*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

Dewi is mega strong, I remember that pic of him holding his head up at 2 weeks!

Have you tried letting him nap on his tummy? It'll make him feel fuller so he'll go longer between feeds and then he'll take a big feed and get into better feeding habits. You'll just have to keep your eye on him though. This really works when Molly has wind, helps her pass it quickly too so that once she's done napping, she's back to being content.

As for fancy nappies, there are always lots going cheap in the cloth thread!

I hope she does, Lorna. Aren't they getting big now? Wahhh, they're not newborns anymore :(
Will have to try letting him nap on his tummy during the day, its the nights that are pissing me off though, so many babies here going hours or all the way through and we're still feeding every 3 hours or so!

I just wish he'd settle a bit, but every time I think we're getting some vague routine it all goes to pot because of a growth spurt or now this wind problem!

Grrrr, ah well I know they're all different but boy oh boy do I need some sleep!
Morning all, I'm catching up a few pages so here goes.

FF - hope you feel better soon.

Chuck - we've got a babasling too but I'm scared that he's too small to go in it yet (8lb 2oz at weigh in yesterday) so it's sat on the side table looking at me. I know what you mean about the uni books, my friend did psychology and she had loads. Personally, I opted for maths, and had very few books, just a big calculator - ha ha.
Hope the colief helps. Jake seems to have massive poos sometimes, accompanied by even bigger farts, if he's sat on your knee you can feel it!

Sweetlullaby - I know what you mean about tidying up, and not wanting to put stuff away. My bedroom, and living room, look like a tip at the minute. I've not had to get rid of anything yet, there are only a few clothes that are now too small for him (early baby ones) which are in a bag in his room rather than in the wardrobe, think I'll have a few more in there soon.

I'm not looking forward to taking him for injections, although I'm hoping he won't mind too much, he was fine at 6 week check (which is the same as 8 week check, they just do it earlier here) yesterday even when doc checked his hips (which he said normally makes them cry) and used a torch to check his eyes.

No plans here either, I was going to head into town for a wander, which I might still do, but think I'll wait until after next feed to hope that he might go more than 2 hours till the next one...... definately growth spurt I think.
Oh, and I watched that channel 4 birth program the other night too. I felt really sorry for that girl having the c-section but what was going on with that other woman.....? Who would want their 18 year old son in the birthing room with them? I wouldn't have wanted anyone other than DH there....
Jaydee, I didnt watch it, the injections aint as bad as you think you & Jake will do just fine :hugs:

Leanne, They are getting big :wacko: doesnt feel like it was 9 & a half weeks ago :blush: Im sure Molly will :flower: Emilie loves being in the leapfrog thing

Charlie, I hope Dewi settles into a routine for you soon :hugs:
I cant watch anything pregnancy/birth related yet I burst into tears just seeing Home & Health channel on the sky tv guide.

I'm just starting to get a bit down this week...I'm really missing my sleep, I think the weekend with Grandma's help really hit home how much I have to do by myself...OH doesnt do a great deal for babba other than cuddles..I just wish I could plan my days a bit better with Dewi in more of a routine.

I spend far too much time here as you guys are the only people I speak to other than Dewi and Hubby, I haven't seen any of my 'friends' in weeks and I've finally got details of mum & baby groups and its ******* snowing again!! Its been snowing all night and its still going so I cant get out as its horrible and the buses wont be reliable.

My Dad is coming this weekend to see Dewi for the first time and Hubby has now revealed he wont be picking him up from the station as the footie is on!!! I understand Swansea arent on tv very often and we dont get what ever channel it is on sky now but FFS we already told my Dad he would pick him up!

ggaaahhhh sorry I'm just a misery today.
Massive hugs Chuck :( I have a little grumpy wingey baby lying across my legs on his tummy because its the only thing thats stopping him screaming at me!Rubbing his back as well because there is definately some wind stuck in there! I get it a few bottles a day where matthew has some trouble with wind. Think im going to put him back on the infacol its horrible when he cries through his bottle :( He's such a grump today! yup screaming again. think its coz he's got the snuffles as well. waiting on postman then im gonna put him in his buggy and go for a walk. Getting severly pee'd off at the postman not showing up til 1.30pm at the earliest! What happened to 8am post? grrr!
lol yeah we rarely get post before lunch.

Its still snowing huff... no baby group for me.
well Ava hated baby massage! im still taking her next week so i can learn it and do it at home when shes a bit bigger, she liked the legs but not the tummy part.
Well teachers pay is shocking...the maternity package is even worse hence why i have to back to work in april. boo.
Posties are well paid and do naff all for it. Seems unfair when you think paperboys do the same for like a tenner a week...

April eh? Where will Dewi be staying then? I always imagined teaching to be a family friendly profession, seems not from what some ladies on bnb have had to say.

Ahh... Jedward are on tv. I love their new song, have missed them :(

.............. :lol:
it is family friendly when they are in school but until then not so much.

yes we get 13 weeks a year off but you cant afford to go on holiday then, and you cannot take other time off.

We get 4 weeks full pay on maternity then it drops off wildly, if I stayed off until May my gross pay wouldnt cover the rent let alone my own personal bills!

Its a catch22, i stay off work we dont pay child care but cant pay the bills, i go back part time we cant pay bills and child care, i go back full time we can just pay the bills and childcare.

£40 a day frickin nursery!! Its shocking. Curses to living 250 miles from either sets of parents!
Urrrrggghhhh Work and Childcare!! My child care bill will be £800 per month . it makes me want to :cry:

I have read everything but feel so crap so I can't remember what's going on. Thanks for the well wishes. Noah is a lot better, but I am worse. Think it might be a chest infection, Now coughing up blood stained gunk. I am horrendously asthmatic too so that doesn't help. Finally caved in at dinner and rang OH and he's come home from work!! He has wrapped Noah up and took him out to see his grandma and then to get James from after school club. So I have my quillt on the settee and am going to sleep for 2 hours and then make a shepherds pie and then they will be back! Hopefully I shall be brighter then. :flower:

Hope everyone is ok, and I shall be back to it soon!!:hugs:

P,s Charlie - Hope Dewi can sort his sleeping routine out for you soon. We're back to 3 hourly at night these last 2 nights cos Noah was ill and I know how hard I felt that. Good Luck Hun xx
Nic, that doesnt sound good at all :wacko: :hugs::hugs:

Charlie, :hugs::hugs::hugs: I go back to work in June
Post finally came then took Matthew for a walk and back. He's still being extremely grumpy and crying lots. Keeps playing with his bottles. Get wind up then takes one gulp then cries again.Think he's just having a bad day!He's shattered as well :( And a bit snuffly still.

I go back to work in september but hoping can work it out with my mum for looking after Matthew
We havent had any post today...guess its too snowy, the bins haven't been collected either.

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