*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

Claire, I have something similar we got it from babies r us its a bee :haha: they did have a ladybird one too in there

I go into my kitchen its not snowing come the living room go back in & its chucking it down :wacko::haha:
Its sunshine here as well :rofl:

Awww claire Ava looks soooo cute ^.^ Know what you mean now :haha: I have one for 3-6months :) Its Cow print in brown and white :)

Lorna random question...whats Emilie sitting in in your avatar piccie?(She looks gorgeous btw!) lol Im saving up for a jumperoo/graco einstein thing but dont have a clue and which ones are actually suitable from young age etc! Should really look it up lol

Chuck glad you got the colief :hugs: Really hope it helps! xxx
Hiya Girlies!!

I've got the carseat wrap from Babies R Us its the bear one soooooooooo cute but it doesn't really fit round Skyla properly now.

Skyla had her first immunisation yesterday-I was so scared! She really screamed and her whole little body tensed up but it did mean she didn't even notice the second one! She didn't cry for long thankfully. But she was really hot last night so I gave her calpol.....slept all day today virtually so I hope she's ok.

I was thinking isn't it hard to believe that none us were even pregnant this time last year and now some of our LO's are already past two months!!!!

Hope everyone and their babies are well :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
hi every one.
We have to and just typical it come down when we were walking back from the doctors.
Caleb is now 11lbs and moved up a line on the 75th now.He had his jabs to today, steve took him in and he only cried for a bit then went to sleep. we got given a prescription for calpol so we have give him some. To be honest he`s his normal sleepy self maybe a little niggley so extra loves today.
I have my kidney us tommorow but im sure i have nothing wrong with them.i think they just play due to my diabetes.
Did any one watch the channel 4 last night at 9pm. I know i didnt have a normal birth but when the girl had c-section then the baby was taken in incubator it brings back so many memories but it doesnt seem like 10 weeks 2moro when i had him x
hope little ones are doing fine xx
yeah i watched and i cried and i paniked a bit. i remember shaking like she did, apparently thats shock going thru our bodies.
Sweetlullaby, thats the leapfrog learn & groove Emilie really enjoys being in there :D

inxsmhpy & faye, sorry Dewi & Skylar had there jabs today :hugs:

I am poorly :cry: I have the cold and feel dreadful.!! Sore throat , sneezing and just generally crap. Booooooo!

I always put Noah down to bed alone and he prefers it. Last night and tonight he was screaming and I could do nothing for him.. in the end we took him down to bed and laid him in the Moses basket and he was babbling away and within 10 mins he was asleep.
(It sounds weird but the front room is at ground level, our room and te nursery and downstairs!!) :haha:

Might not be about much if keep feeling like this! xx

Oh and yeah... I bloody love Tescos!! :haha:
Aww Nic hope you feel better soon :hugs:

I've just spent a hour with Skyla trying to settle her down. I think it would have gone better if she hadn't thrown up minutes after I first put her down. Then she whinged and whinged and gave the occasional little cry. It was really hard not to just pick her up-I just sat by her moses basket and stroked her hand and said shhhh shhhh.

Now I'm scared stiff she won't get into this new routine and the old one 11/12pm to 7/8am will be ruined too!
Oh my I dont now if it was the first few does of colief getting things moving for Dewi but bloody hells bells the poo explosion this morning was immense!! No poo all night and then this morning just after his breakfast the poo filled the nappy and up his back and out the sides!

You know the kind thats impossible to make more of a mess trying to take the vest off LOL!!

Oh and I had a pile of cat sick to clean up too. Joy.

Well theres about half a foot of snow outside so we're staying in today and hoping for no more explosive poohs!

Once again he ended up in bed with me for a while..I need to get something to sit on next to his crib and just stay there to comfort him otherwise we'll never break the habit.
He slept 6.45pm-9pm bath and feed then sleep till 1am feed sleep in crib tiull 3.30am-ish then v.v.unsettled feed again at 4.30am(the only feed not finished) then awake at 6.30am crying to get up and happy and smiles once we were up.....(then came the poo).
Awwwk Chuck hopefully the colief will help him a good bit! Though sounds like he slept a bit better than before!

Nic hope your ok!

Think im going to get Matthew the baby einstein one :) Gonna save up though and get it in the next few weeks think he'd like it. He likes being held upright or bouncing on his feet which gives ya dead arms pretty quick. He's been grunting and making crazy noises for the last 30mins but still sleeping! :haha:

Slept 12am-6am then 6.15am til whenever he decides to actually wake now!
Thanks Lorna and sweet lullaby :hugs:

Hahaha Chuck those explosive poos!!! Yep I've been there but not with Skyla she's more the opposite only goes every other day which can be quite worrying.

Skyla slept from 9.30pm until 5am which is about her normal amount of hours. She did seem like she was waking up loads of times though but soothed herself back off. So I just need to decide if those two hours of me time on an evening are worth waking up at 5 for :shrug: My OH works away during the week so it could be nice to have those couple of hours to watch a film or something together instead of dealing with a very tired baby girl!

Hope everyone and their LO's are well :hugs:
All these sleepy babies...mine likes eating too much to sleep for long...mind you he is sound asleep in my lap right now lol.

I'm not looking forward to Dewi's jabs, that'll be my job as Dad cant do needles lol.
I hate needles as well :( I hope Matthew doesnt get overly upset otherwise I'll cry!

He's still sleeping! I could have stayed in bed! But have managed to get breakfast, get his clothes all out and changing stuff sitting and bottle sitting here waiting for him lol

Still havnt managed to tidy my room :rofl: I keep looking at Matthew's moses basket and stand and I dont want to put them away in the attic..dont think I could bring myself to sell it :( Its just too nice lol Also need to get a suitcase down for putting all his newborn clothes into and some 0-3 month vests that a bit too snug. Im holding onto everything of his atm :blush:

I would love to watch a dvd...hmmm might do that today in the afternoon. Get Matthew fed and changed and put him in his bouncer in the living room and watch one of the many dvds i got for xmas that i still havnt seen :rofl: Whats everyone else doing today?xx
Molly also slept 12-6 then went down for a nap at 7:30 until whenever she fancies getting up. She went to bed late as she's been struggling with wind/poops. I got up at 6, washed, dressed and fed Molly. Could do with grabbing some breakfast myself, have become a toast addict.

Today is OH's day off so we're away into town for a wander. If it was warmer we'd go to the park, the sky is so clear but brrrrr it's chilly. Have actually turned the heating up these past few days.

Getting free nappies from cheeksandcherries to review so am very excited about this, I loooove writing for FYPs, it's been really great so far and I've met lots of lovely ladies who have been very generous. The nappy world is full of lovely women.
Speaking of bouncy babies... Molly refuses to even sit these days... she LOVES standing up :rofl: it's hilarious because I can just imagine her walking around. As soon as I'm confident with her head control I'll try her in the jumperoo.
Dewi has loved standing up since he was 2 weeks...his legs are really strong now! I cant wait until his head control is even better to get him a doo bouncer thingy!

He's complaining at the mo...when he's annoyed he does this funny little cry where he takes in a breath and then kinda spits like he's trying to blow a raspberry but can't so he gets little bubbles of spit on his lips...its quite funny.

I wonder whats annoying him now...he's clean, dry, warm and only ate 2 hours ago.

Hmmm knowing him he's hungry again.

I'm going to try 5oz bottles today to see if that gets him to go a little longer, its annoying though knowing it's difficult enough now sometimes to get him to finish his bottles.

he's a bloody grazer, i wish he'd be like his Dad and enjoy fewer but bigger meals!

Good to see you're enjoying the nappy work Femme.

I'm washing a bunch of Dewi's BumGenius today to get him into the resusables (we only bought the BG's so our stash isn't really very interesting), but because they are birth to potty they've been a bit big on his scrawny wee butt so far, now he's around the 10lb mark his butt has filled out a bit more so we're making the move!

It's not fair though I keep seeing such gorgeous nappies (cushie tushies/issy bears spring to mind) but I cant afford to buy myself clothes I need let alone nappies we don't need!
Chuck, :haha: aint explosive poo a bugger? I havent had any like that for a good while now

Leanne, I bet Molly will love the jumperoo :flower:

:happydance: on all the sleeping babies I think its great they all sleep well

Emilie gets up at 7 everyday she wakes up has food than if you put her back in the cot she shouts until you get her up :haha:

No plan here today
:happydance: on all the sleeping babies I tink its great they all sleep well

blub Dewi doesnt compared to these lots sleepy head who go through already!

Well I think he's bloody hungry again, the way he's just munched on a dummy like it was a toffee needing chewing!

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