they fixed my net connection

Dunno what it was but got a new ip address only took 15mins to fix!
Matthew takes 5oz every 2.5-3 hours once in a blue moon he goes 4 hours then from 7pm on its snack snack snack til around midnight then he'll sleep through til 8am though last night he had another 5oz at 5am.
Going to solicitors this afternoon to give them signed forms confirming details on car accident, matthew's birth certificate and into shopping centre and have to hand a form in for housing

i really hope i dont have to wait for too long!
Awwwww a custom made mei-tai lovely!!!
Matthew likes his bumbo but i only have him in it for 5mins or so a day because he likes to stare up at the ceiling and i dont think its too good for the back of his neck though if you sit infront of him he'll look at you rather than the ceiling!
Ohhh i've bought a few more toys for Matthew...links

they are fab and he loves grabbing them and clinging onto them and shaking them about or shoving them in his mouth

and vtech learning cow (my favourite) its on offer in tesco's for £6.00 ish and have the bear as well but its soooo cute and Mathhew loves hitting it and smiles at it all the time! it does 1,2,3 a,b,c square, triangle,circle, blue, green, red and sun and stars at night, lights up flashing lights, rhymes, moo's, and says hug me when you dont hit the buttons for a while then says bye bye and turns itself off so battery saving as well! its from 3 months plus. i think i like it more than him
anyone else have any favourite toys yet?
Matthew's still in most of his 0-3 month clothes though a few outfits and vests are a bit snug some are still massive on him!

and he's a big baby lol

I hope Dewi starts sleeping better soon. Your HV sounds a bit rubbish. Maybe try the doctors? xx