Hey Trying, gosh that must have been a bit scary! Glad everything is ok.
How is everyone else doing? I've had a rough day today, felt sh*t since I got up and spent the morning with my head down the loo, all got a bit much so just had a cry on the bathroom floor! I feel so crap at the moment and I've got a few friends on Facebook who are pregnant and posting pics of them all happy and looking great and gushing about how wonderful it is being pregnant and how excited they are. Makes me think I'm being over dramatic about things but I feel so bloody crap! It's like a permanent hangover plus flu plus norovirus! Makes me feel better to know some of you guys are going through it too. I feel guilty about complaining when we have tried so long to get pregnant but it's so much harder than I thought! No one I know went through it like this so I was totally unprepared. We always wanted 2 close together but this has really put me off having another
I really felt for you Bonnie when I read this. I am glad to hear things are improved since posting that. I have been going to some serious misery and cry so much I am afraid it's not good for me. I am going through a reoccuring wave of symptoms. I have a couple of these on a daily basis.. vertigo, headaches, diarrhea, vomiting, horrid gas, painful bladder (had to stop my meds for IC which is really worrying me), depression, low grade fever, total fatique, hot flashes, cold sweats, & cronic vomit inducing coughing. I feel like I have the worlds longest flu though I am starting to manage the symtoms a little better by finding triggers.
I stopped taking B6 which I noticed was triggering flu like attacks. I would take it then get this horrid wave of dizziness and hot flash. I would then just lay in misery for several hours in bed. Ginger pills also turned out to be a no no. I can only take my folic and some Benedryl to help my bladder and allergies. The headaches are better though I am plagued with everyday weakness, vertigo, coughing, and bladder ache. I am in the middle of switching OBGYN which will be great once they FINALLY get me in. They say another two weeks for my appt, but I am working other angles to get myself in sooner. I really need to talk to the OB about my bladder and what meds and I can start taking and when. I am scared to death of my bladder being in constant pain throughout the pregnancy.
Needless to say...those of you without morning sickness thank your lucky stars. Mine has been so bad I can honestly say this will be only child. I can never do this again. I truly wanted at least two kids but I simply cannot put myself through this again. Being in bed almost all day for at least a month now and I am now dreading the rest of this pregnancy. I just don't have the constitution for pregnancy. Especially once I have a little one to take care of.
Best of luck to you ladies and I hope none of you are suffering. I hope I can report back better news once this trimester is coming to an end.