December Mums

Hey PB, I was wondering where you had disappeared to!
I'm feeling a bit better now thank you, but Im getting a cold again (3rd time whilst ive been pregnant) Ive suffered with them soo bad so hopefully this one isnt going to be as bad.

Hope ur ok!
Hi Sophie, sorry you're getting another cold. I know what you mean, even a minor ailment hits like a sledgehammer when we're pregnant, eh? Yeah I've been very slack, just didn't event want to put the computer on! now I'm not forced here to work it's hard to persuade myself I want to spend hours on here, even for BnB! lol
Aww :hugs: for Pb.

Does it seem like time is realllyyyy dragging for anyone? Im getting soo fed up now :(

Hello darlings!
I'm officially dying of some horrendous cold. And the flu shot. It dealt me the mortal blow.
I've decided that while I lay here dying, I am also officially on strike!
Screw Work! And the horse Work rode in on!
I'm done.
If I survive the weekend, I am going to put my foot down on this ridiculous workaholism once and for all!
Feeble coughing sounds.
sniffle sniffle
awww pb and sarahkka sorryour feeling so rubbish here is some getting better magical dust :dust: hope it works :hugs: x x
Morning ladies!
Hugs to all those who are suffering horrible colds xXx

Got anything exciting planned for the weekend?
We have got my mate comming round with her fiance, so excited I havent seen her since I was 12 weeks gone! were gonna have a good chin wag and then a take away and Xfactor! lol its the small pleasures in life that cheer me up :)
Plus she has asked me to be a bridesmaid (pos maid of honour if her sister doesnt want to) and my Lo's are to be paige boys/flower girl.
Thankfully she isnt getting married till 2010 so I have time to get my figure back!!!! :)
hugs to all those suffering with colds and bugs!
morning everyone,

i went to a firework party last night which was ok but i was bloody freezing and it took me till 2am to get warm again.

today im hopefully going to get a new phone so will spend the afternoon sorting out phone numbers etc but thats if they shop have finally got the phone in.

sorry some of you are feeling rough, sending big hugs and hope you start to feel better soon.

Poloma hope you have a nice time with your friends and congrats on the bridesmaid yu get to wear a lovely dress!!!!

time is dragging alot for me, i am getting a bit freaked out though cos i have been getting pains but in my actual stomach, im not sure if its because the baby is still so high up and its pressing on my tummy or what but its making me feel really sick all the time.

OH can anyone tell me what to expect with braxton hicks because i havent experienced them yet and have no idea what to be looking for.
Sorry you girls are feeling crappy!!

Lolly it must be "that time" because ive had niggly aches and pains for the last 2 days and my back is killing me this morning, i actually ate my breakfast on my ball lol, god knows how it didnt make me sick but i couldnt sit on the chair lol.
Morning. Hope your cold's go soon. :hugs:

I'm suffering with,....*cough,umm,piles... :( Been using cream but they are not going! I'm scared of giving birth now incase some more come & my bottom erupts! I can't go to the loo without a ''lump'' popping out. I know that sounds disgusting but they won't budge,lol. Anyway,moving on....:lol: My friend had her baby yesterday,(her due date)but was in labour for 2 days.So I'm jealous,& I want mine here now.Lexie was so active yesterday,ALL day,she was hurting me.I think she was pushing down abit more because I kept feeling it in my woowoo.:blush:Dyed my hair last night,put blonde highlights in, hair bein as dark as it is,went o-r-a-n-g-e instead of blonde,so I'm just shovin a brown dye on it,I'll leave it to the hairdressers from now on,lol. Tonights plans,watch the x-factor.:D
Huggles all you poorly girls. :hugs:

Hello Peanutbean :hi: Good to see you. :D

Poloma how lovely for all your family to be involved so closely in your friends wedding. :flower: Have a fab weekend with them.

Whoopsy doodles Donna, that's why I don't dye my hair anymore. :blush: Had one too many 'odd' colours as a result.

Bubble's very quiet today, it feels very strange not to have him battering about. I'm about to have my lunch tho so I'm sure he'll say hi when it gets to him. :D

Hubby's at work, weather's crap! Got washing everywhere now. :hissy:
I've always done my own hair Angelmouse. But since I dyed it dark brown, I fancied having another colour in, to liven it up abit. Well, I got the lightest bleach blonde you can get, but wasn't impressed with my result, ha ha. I nearly went for shocking red, but I aint got the gutts.... :rofl:

Haha, Like the term, "Battering about" :lol: My little wriggler is quiet today too. She did enough yesterday. :shock: It was really hurting me, think she's bruised my insides, ha ha.
Hmmm; random thought I just had...I wonder if the kicks to the ribs hurt more if you previously had an injury in them? Like if you've cracked your ribs in the past does it hurt more when a baby shoves his tiny feet in them?

That's just the sort of mood I'm in today; pointless. :lol:
Poloma - sounds like you're going to have a fun night :) I'll be watching the x factor too with my OH.

Sarahkka & Sophie - Hope you girls feel better soon :hugs: I swear by the Vicks First Defense medicine, but you have to take it as soon as the symptoms start. Other than that I'd probably veg on the sofa wrapped in lots of blankets eating soup!

PB- Yay you're back! Wondered where you were. Thought you must be enjoying the first week of your maternity leave though as we would have heard from your text buddies if anything was up.

I haven't actually got out of bed yet. :blush: Last night I had the best and the deepest sleep I've had since I was pregnant. I didn't even get up once to go to the toilet, I just slept straight through. (I'm usually up 4-6 times a night) LO usually wakes me up by moving, so I had a slight panic this morning when she didn't and it took her 30mins to wake up herself! So she must have fancied a lie in with her Mum too. :p
Oh I meant to ask too: When anyone's LOs move, do you get a shoooting sensation down your bump and in your 'lady bits'? Sometimes it;s sore but it more feels like a strange sensation down there. I don't know if it means she's engaging. I'm looking forward to the midwife on Monday so I can find out. :)
I sometimes do get a shooting pain down there. But I can't remember if it's when she's moving?
I call it the cervical stomp. :D When he pushes himself down a bit it's like an electric shock through my bump and 'ladybits'. :lol:

Donna I used to dye my hair all the time too. Not only have I been Cherry red but it's also been blue! :lol: I put a bleach blonde through it while I was pg with Charlie. It looked great for about 3 weeks and then my roots came through and I just looked like I should be running an east end launderette. :rofl:
Hi girls :wave:

sorry some of you are poorly i hope you get better soon :hugs:

Donna, ouch!! piles dont sound nice!! i hope they go for you soon!!

Rafwife- lucky you on sleep front!! and not waking up for the toilet!! whats your trick?? :rofl: im up and down all night!! and my nights sleep are getting worse and worse :(

Ive been to town today to get all new PJs for my hospital bag, im so tempted to wear them, i love having new pj's but im going to keep them for hospital!!
i didnt stay in town long my back seized up and was walking like an old woman!! its still hurting now so im going to chill today and have a nice long soak in the tub and then xfactor tonight :happydance: xx
Hahaha. :rofl: I used to hate my roots comin through when I had blonde hair. It looks disgusting lol.

Blue hair, coooooooool..... :p
:( Aw, Hope your back eases soon. That's the worst thing when your out & your back's creasin. :hugs:

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