December Mums

congratulations on blue bump glad your placanta has moved.

Well girls i've been shopping today for nursery things and went to mama's and papa's and spent a fortune i just couldn't resist. I bought the winnie the pooh collection just need to actually decorate the nursery now.

If any of you are looking for trendy maternity clothes now have a collection - i loved this website when i wasn't pregnant!
I think the manic energy has finally worn off!
I worked from 7:15 am to 6:15 pm today. Non-stop. Directing 300 schoolkids through an original musical theatre piece, training new artists on the program, striking and loading costumes and set for same 300 schoolkids....
I'm tiiiiiired!
And I think I'm getting my first cold since my sinus infection in first tri.
Stupid rotten schoolchildren and their germs! Curse them!
I was supposed to have the weekend to recupe, after a very very busy two weeks, but I think I have to go in both days to deal with work crap and I am really grumpy about it.
I love what I do, but I cannot get everything done if I keep having crap heaped on me, dammit! And I'm almost eight months f##king pregnant!!! I should NOT be dragging my sick butt in to work the weekend.
Am very pissy right now.
Exhausted and really pissed that I have to go in to get everything ready for next week's residency.
Thank you for listening to my teeth-gnashing!
Massive Hugs Sarahkka, sounds like you have a lot on.
Really hope your cold goes away quick!
When are you planning on going on Maternity leave?
I hope you get some chance to rest this weekend xXx
Poloma, you are so lovely to listen to my snivelling! :)
And congratulations on the blue bump!
I start my leave Dec.1, at about 37 weeks.
I'm just starting to feel a bit desperate that I'm not going to be able to wrap everything up before I go. I was supposed to have more time and support than this, so far, and I'm starting to really feel the pressure. It takes so much energy to work with all those kids, and to do that on top of everything else just about killed me yesterday.
And to top it off, I am now up at 3:30 am with a full-blown sinus infection and insomnia.
I really need to take the weekend off, but if I do, next week's program will really suffer. I developed this program - it's my other baby! I am starting to get nervous about leaving it for a whole year.
Ah, it's just normal transitional anxiety, I'm sure, compounded by getting walloped by a cold.
It's so maddening - what I know would cure my cold and give me the energy to get it all done would be sleep. About nine hours of deep, unbroken sleep. This is when I really miss things like neo-citran - it knocks you out so your body can heal itself.
I shouldn't complain. I've had a ridiculously easy pregnancy and months of robust health and energy, and so many poor girls have been sick as dogs since conception.
And I know I've been burning the candle at both ends. This cold has been in the mail for a couple of weeks now.
I'm drowning it in hot lemon and honey, then I'm going to go back to bed.
I definitely won't get back to sleep sitting in front of the computer!:)
sorry to intrude ladies but...


sorry to intrude ladies but...




yay. Its really weird cos i had a dream about my waters breaking last night :D

Must be a "getting near the end thing" i keep dreaming about giving birth too :rofl:

Looking through all of our posts we're all moaning we're tired and exhausted already lol ... and we've all got at least 4 weeks to go!! :hissy:
it seems so close yet so far all at the same time for me.

i havent started with the labour dreams just yet thank god!!!!

how is everyone this weekend?
sarahkka hope you start to feel better soon and that you get some support with work it tough leaving something you have worked very hard to establish.
PP im shattered all the time i have never had that blooming stage where you have loads of energy personally i think its all just a fairy tale lol!!!

:happydance: Can't beieve we're all due next month!

I've had two baby dreams in a row now, which have been amazing. Until now I hadn't had any. Last night I dreamt that a little girl with blonde curls came and sat next to me on a bench and said 'I can't wait to meet you Mummy'. :cloud9: We had a long talk about how excited we both were and then the smiled at me and left.
Glad your placenta has moved Poloma! Naughty gender seeker! Congrats!
:hugs: Sarahkka

Well my last day at work was good, didn't really do anything much, which was nice, then went for a meal in the evening with my work pals and DH came along too. Very nice! But today I woke at 4am with waves of urgent wee-needing and then couldn't get back to sleep even though I was totally exhausted. Had about an extra hour after breakfast and am still in nightie.

I'm torn, I want to sit and do nothing [play My Sims on DS] but at the same time the house is in such a state that I want to get started making it nice again. My plan is to do one or two things every day so that I keep on top of it without overdoing it. Maybe I'll just hoover downstairs, fill the dishwasher and put on a load of washing... Got to walk dogs too at some point before dark.

I had a dream a couple of nights ago that the birthing pool was like a big bath, rectangular and really long, and was sticking out through the kitchen door. In my dream I didn't think this seemed very practical! Then last night I dreamt I was really anxious that we've done nothing on the spare room yet, which is odd because I'm really not anxious about it! We need to finish our room (which DH and my Dad will paper next weekend) because that's where the cot will go but it'll be done so I'm not worried. Weirdo!

How are you all this weekend?
PB- I would say you've earned a break seeing as you only just finished work! What about just tidying the room you are in and then vegging out and playing The Sims? That way you'll be in a nice tidy room, have felt like you started it and you'll get to have fun. :) That's what I do anyway. :p My living room is lovely righ now, but the rest of my house is an unpacked tip of boxes!
:happydance: Can't beieve we're all due next month!

I've had two baby dreams in a row now, which have been amazing. Until now I hadn't had any. Last night I dreamt that a little girl with blonde curls came and sat next to me on a bench and said 'I can't wait to meet you Mummy'. :cloud9: We had a long talk about how excited we both were and then the smiled at me and left.

aww thats such a sweet dream hunni.

All the girls due in early december, do you all realise we could end up november mummys instead lol
aww i hope you enjoy maternity leave PB it is great but im getting bored now, as sp i might just get on with some college work :D

And im feeling ok this weekend just tired and stressing cos i keep on meaning to pack my hospital bag but something always comes up and i put it back another day :hissy:
rafwife - nice idea but the sitting room is such a mission of clutter and mess and sleeping dogs and furniture to be moved to hoover under, the kitchen is easy in comparison! lol

After all these months of DH being in charge I hardly know where anything is so now I need to begin the slow path to reclaiming the house!

AM - I keep thinking about the Nov mummy bit as it's a possibility. I realised last weekend that it was only three weeks to the magic 37 weeks, now only just over 2! I wouldn't even have started my official mat leave as I'm on holiday for three weeks first.

My ideal is that we get to see the Boosh on the 2nd Dec and all the laughter and enjoyment sends me into labour soon after. It would be great is DH's two weeks of paternity leave could be followed exactly by his two weeks of Christmas hols, a whole month together with our new baby would be fab! I guess baby would need to be born about on its due date for that to work!
It would be great is DH's two weeks of paternity leave could be followed exactly by his two weeks of Christmas hols, a whole month together with our new baby would be fab! I guess baby would need to be born about on its due date for that to work!

They are my exact thoughts with DH's paternity. Have worked out that would be ideal for me to have LO on 9th dec then his 2 weeks paternity is followed by the christmas hols. I wonder if i keep saying it she will listen and come out when she is told???? I think not!!! Oh well we can dream xx
lol I had a dream I had Izzy and she weighed 13lb 10oz!!!!!!! :hissy: oh my goodness please noooo!!!!. So who's on maternity leave and who is still working at the mo? Mine starts next Friday! Woohoo!!!! Just finished my last Saturday, feels good! x x
I worked in a factory so I'm written off on Sick Leave, as the work was getting to hard for me. My actual maternity leave doesn't start until Dec 20 :)

Yay for being able to say "Due next month!!!" Getting close now, eh ladies? :happydance:
I guess I'll move up to the final box soon. Blimey!

You might have already seen, but some might be interested in reading about an exhibition I went to this week: Seeing the exhibition has, for some reason, kind of helped me to imagine the baby as flesh and bones while it's still inside.

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