*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

Claire, thats doesnt sound good :wacko: Im glad you had a good night :flower:
Claire, I dont know, my boobs never went hard or anything maybe one of the other ladies can help, if it carries on maybe worth making an Dr's appointment :hugs:
Try massaging it under the stream of water in the shower or sitting with a warm, damp cloth on. If it continues, I'd see the doctor. But, it should be fine in a day or so.
hi everyone xx
our snow is clearing and it is quite sunny now x
Ive just been up town and i bought a jumperoo, calebs still a bit small for it but if i put towel behind him its ok and he controls head. He had a look around and seems to like it but has fell asleep now so will se what he`s like tonight because he comes more awak at night about 8 ish.
Hope your all ok. dont think i`ve got much planned this week just docs for me then my friends on wednesday oh and baby club tuesday xx
Mums got this thing that goes in the microwave its like beads and you heat it up and put it on aches or pains, Did that twice and took paracetemol and brufen, It felt like when they used to go hard for ten mins or so a few times a day, only it didnt go away! Think it might be a blocked duct but hopefully ill catch it before it can get infected. I couldnt even Hold ava properly earlier it was agony
:rofl: surprisingly not actually, I was drunk, but i feel fine now. Ive never really suffered bad hangovers ever so guess nothings changed. Even tho the last time i went out properly was Last Easter weekend!!! Im just a bit tired but no biggy! Got to sleep till 10 so :shrug:

Awwwwwwww caleb looks so cute and teeny in the jumperoo :)

Glad you had a good night Claire and arnt hungover :)

It was snowing here this morning but the rains washed it all away :happydance: until i seen the news with more snow predicted grrr! hate it!!

Not sure on the boob thing claire though i thought/think ive got a blocked duct or something one is constatly itchy and has been for months :wacko: and has a dry patch on the side iykwim and there's a lumpy bit where one of the duct thingys are....i should probably make an appointment with doctor or drop into the breast screening place :wacko: especially with the really high number of breast cancer deaths in my family :wacko: my grandad was one of ten...8 sisters all have died of breast cancer/ seondary cancer one passed away at the weekend there. Keep meaning to hassle the doctors to get checked for the gene thing.

hope everyone is ok. how are the LO's :)
Claire,sounds like a blocked duct hun.my boobies get sore and hard overnight coz Lana goes without a feed but as soon as she feeds goes back to normal,so if you arent leaking it sounds like its 'backing up'!!

Iv got docs tomorrow pm for my postnatal check up (3 weeks late.glad im not the only one.lol)!! Can anyone tell me what it involves?is it just things like blood pressure etc? And I guess il be talking about contraception,coz right now we arent taking any precautions.risky,i know :blush:
Aly, my 6 week check was over pretty quickly they checked my BP ect, talked about contraception, checked my c/section scar

Sweetlullaby, How are you? How is Matthew?

Faye, aw Loving the new picture :D Does he enjoy it?
hi lorna he enjoys if he`s in a good mood but i think once he gets a bit bigger it will be better.
So i have just put caleb in his cot to see if he will fall asleep but i dont think we are having any luck.He is tired but keeps on and off crying. i will see how he goes for a bit then get him out. he`s been fed and changed i think he`s just fighting his sleep.
caleb is fine growing quick cant wait to see how much he weighs in another week. xx
errggghhh its chucking it down its due to do it all day and we have to go into town to go to the Dr's...injection day!!!
We seem to be having all the snow today that you lot had the last few days :( and I also have to go to town for docs!!luckily not jabs this time though.good luck charlie...hope they arent too bad for little Dewi!! :hugs:
I'm hoping he isnt too bad I'm shattered we had an awful night.
Sun's out and Blue skies here! Altho car is covered in Ice - bet its freezing. But im happy as long as nothing is falling from the sky! (rain or snow) Cold but dry is good for me!

Im going into town today! wooo
I'm hoping he isnt too bad I'm shattered we had an awful night.

:hugs: is he not sleeping well?

Claire,i bet its freezing outside too so wrap up warm.i hate misleading days like that when it 'looks' like a lovely summer day but feels like stepping out into the antarctic.haha

Lana is being stroppy and clingy today.i dont know what is up with her.i suspect she has an iffy tummy or maybe even reflux coz she keeps making sicky noises...yuk!!
He doesnt sleep, on a good night he'll go 2.5 maybe 3 hours between feeds.

Once or twice we'vw had a little longer.

He is a pain to settle sometimes like last night he just wouldn't go back to sleep at 3am, problem is he's so sleepy ion the evening he's all slept out by 3am...but we cant keep him awake, he just nods off or is screaming!

I'm at my wits end, sleep deprivation isnt the word, I get really frustrated and angry at him at night which isnt fair but I cant help it I'm really really effing tired and so is my hubby.

effing HV is useless, she said theres nothing that can be done and I shouldnt bother until he's at least 6 months as its pointless trying until their that old getting them into a routine or expecting them to sleep through.
Oh no.your HV sounds a bit pants!!does he feed that often during the day too?i feel quite lucky really coz Lana has always been a good sleeper,but she feeds every 2hours during the day wich makes going out difficult!!have you tried that johnsons bedtime bath or lotion?its got lavender in it wich is meant to help with sleep!!
Oh charlie :hugs: I agree with the bedtime bath stuff, I use it for both my boys and it makes them chilled and sleepy.

Noah has regressed with his sleeping! He is now doing 7.45 till 3am till 7.30. I thought we had got rid of the night feed but I think he might be growing !! I dont mind at all, i know how lucky I am. he is like Lana and feeds every 2 hours througout the day tho!
Had my 6 weeks check today... 4 weeks late :haha: Decided after talking to the nurse to go back on the BCP. So got a prescription for Mycrogynon .

Been tidying house today in between feeds and cuddles... he's laid on settee next to me now kicking me and blowing bubbles!

I hope you're all ok! xx:hugs::hugs:
Nic,Iv got my check up this afternoon.no idea what birth control il be going on!!lol
Also,in regards to the night-time feed,Lana went through a stage of waking at 2am but I resisted giving her a feed and just soothed her back to sleep instead (i didnt want her to get used to a middle of the night feed) and after about 5 or 6 nights she went back to sleeping through.

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