Ok yet again i've forgotten what everyone has said
Claire, Hope ava is ok with the rough night and hopefully she'll settle back to every 3-4 hours for bottles rather than 2 hours
MTA- Glad Hollie is sleeping through
Charlie - glad the colief is helping

Sorry to hear about the poo explosions though

and yay on sleeping the whole night in his crib rather than on you
Nic- yay on the weight loss and the quiet night
Faye- sorry to hear you're feeling pregnant again...they weight a tonne weight when your carrying them around dont they
Jaydee- Hopefully Jake will start to settle into a routine soon

Matthew has a rough routine that he set himself and i just follow his lead lol
Elski....its snowing??!! Blooming heck! Its been sunny the past few days here though quite nippy cold still!
Hello Lorna

...as you can guess I copied everyone's names from your post
Matthew's sleeping right now SHOCKER!! though bet he wakes soon and will be up til after midnight as usual! Today went down to a friends house in the back arse of no where and got my mum's car completely stuck down a wee dirt track and ended up scrapping the side of her car and wheel trims coz there was no where to turn

She has a dog called Bess but she is soooo well behaved and its like she completly understands what your saying so I let her have a nosey at Matthew and when I was winding him and patting his back she came over and growled at me a teeny bit but that was because she thought I was hitting Matthew

Matthew's on size two teats with tesco's bottles because was having to much hassle with the tommee tippee bottles and teats!
Matthew slept 8 hours solid last night and then went straight back to sleep for another two hours!
We have two month appointment tomorrow for check up weigh and......injections

Im dreading it and its 9am and Matthew will probably be sleeping and I'll have to wake him up to get a big needle stuck in him
On the bright side...the postman will be VERY busy this week delivering parcels to my house

bet he thinks I fancy him ...i have 14 parcels to come