*~Dec Stars 09 Chat Thread~*

Chuck - yey for Dewi sleeping a bit longer. I think filling him up before you put him down would help if you could get him to take it.

I wish I knew how, he'll have 4 maybe 5oz and thats it, anyone here cluster feed? I was wondering if feeding him a couple smaller bottles spaced apart an hour or so just to get more into him may get him to go a bit longer?

Well me and Hubby just had a huuuggggeee barney, by email, phone and he came home form work to finish it (the argument not the marriage!).

DISCLAIMER - I do not really expect anyone to read all of this I just need to rant


I backed him into a corner with a question he couldn't answer without offending me without realising it and before I knew it hundreds of things that have gotten me angry/upset/frustrated tumbled out.

He actually said I have nothing to do all day!!!!! Cant believe I cant sleep when he sleeps - its not that fucking easy, oh and the jobs I have to do should only take 2 minutes each...yeah you try sorting out baby and hoovering etc and shee how well you cope...but if the baby cries just let him cry he says it only takes 2 minute. WTF??

He's soooo annoying though he has a photographic memory for words so can recount every detail of things you have said word for word...arguments are so difficult!

He doesnt take feelings into account and he can quite happily put his emotions into a box and put them away, for instance when it came to Dewi's delivery (v.difficult as I'm sure you remember) his words were well Dewi is here and healthy thats most important and what you feel now about is just caused by chemicals...they don't matter it'll pass.

I'm really struggling at the moment to keep by emotions in check, I feel useless and isolated but dont feel like going and doing anything because I dont feel like theres anything to do.

I have very few friends (that live near or give 2 shits about me most didn't even come to my wedding) those that I have seen since Dewi arrived it was awkward and I have nothing to say to them as I barely saw them through pregnancy and a while before as we were saving for the wedding and then I wasn't drinking so wouldn't be in the pub like they were at weekends.

The only time I get to go do things for me are the evenings and soe of them are impossible as hubby is in the gym after work so doesnt get in till gone 7.

I dont feel like I can leave them as Hubby never does anything for Dewi so doesn't know how to comfort him - he gives him to me if he cries.

As much as I want to go do things I just don't feel like it when the time comes, I had my haircut and walked out with something I don't like, I go looking for clothes as I have nothing to wear and cant bring myself to try anything on.

I went to get measured up for bras as nothing is comfy only for the woman to have to get a second opinion and that opinion was to buy something cheap and hope they settle down a bit more....one is a whole cup size smaller than the other now...great even worse than before.

We've arranged for me to go swimming tonight something I used to do with apprehension because it was 'good for me and bump' but I can barely bring myself to find my costume as I feel even worse about how I look now than before.

I actually miss being pg because thats the only time in my life I have been proud of how I looked and enjoyed my figure.

I enjoyed the baby group but feel its pointless as its only another 6 weeks before I'm back to work so any friendships I forge will be lost then.

Gah this all started because my Mum wants to come and visit and he thinks she's selfish, ignorant and rude and he had the nerve to say this to my face -tactful eh? All because when we had just had the baby - i.e. I was still in the birthing centre and then came home she was around and she didn't instinctively know to follow all his house rules and she made herself at home like we asked her to. He thinks because she didnt clean the house from top to bottom and cook us food like she said she would she's a c**t...uhhhh she didn't do certain things because we didn't ask her too, she did all the things I asked her to she was hardly about to rummage i our cupboards and get under our feet because she thought she should.

He's so intolerant its untrue, he's always saying he has to do everything and I do nothing, and what I do do he has to do again because I do a bad job...its such a load of bullshit.

I wish I had the nerve to tell him I finding things so difficult because I didn't even want to have this baby now...I didn't want to start TTC until a while after we were married I wanted to have a marriage to be a couple and do things together unlike when we were saving for the wedding and doing sweet FA every weekend before tying ourselves down to all that again but without even having time to ourselves.

I agreed to have the baby now for him, he wanted it so badly.

I dont have the nerve though...he'd only call me stupid (he often does) and a martyr.


I have no idea how to get him to feed, Jake seems to go back on the boob if you give him a 5-10 minute rest and will stay on for a while longer, even if he's stayed on for long enough in the first place. I guess it's different with FF though.

I did read the hubby rant :hugs: to you. Maybe you should tell him how you feel, it probably won't help the current argument, but at least you won't be bottling it up any more. Best case is he might get a wake up call, which it sounds like he needs a little bit - I'd go mad if DH gave Jake to me every time he cries.
Apart form t he last bit I've told him and he just doesn't get it, he seems to think that becuase he has a pressured job he shouldn't have to do much when he gets in...I want to know when do I get time off?

...and I need to get organized and just sleep when he does, if I just go to bed he'll fall asleep with me...yeah right if I spend 2 hours trying to get sleep during the day then thats a few jobs that don't get done and that'll be wrong.

I cant win.

I know I'm probably feeling worse about things than they really are but jeez I just want to disappear for a while right now.
Charlie, I honestly dont know what to say :hugs::hugs:

you need to sit down & talk! :hugs:
I'd just say, "If it's so easy and I have it so good, how is it that you can't even do a simple thing like comforting him when he cries? For a man who wanted children so much, I'm starting to think you like the idea more than the difficult, inconvenient reality. I'll stop being "a martyr" when you stop being such an ignorant fuck... until then, enjoy the sofa."

lulz :D
I'd just say, "If it's so easy and I have it so good, how is it that you can't even do a simple thing like comforting him when he cries? For a man who wanted children so much, I'm starting to think you like the idea more than the difficult, inconvenient reality. I'll stop being "a martyr" when you stop being such an ignorant fuck... until then, enjoy the sofa."

lulz :D

I wish that would work Femme, Ive tried similar, it doesnt make things any different.
hi chuck hope your feeling a bit better getting your rant out. its horrible bottling up xx
hi all hope your all ok? x
So i went to the docs and my body still hasnt recovered from the c-section and my blood count is abnormal and my bp is 145/90 so im still on bp tablets must remeber to take them. He said my kidney scan was fine but if i still leak protein i will have to a kidney x-ray. i`m still on the mini pill so i`m going to start it once i have finished my normal pack.
I have got to go back in a months time for another blood count and hopefully im all sorted. dr asked if i wanted more kids and said yes but he said i will have to watch bp cos if it remains high i`d imagain i would have to stay in hospital and i couldnt do that with caleb.
sorry that was longx
oh and now its snowing but on another hand we are having sausage and mash for tea yeah xx
Charlie, :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I hope venting has made you feel a little better!!as for your "DH" I dont really know what to say.he sounds like a complete ar*e!!and like femme said,it sounds like he liked the idea of kids more than actually having kids.that said,it is really really common for men to not actually bond with their children until 6months to a year (basically when they are more interactive) and maybe he will understand better then!!does he ever look after Dewi for a couple of hours or so at the weekends?
I had a little breakdown to my OH last week coz I feel like I have lost all my 'me' time and I explained to him he gets lunch breaks and gets to switch off when he gets home,wich are two big things us mothers dont get.he kinda took it in!!what is this stressful job your DH has got?
Oh,and more hugs :hugs: if I was closer to you I would be your friend and take you out for lunch somewhere!! xx
hello ladies.

Charlie :hugs: I read the rant too. xxx

we are doing well here as normal. Noah has 6oz ever 2-3 hours during the day, then a 6oz at 6pm and 6 at 7.45. He then goes to bed till 6. At 6 he has 6oz and only then goes till 730 ish .

I feel really blah today.
well can today get any flipping worse!!

Just realised I booked Ricks stag do flights 14-18 and accommodation 15-19 - gonna ring Thompsons tomorrow to change the accomadtion hopefully.
The mum phoned - grandma taken to hospital cos she collapsed at home, Blood pressure really low and being sick.
Aye dear
Nic, what a nightmare on the stag do I hope you get it sorted :flower:

Im sorry about your grandma I hope she is ok :hugs::hugs:
Massive hugs heading your way chuck :hugs: I am kind of agreeing with Claire...could there be a little bit of PND? :hugs: I dont want to offend you in any way but when you said about not wanting to do stuff (not your exact word i know lol) it sounds like your really down :( :hugs: If I didnt live in a different country I'd be straight round and taking you and Dewi out for the day :)

I cluster feed in the evenings (well Matthew has from the day he was born lol) he generally takes a full feed around tea time then its every hour or so he takes a couple of oz's extra.

Oh no :dohh: hope thomsons will get it sorted out for you Nic!! And hope your grandma is ok :hugs:

Im ok...have a slight headache. Know what is meant with the lying awake worrying and pondering over things i do it all the time!

Right bed time me thinks! Gotta be up and out for just after 10am in the morning gotta take the car to get fixed...miles away!! Hoping the courtesy car is suitable for car seat and base :wacko: otherwise il have to use the three point thingy and havnt done that before :wacko: Got the instructions though just in case and will call into halfords and ask them nicely to check its fitted ok!

Hope everyone and LO's are getting some sleep :hugs:
Morning girlies!!
Charlie,how you feeling today?
Nic,good luck with thompsons.hope they can swap it for you.how did it happen?are you still suffering slightly from pregnancy head?!i think I am.lol
SL,the courtesy car should be ok.especially if its a big chain of garage you are taking it to!!But like you say,halfords can always check it out for you!!im dreading the day I have to put Lana's car seat into someone elses car without the base.im so paranoid il get it wrong.haha

How is everyone this morning?
Lana stayed up late last night.partly my fault coz I wanted to give her her last feed but she kept fussing...turned out she didnt want it.haha.im now trying to get her to go back to sleep after her morning feed but she is fighting it.Grr!!
She has a photoshoot this afternoon.its one of those free things where they then try to scam you out of £££'s for one teeny tiny print.but we get three shoots over the year and three free pics (wich will no doubt be tiny too but I plan to scan it,enlarge it,re-print it.mwuhaha!! :evil:)

What is everyone up to today?
Charlie, How are you feeling today?

Sweetlullaby, the car should be fine I agree :flower: but as you said you could always take it along to Halfords & check

Aly, Sorry Lana is fighting sleep can be a nightmare cant it? they certainly keep us on our feet :haha:


How is everyone? No plans here today we off into town Friday but thats about it
Omgggg, I'm having an exciting day and I've only been up an hour! :lol:

Well, started out bad. Got an email overnight saying that the mei tai I custom ordered would take even longer as they're out of stock on the fabric I wanted. So they said I could cancel my order, which I did because they didn't give a time frame plus I'd be waiting 3-4 weeks anyway.

Sooo... I went looking for UK stockists and... I found the fabric/combo that I wanted plus it's the deluxe version with minkee, cheaper and... delivered tomorrow!!! Yaaaay :D:D:D

God, what a saddo. :haha:

In other news, Molly LOVES her Bumbo. She likes pretending to be a big person anyway, walking on her mat and talking all the time so sitting and talking to us she seems to really love. Very impressed with it, it's squidgier than I imagined and came with the play tray which we'll introduce at some point once she's got complete head control and can sit in it for longer periods.

As for what I'm going to do for the rest of the day... hmh, wait for the postman and maybe wander into town. What's everyone else up to? x
Grr,Lana didnt go back to sleep and now she is grumpy!!PLUS the photo place rang this morning and said we need to re-book next week coz the photographers wife is ill.ffs!!so now I have nothing to do all day!!
Femme,excellent news on your order.bet you cant wait for the delivery van to turn up tomorrow.lol

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