:

she still sleeps pretty well, although does have her moments just like everyone, she never got into her newborn clothes good job we didnt buy many :haha: most the clothes we brought were 0 - 3 months & some of them shes growing out of :wacko:

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