*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

You have us for adult conversation! :D

I barely see/speak to OH these days, he's either working, sleeping or I'm sleeping.

Hmm, there are two old ladies doing the rounds of our street... I wonder what they want. Not often you see little old ladies trying to sell you things so it must be a religious thing. I hope they don't come here, the last thing I want is to have to tell them off :lol:

Appt went well, getting them removed soon. Molly was a little star... slept the whole time and is still asleep now. I actually managed ANOTHER peaceful journey out of the house. Twice in two days... crazy.

Chuck :hugs: on the sleep, I was like that to start with, luckily now by body just seems to accept less sleep in shorter bursts. I know it means you get less time together but maybe you should consider asking DH to look after him one evening. It did work for me even though I only got a couple of hours before I had to BF again.
Also, if you're having poo explosions have you tried pampers? They seem to hold the contents of Jake's superpowerful busy bum pretty well, a lot better than huggies anyway.

Sweetlullaby - I let my nana's dog have a nosey at Jake yesterday too, don't think she knew what to make of him, went a got a toy instead!

Femme - wisdow teeth, ouchy! I haven't been to a dentist for years, really should I think. Also, I think me and you shop in the same place, we have that changing mat and towel (blue not pink) in your avatar pic.

Hope everyone else is doing well. I've still not heard about Jake's 8 week injections, how much notice did everyone else get?
Asda? :D They're the few bits I actually got from there. Randomly loved them both and they were such bargains. I think I have a polka dot obsession though... :lol:
JayDee go while it's free! NHS treatment is free until your lo is a year old!

I was glad I didn't have to pay to have my wisdom teeth out last January that would've added insult to a very sore face lol!

Glad your appt went well Femme, Dewi is usually a star when we go out, I've had a couple of appointments he's slept through now!
Oh JayDee we're on reuseables now, but disposables overnight and consequently these morning explosions...theres so much of it nothing would keep it in!
You'd be amazed, Chuck. I've had a few now that have contained them amazingly! Itti Bittis are a dream!

Got freebies today from cheeksandcherries!!! :D
We've only got the BumGenius..Hubby wanted a birth to potty pack and wont spend any more money lol!

I'll leave Dewi in BG overnight tonight and see how he fares, I did the other night and he was fine with the wetness with an extra insert. Will see how it copes with the gallons of poo.

..come to think of it he did a massive poop at the doctors and only a lil bit escaped.

The problem is that since he's been on the colief it soooo runny!
Maybe sell a few and get different kinds with the pennies you make? BGs sell on really well. x
He would not be impressed lol!

I'll have to wait until I'm back at work (all of 7 weeks away) and save a few pennies when I get my paychecks back - mind you I doubt I'll have much spare cash the nursery is £40 a day!!!!!!

I hate not having spare cash for things, I need to get some new bras as my boobs have defo changed shape (for the worse) so I need new ones but don't have the money to buy anything - Hubby is paying more of the bills so I cant really get money off him for anything! Its sooo frustrating!

Mind you he has given in a agrees I need a good sling/carrier so I can get stuff done in the house when Dewi is awake so I can rest while he's sleeping. We were given a £30 mothercare voucher so I may be able to wangle a close carrier they look lovely!
wow, £800 per month then? Hardly worth going back... You could get a live in nanny for less! x
Charly, crickey is there no other nurseries near you?

Leanne, Im glad your appointment went well :hugs:
lorna, the cheapest one was around £30 a day but it was grotty and only had a postage stamp sized patio for outdoor space.

Canterbury is a very expensive place to be!

The child minders are just as expensive or more so, Dewi will be in 4 days a week, Hubby is dropping a day but his other days will be longer to make up the hours.

Its awful, I cannot afford to stay off after march as my gross pay wont cover rent (let alone any other bills) if I go back part time we cant afford bills and nursery so i go back full time to just cover everything with hubbys wage.

We barely qualify for tax credits, child benefit will be his formula mind you Aptamil has gone up now and we will be both claiming max child care vouchers.

god thats so expensive, im looking at flats and having a 3rd bedroom n childminding privately, gonna ring some nanny agencies and see if thet take on people for nannyshares and then i can nannyshare with myself and have ava with me. I only want to work 16 hours a week at first, see how it goes.
OMG he did it again it wasn't a fluke on the sofa he just rolled from front to back on the floor LOL!

I was taking photos and he rolled over shame I just missed the actual roll..

Emilie went from 13Ibs 1oz two weeks ago to 14Ibs 6oz today

Charlie, Well done Dewi :flower:
Well done Dewi on rolling over :) I'm a bit scared that Jake will do it for the first time when he's laid on our bed or somewhere that he could fall off from. Think it's a way off yet though.... And I agree with Flower Fairy, he's sooo cute!

Your childcare does seem expensive, but I have no idea how much it would be here, haven't dared look yet given I don't have a job to go back to. Luckily we have 2 grandmas nearby who are willing to help. Think DH might drop a day or 2 at work as well, just me that'll only see my child at weekends then :( Ah well, at least this way I'll be able to buy him more cute clothes and toys....

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