Bit to catch up on....
I don't think a photo in a frame is a cheap present, it's what our parents are getting! Going to copy the professional one that my friends paid for as a birthday present for me and buy a couple of nice frames. I know it's a bit naughty to make copies of a professional pic but they charge £20 for every extra print which is a bit steep imo.
Nic - cute video of Noah. I could probably take a similar one of Jake, he loves wriggling too. Also makes me realise now small he is, Noah nearly fills that changing mat, Jake takes about 2/3 of it!
Sorry Molly didn't sleep very well after her injections Leanne, hopefully she'll be better today.
Jake, on the other hand, was grumpy all day but slept really well. Might be because we gave him a bit of calpol before we put him to bed, his temperature had gone up a bit and didn't want it to get worse during the night. He's asleep again now and temperature is back to normal so hopefully (fx) the worst is over. I don't really mind him crying as such, just don't like to think of him being in pain
Well done on the swimming Charlie, I still can't motivate myself to do any exercise other than walking and the odd quick go on the wii fit (which I'm sure doesn't really count). Consoling myself with the fact that BF burns lots of calories - lol.
No real plans for today, will see what Jake's like when he wakes up, might go for a walk if it's not too cold outside (looks it at the minute) and maybe go visit someone if not, it's quite good for me that both our mums don't work during the week and live nearby, gives me people to visit who will happily play with Jake as well as talk to me.