Hi everyone,
Ive got like a million pages to catch up on here but ill read them later on
I had a night out last night, it was very strange to leave her, She slept in the carrycot in my mums room, it was weird not having her in my bed. But she was fine! Smiles this morning
Shes in 3-6 now, only like 2 things still fit her in 0-3! but i have to still use the sleepsutis cos i dont have enough 3-6 so gonna go into town this week and go get some things.
I was at my grans yesterday, all her sisters were up and one of her friends!? To see ava, they all think they can do as they please, yes you had kids a million years ago, yes you managed, but that doesnt mean you can take my child or carry my child how you want! or that your right!! Also got a few gifts and at the end they all thought they had the right to go over and into my gifts bags and take her stuff out to coo over it... er hello those bags are not yours what the hell?? i wouldnt go over and look at/in your shopping bags !!!!!!!
then my gran asks MY MUM what ava eats and what its called and how often! HELLO???? SHES MY BABY NOT MY MUMS! my mum doesnt do any of that so why are you asking her !!!!!! I BUY IT, I MAKE IT, I FEED HER, I WASH AND STERILISE THE BOTTLES, get a clue!! Really pissed me off! Im getting better at telling her/them things tho, Ie her dummy fell then my gran picked it up and for about ten mins sat playing with it in her hands rolling it n stuff so the actual teat was touching all he fingers, yes ok shes not dirty but the dummy is now not sterile, then SHE says oh give her her dummy, wth! 1. no its not sterile, 2. shes not crying and doesnt need it! 3. i'll decide! Then they were just like, oh,. ok. BLOODY OLD PEOPLE!
on another note, ONE of my boobs is gone all hard and agony! Its like when your milk's drying up and they go hard and sore, but ive not leaked milk for a couple weeks now and theyve not been sore for a while, but now one is. its SO sore, i cant even hold ava on that side, could it be a blocked duct???
She had her first injections and her BCG, was OK. Got yet more visitors today to see her, then gonna escape to tesco and get some things. Such nice weather here, sun is so bright!
Hope all the babies are well and the colicy ones get some relief with the colief.