*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

Hello girls. I didn't know this was here. Thanks flower. Xx
I was wondering that as well there was so many of us in third tri!! Hello Squidge and Buffy :wave: :wave: Come join us bunch of complete chatterboxes :rofl:

Managed to get Matthew to sleep at 9.40 for him to wake 30mins later crying and hungry again!:dohh:He's nearly away to sleep again but still guzzling his bottle like no tomorrow!

Maddies currently fast asleep but i'm not sure she'll sleep all the way through like the past 2 nights, she's been asleep most of the day :dohh: :haha:
helloo, I was out tonight and my friend made chicken and mash.. and not sure what the sauce it was in was.. it was good tho! Her LO has started to get a little jelous when they hold ava, its so cute tho when she tries to play with her.

I think shes got the cold, shes sneezing, caughing, not finishing bottles, just wants ME to hold her and moany when other people do for too long, just been a bit sick but its like watery? i guess a bit like BF babies sick....? cos normally her sick is milk and very thick and this was like water?

Im wondering if i can give her calpol? i know it says 2 months, but shes 8 weeks on sat.. would anyone else do it?

Ive got 29 nappies.... !!!!!JEEZ. got to stop now for a while, i cant go on like this i will get into debt. enough!
Personally, I wouldn't unless she has a temp. But, that's just me...if you're concerned you could se what NHS direct think.

I have.. hmm... 18. :lol: Well behaved really. I can't seem to find many designs I like :dohh: swaddlebees next on the list.

Molly finally pooped today after 2 days of no poops and it was quite watery :( She seems well hydrated, weeing lots... will just keep an eye on her.


ETA: Welcome buffy and squidge!
Alright laydeeez, I only joined the dec thread in the last couple of weeks of my pregnancy so I don't know a lot of you :)

RE calpol - I would if she had a temp, what's a few days difference going to make. They're very over-cautious with their recommendations and I really don't think LO's system is going to mature that much more in the next few days that it would be detrimental now :) hope she feels better soon...

Can't believe my LO is 2 months today already!!
yeah thats what my friend just said too, see what NHS 24 say, but as it stands she doesnt have a temp so ill just keep an eye on it and if she does ill ring them. I might just get an emergency appt 2m at the doctor and take her up.. more because if it gets worse on the weekend the doctors is shut. so just will see what they say. shes not sleeping so well either, little naps here and there. not like her at all, shes just lying looking at me :(

I forgot i have one more fuzzi on the way from Lu, so i have 30. 30!! crikey, cant buy more. gotta stop it now, till i sell the smalls when she grows out of them.
30 reusables Claire??!! I thought I was the crazy shopper :rofl: Hello Elski!! :wave:

Matthews the same been really off the last two days :( Today was really bad crying, drinking a couple of oz's every hour or so cat napping everything :( Poor wee man its awful when you try everything but dont know what it is and nothing seems to be helping etc! Hope he's ok tomorrow or il be emergency docs appointment as well. He had a slight temperature earlier and my mum told me to give him a bit of calpol but decided to strip him down to his vest and he cooled down to normal again.

Finally got him to sleep for the night about 10mins ago. I've started looking for somewhere to rent for me and LO...might have to go housing executive dont think i can afford the rent on a 2 bed flat even. Living at home still atm is a bit stressful with two younger sleep all day up all night brothers because House is quiet during the day louder at night with tv's pcs and xboxs going etc! But just have to grin and bear it atm.

Going to bed now...in 3mins Matthew will be two months old as well :cry: He's growing so fast!!!
they do dont they :( getting so big! avas just looonnnggg.. her 0-3 are slightly getting too short now.. can prob stretch a couple more weeks outta them, which will be 2.5 months, so not too bad.
her little caugh sounds so sore :(
Hello Elski!

I gave Noah Calpol. I spoke to my cousins hubby and he's a GP. He said it was fine at 8 weeks. Did Noah the world of good cos it helped sooth his cough brought his temp down slightly and made sure he slept a little. But you have to do whats right for you.
:wave: Elski

Sweetlullaby, I hope you & Matthew got some sleep last night :hugs::hugs:

Claire, :haha: on 30 nappies there are some pretty designs out there, I hope Ava feels better today :hugs:

How is everyone?
I have 20 Bumgenius and 1 pop-in, but we bought a bulk pack, its all abou saving money so Hubby wouldnt entertain money or faff wise having many different nappies! LOL.

Helllooooo to all the other stars..or at least people who went through third tri with us...darned babies making you garnets lol!

Anyone pm'd Boomerslady to let her know we're here? She's stuck in hospital if I remember the thread in girly sanctuary right so could probably use our distraction!

Ack last night = pain!

Dewi slept from about 6.30pm-9.30pm
bath and bottle
asleep in crib 10pm-12.30am
asleep in crib until 2.30 ish and no matter what wouldnt settle, wouldnt take more than an ounce so no really hungry not wet/dirty temp ok just kept waking up all grizzly every time I put him down!!

At 3.30 I gave in and popped him on my chest for a bit in bed to settle him and let Dad get to sleep. He gizzled for ages and then started the hungry noises so had a couple more ounces.

I shoved Dad over in bed and let Dewi sleep on our bed (after another failed crib attempt) - with us shoved over to one side lol. Why is it he'll sleep laid flat in a bed with me a good foot away bu wont sleep flat in his crib? Huff.

He woke at 6am full of beans and HUNGRY, I got up to go change him and was going to just get up but Hubby sent us back to bed with a bottle warming - luckily Dewi did sleep for a while after the bottle so we got an other hour and a half I guess.

Theres no way I'll get him asleep for half ten and my counselling appt on the phone!

Busier day for me today, counselling, midwife visit (still NOT signed off) and seeing nurse to get swabs to check for infection in my foof before having the Mirena IUD fitte.
Hello ladies :)

I didn't know this thread was here (derrrr!!) I hope your all doing well and enjoying your bundles.

As Chuck said I'm stuck in hospital :( been here for 6 days now and not likely to get out for at least 5 more :cry:

I wish I could post on here about Ben and how he is, but unfortunately I don't know much!!

I do know that the clever little thing slept from 10.30pm until 5.30am the other night, woooo!! But that's only occasionally!!

I'm glad there was a chat about calpol, as i was wondering if Ben could gave this, esp after his operarion for pyloric stenosis :(

Thanks Chuck forvsendung me a link, I really appreciate it. XxxX
No probs missus..I saw your thread and we'd been wondreing what happened to all the stars!

Hope Ben is better after his PS op!

Now we need to get you fit and well!
Hello boomerslady :wave: :wave: Hope your ok, havnt read your thread in girly sanctuary yet.

Matthew 00.15-2am-2.30am-6.30am-7am-9.20am

He's really bunged up with his wee nose and is full of yucky snotters :( Been trying to use that snot sucker (sorry :rofl:) but it sounds like its all at the very back of his nose iykwim. He's worse in the mornings and through the night. He's also still playing with his bottles...im not sure but i think when he's drinking he has to breathe through his nose and its probably yucky for him so he spits his bottle out or as he has just done bats it away!

Think im going to see how this morning goes and maybe give him some calpol later or there's something else you can buy decongest stuff for babies...not sure though its probably what the doctor would give anyway!
Its just saline drops when they're this young, you pop them up their nose and it makes it easier for them to sneeze out the gunk!
Ohh gross :rofl: I just read this in baby club -

We talked a lot about his symptoms, which are that he often gets distressed during feeding, he will cry and will pull of the breast then go back again then pull of then go back again, and that often times when he is doing this he will have partially digested milk in the back of his mouth, he also struggles bringing up his wind and when he does is often sick. He is sick after most feeds, on some days he is sick after every feed, somtimes he manages not to be sick after a feed but then when moved, even if it's some time after his feed, he will be sick then. He occasionally coughs and splutters and seems to choke during feeding, and he is quite a snuffly/snotty boy even though he doesn't have a cold. So after discussing this and examining him the doctor concluded that he has refulx (which i thought he did) and he has been started on infant gaviscon

She could have been talking about Matthew. She described everything her LO does and Matthew does the exact same!He's doing it right now and has just been sick on my carpet when i sat him up to wind him. :dohh: I thought reflux was more guzzling down a bottle and then sicking the lot up!

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