*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

MTA - I agree, 5st looks like it'd be about your body weight judging by your picture!

Think Jake's having a growth spurt, he's been going 3 hours or more between feeds for the past week or so until yesterday when he seemed to want it more like every 2 hours. He had a 5 hour sleep from 11.45-4.45 but has only managed 2.5 hours for the next 2 feeds. Got our 6 week checks at the doctors later, knowing my luck he'll be hungry when we're there, think I might have to try and feed him just before we go.

How's everyone else doing?
Morning ladies :)

How is everyone? How are the LO's and any plans for today? :)

Matthew slept 12-8 this morning then bottle and went straight back to sleep til 10.20am! Not doing too much today, going to gut out and tidy my room...never got it done yesterday lol and make dinner, watch one born every minute(recorded it last night) and go to the shop and post office probably!
Matthew slept throughout my 6 week check then woke as I was leaving lol

Sounds like a growth spurt! Matthew i think had his last week he was going every 2 hours between bottles for two days.

I think he's going to be a bad tempered little man :haha: Yesterday he was really trying to reach his toys on the bouncer and ended up waving his arms like mad wacking them! it looked like he was so annoyed he couldnt grab them in his hands!:rofl:
We're good, I started a new bedtime routine with Ava last night, bath and bottle from 8, and bed at 9, then i left her and took the monitor downstairs for an hour, then she woke at just after 12 for a feed, just after 4 and woke at 9 45. We're going to baby clinic then with another lady from antenatal class and her baby going to the place i got the prints done and gonna make a few things for friends bdays and shes gonna get some prints or soemthing done. :)

Insomnia is bad for my paypal acc. couldnt sleep last night so i decided to go onto babykind and buy more nappies!!!!!!!!!! nooo!! i got 2 pairs of huggalugs and 3 or 4 nappies, cant rem now. But my cushie tushies and issy bear and boosters for itti's arrived today. BEAUTIFUL.

Got a gift from my mums friends from the white company... people can be very generous cant they! stuff is lovely and will prob fit soon!
Molly slept 9 - 2 then 2:30 - 6. Not bad, not bad. I like being up early, lots to do :lol:

Do you all put LO to bed and then go back downstairs? I go to bed with Molly at 9 and faff on the laptop for an hour or so as she wont sleep if she can't see me.

Today the weather is glorious again but it's freeeezing. OH is at work so we just went to Tescos for a wander. Is it just me or does anyone else just love going to Tesco for a wander? I always spend stupid amounts on things I don't need like pretty wrapping paper :dohh: but it's just... fun :/ I was the same before Molly too. Even with my active uni social life I loved a good old Tesco run. Just realised how much I've been talking about how fun Tesco is... :lol:

Let me know how you get on with the cushie tushies PD, I fancy a couple. Which designs did you pick?
Leanne, :haha:

Claire, Im glad the routine worked for you last night :) Have fun today :flower:

Jaydee, sounds like a growth spurt to me too
Awwww thank you *tear in my eye*

2st ive lost so far, i think come from my face..bit of belly and hips, but trust me am fat below the head to the toes.

Alot of weight from hollie gone on my legs, then my tummy, then my arms. my ideal weight for me height, to have perfect BMI is 10st, thats what i wana be again, so leaves me with 5st still to go.

Iv just been to feed my guinea pigs, 1 has passed away, im gutted. :(
I cant see to work out how its happened, like if had fight or something. Few bits missing but i wont go into detail as its not nice.

I dont like tescos, they asked for ID on saturday had drive all way home to fetch it lol.

Aye sounds like growth spurt, jaydee.

Went to docs this morning, half bloody 9 lol. my check up and hollie injections, werent to bad with first 1 but the 2nd, went bright red in the face, bless her. Went sleep as soon as put her in her carseat.

I dont put hollie in bed then go downstairs, am usually ready to sleep at 9pm lol just sit in bed watch tv for a few hours.
Hollie slept 10:30pm till 7am, but i woke her to feed her, so dunno when she woulda woke up, seems be coming bit of common thing, sleeping either at 9/10 waking up 6/7.
We don't put Jake to bed then come back down, we tried but he wasn't having it, screamed when he realised we weren't there I think! We now take him up, change him, feed him and put him to bed and watch tv in bed. Luckily the tv doesn't stop him sleeping. I use the monitor in a morning so I can have breakfast and get some stuff done while he's still quiet/napping, usually get about 15 mins before he cries.

I think getting asked for ID is flattering, but then I'm old, last time it happened, in Asda, (while I was pregnant but not really showing) I produced my driving licence and cos it said I'm 29 she looked at me like it was fake! Made me smile all day....
:haha: on the i.d!!

Femme know exactly what ya mean i love just dandering around tesco's and buying pointless stuff!:)

Matthew would scream the place down if i left the room so usually on my pc til he falls asleep. Though have to turn main bedroom lights out!

:hugs: MTA.

Glad the routine is working Claire! :) Im too scared to mess with matthews :haha: just seem to be letting him lead me but it seems to work ok!

Weather is lovely here today but really bitey chill! I have a baby that WONT wear a snowsuit at all or even a coat!! He cries and cries til its off! So have to put a cardigan or jumper on then hat (doesnt like scratch mitts either) and wrap him up warm in blankets! But feel so paranoid when i see mummies out and about with LO wrapped up with hat,gloves,snowsuit,and blankets etc. Just thinking...bet they think im a bad mummy because my LO doesnt wear a snowsuit etc!:rofl: Anyone else think like that lol
I dont normally go down and leave her in bed, but last night was the first time. She babbled away to herself for a while which is good as it means she fell asleep without the dummy. I dont want her to get too attached to it. But yeh it worked quite well. She doesnt normally wake at 4 but last night she must of just been extra hungry. Ill do the same routine tonight. I used to just let her lead me but with the weather getting better id rather not have her sleep in bed till 12, id rather get up and ready then she can nap while were out and about etc. And having that hour downstars felt quite nice, i was able to do the bottles and fold the washing and watch tv wtc without having to ask someone to hold her or stuff. just had the monitor with me. Shes outgrowing her snugglenest so soon i might put her into the cot once this bedtime routine is in full swing! :) ( i didnt think she would go to sleep - she normally likes to see me, but she did! )

Cushie tushies - got angel spots and the cupcake one and then the cheetah print issy bear! :)

I didnt put her in the snowsuit today, i got a starwrap from a friend when she was born and we used that today, its great, no faffing with their arms she was still all snuggled up! its a cowprint one! :D

My room's a tip so now gotta sort it.

MTA sorry about your pet death.. :(
Whats a starwrap?

If I dont have Matthew in the car seat attatchment on the pram then i can usually get him into a pram suit which isnt so bad but he just hates all the extra layers lol Even getting a hat on his head is a struggle! Gotta go out later on. Hoping Matthew will be ok dont like having him out after teatime but it might regulate his feeding which has been all over the place today!
umm, ill see if i have a pic of her in it, i have one on my phone but not sure how to get it on the laptop.

here, this was them today,

and her in the wrap haha! actually not very clear photo,



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if dewi falls asleep while we're up he sleeps in his bouncer/play gym/my arms/lap or laid on the sofa.

I suppose taking him upstairs would probably be better and get him used to his crib!

MTA what is the secret to getting babba to sleep through??? Ive said irt before but Im jealous!
He actually managed to go nearly 5 hours without a feed last night between 7:30pm and 1:30am, he went down after that feed but was upset at 3am-ish and wouldnt go off again so I had to let him sleep with his head on my tummy and feet/bum on the bed so he was propped right up....he did some major farting though so he needed to be moved bless.

I got the Colief today thanks Lullaby...so hoping that'll help his guts!

Its snowing like crazy here now...boo...not again my Dad is coming to visit for the first time this weekend i wan the weather to be nice!

I've been trying a babasling the past 2 days but i think I'm gonna have top return it...I just cant use it without my shoulder killing me..it was a gamble as I know my shoulders are made of garbage..A-Level chemistry and Physics textbooks will do that to you (not to mention a psychology degree) man those books were heavy to carry around LOL!

Got to try to meet up with someone who promised to lend me their hug-a-bub to try.

I wish we had a big tesco in town, we only have a metro, we do have an asda but its 2 bus journeys away or a couple mile walk.
Ooo the cowprint wrap is CUTE...mind you I saw a bee wrap in Babies r us the other day WANT!!!
Claire, is it a carseat/pram wrap?

Charlie, I hope the Colief helps :hugs:

We dont take Emilie before us shes fine until she realises shes alone :haha: Ill keep trying & she will do it when shes ready but she sleeps 10/11pm until 6 - 6:30am so I cant really complain :D

its been snowing here cant make its mind up one minute the sun is out next its chucking it down with snow :wacko::shrug:

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