*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

Charlie, Sorry last night was a pain I hope tonight is better :hugs:

Boomerlady :wave: I hope Ben is better & I hope you feel better soon :hugs:

Sweetlullaby, tbh I found the snot thing rubbish when Emilie was ill, I hope Matthew is feeling better soon :hugs: Yummy on the Apple and Cinnamon Scone and a Viennesse Whirl Bun :D

Leanne, I also think its wrong not to tell you how long there coming to stay :wacko:

no plans here for the weekend tbh
Well as much sa i wanted Dewi into a routine getting into the habout of not settling at 3am until I cuddle him to sleep and not letting me put him down and then being awake an full of beans at 6am wasnt really what I had in mind. <facepalm>
hi everyone, hope your all ok and the little ones are ok and the sicky ones getting better.
I`m off to bridgnorth today to see my nan and grandad they havent seen caleb since xmas day so it will be a shock for them to see how big he is.
I cant believe how big he is not that i`m complaining cos at least i know he is putting on the weight. He`s been a bit funny with milk the last couple of days normaly he takes 6oz but he only wants 5 and then i have to be careful because he has a habit of wanting to have a kick about halh hour to an hour after bottle then decides to bring back bottle.
I think calebs hiccups have calmed down now he was forever having them when i was carrying him and has been since he was born.
I think i will try out baby club see what its like and its only around the corner.
As for valentines day I`ve bought steve a card but thats it with him working nights I dont think he has been out to the shops but it doesnt matter we have caleb and thats all that matters xx
Morning all!

We're going to get a family picture taken today, birthday present from my friends, just hope Jake decides to smile rather than be crabby!

Hope babies slept better tonight.

Boomerslady (was going to put your real name but I've forgotten it already!) - hope you feel better soon and get home with Ben, I can't imagine being away from Jake that long. DH has taken him to the post box (10 mins walk) and think that's the longest I've been away from him.

Nic - where is your honeymoon too?

Hope everyone has a good weekend x
We're off to Majorca for a week, Staying in Cala D'or.

Today I am doing very little and tonight we're off out for a meal!!!
Ohhh lovely!! When you going Nic?

Matthew was a lot better last night, put him back on the infacol and it helped a bit with his feeds thank goodness!

Going shopping today lol gotta get nappies and stuff! Tesco's baby and toddler event is on :thumbup:
Nic, oh when do you go? :flower:

Sweetlullaby, Have fun today :flower:

Faye, Have fun today with your nan & grandad :flower: it is amazing how big there getting is it?
we had to give caleb dentinox yesterday as he was screaming cos of his wind and that helped although i think we will have to give it him again tonigh as he been farting like mad.
My nan and grandads was good. my grandad had a stroke ages ago and cant speak but as soon as he saw caleb he put his thumb up and kept at smiling at him, he coiuldnt stop watching him. on the other hand i had to get a bottle so my mom held him and i have just found out my nan give my mom a dirty look to say it was her turn to hold him. its so funny. hes not that strong, she gave him some crisps and didnt even open packet and left him to do it although he did in abit longer than normal. you`ve got to love the old people they make you laugh.
Faye, Im glad you had a good time :flower: I know exactly what you mean about the elderly making you laugh I work in a Alzheimer's/Dentia care home & some of the residents are very witty & humourous :haha:

Nic, I bet you cant wait:happydance:
Matthew has been farting all day as well. The infacol only helping a wee bit

He's been pooing a lot as well :rofl: Hoping to get to bed soon im tired lol

Hope everyone's been having a good weekend :) xx
Thanks for the well wishes girlies :)

Am excited about tomorrow as the OH is bringing Ben in to see me :) I'm really really worried he's gonna think I've neglected him but I can't wait for cuddles!! I'm finally allowed to eat small meals again (although they have to be low low fat) until I have the op in 5 weeks time! So we ate going to the hospital canteen for a 'valentines lunch' lol!

I had a bit of a cry earlier as I've realised I've been in hospital for nearly a third of his life so far :( I feel like a bad mum for not being there :(

awww well, fingers crossed I'll be home by Monday and Im sure I'll soon be knackered from the sleepless nights!

:ROFL: it seems quite fitting that you mention the elderly, an old man just walked passed my ward with no PJ bottoms or pants on LMAO i nearly wet myself laughing!! Bless his heart I don't think he's with it, but I have to find something to laugh at in here (or I'd be crying!!) OMG :ROFL: he just came back past still half naked with his zimmerframe about 2 foot off the floor! The nurses are chasing him down the corridor!! Oh dear lord it's hysterical!!
:rofl: Boomerslady...thank you for posting that :hugs: Was feeling a bit upset and that cheered me up instantly!!

Awwwk I bet your glad to see Ben tomorrow :)

Fingers crossed you'll be home by Monday. Matthews still half awake grunting away in his cot :dohh: I cant seem to get him to sleep before midnight but on the plus side means a bottle around 7am and then up properly anytime between 9am and 10am
hi everyone hope your all ok not to tired x
Rachel i hope your feeling better today and you get to go home soon but glad you had a little laugh. i looked forward to seeing my grandparents but sometimes cringe and dread what they will do or say.
Nic- i see you went out last night on facebook. hope you had a great evening.
Hope the sicky babies are better.
chuck-hope your feeling ok and your little one is sleeping better and the colief is helping to x
I was talking to someone on a one of the threads where you live and turns out one of members lives in my town and also my aunty/uncle is hers to just on her side of family its a small world.
What is evryone upto today xx

Awww Boomersgirl, you haven't neglected him :hugs: Hope you're out on Monday ( remind me of your name again!!:blush:)

Well we had a good night, but so tired that we ended up home and in bed at 10.30. we DTD for the first time since I was 36 weeks PG :haha:

Noah slept at my dads last night and my step mum said he slept from 8pm ill 6am with a night bottle!! I hope it wasn't a fluke!!! I know Carol will have been awake every two mins checking on him so it wouldn't be a case of not hearing him!! Clever Little man. See what tonight brings! :happydance:
Morning, hope everyone is well and all the poorly babies are recovering :flower:

Rachel I hope you enjoy your Valentine's meal and your visit from you gorgeous little Ben today or was it tomorrow?

Nic glad you had a lovely evening and hope Noah's sleep through wasn't a fluke! My OH thought we'd be DTD a week after Skyla was born needless to say we didn't!

Skyla slept 10-7 last night bless her so I'm not sure what to do about her bedtime I'm so used to not having to get up during the night (which I have to do if she goes at 8-9)..so I don't know :shrug:

:hugs:everyone x x x
Morning ladies, Molly slept 9-3 and then 4-8. Nice! It only takes her 15-30 mins to feed these days so the rest of her awake time is spent shouting as loud as she can :rofl:

OH is having a lie in, bless him. Think I might bring him breakfast in bed :D

Hope you all have a lovely day! x
Leanne, :happydance: on molly s;leeping well, How are you doing?

Boomerlady, Im guessing your Racheal? I hope your ok to come out Monday & enjoy yoir visit from Ben today :flower:

Sweetlullaby, I hope you managed to get some sleep last night :flower:


How is everyone?
Hi people!

Boomerslady hope u get out and have fun seeing ben!

Ava slept 12.30-11 !!!! If only it was earlier like 10-9

Shes still full of the cold(so am i) but her nappies smell a bit concentrated and arent as wet as i think they should be, Also she sneezed and a blob of snot came out but it was red! not sure what to do, gonna try give her bottles every3 hours and also a bit of water, will take her for a walk for some fresh air later too. shs happy and smiling this morning tho so its not like shes crying .. yet. ??

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