Wahhhh, what a mixed bag of a day
Poor Molly, they jabbed her in both thighs! She was happy, smiling and babbling all the way through being weighed, checked and she absolutely bawled through her jabs. Just as she was calming a little from the first, they did the other one. My poor baby

Took a while to console her, it made ME cry at first but had to man up to calm her down. Then, as I was feeding her... I heard the next baby get his jabs and I cried again! :/
But, she settled nicely after a feed and had a nice nap in the mei tai. I decided to take her for a nice walk in it as she naps really well in it.
Lots of nappies arrived today and I've transferred back to my original baby clinic with my lovely HV, thank god! Also Molly is 12lbs 10oz!
Meh, I really don't want her to have her next set of jabs

I've made OH book the day off.