December Mums

Yes! Me..I keep thinking I'm gonna be pregnant forever. It's been an eternity already. 30 days seems like another eternity away. Aaaaah, I just want her here. Lol.
im not sure weather i had the big clearout last night as it was like someone turned the tap on sorry tmi then just as i thought i could go back to bed :sleep: (it was about half 3 in the morning and i was having bad stomach pains:hissy:) i needed to be sick too!:dohh: xxx
I have a gut feeling im not going to make it to the end .... but that might just be wishful thinking haha
I have a gut feeling im not going to make it to the end .... but that might just be wishful thinking haha

oooh mabey you wont lol. Ive got a gut feeling im going to go over due cos everyone has been telling me how he will come early and i just think they have cursed me to go overdue
Afternoon ladies! How are we today?

pains eased off at about 5am so I got some sleep. :)

I'm fairly certain it's just LO engaging and because she's in the wrong position it hurts. Though I am secretly hoping that tomorrow my MW will tell me something is happening. Not because I want her to come early (I really don't - we don't even have anywhere for her to sleep yet!) but because after this, something should be happening! Wishful thinking probably!

If everyone had to guess when they were going to go, what would you guess?

Also, who do you think the next December Mum will be to go?

I think I'll go at 39 weeks, and I think the next Mum to go will be MomandPeanut or Pebbles.
I'm under no illusion that this baby will arrive before his due date!
Both my other lo's kept me waiting! Ds was 13 days late and Dd was 9 days, so the most I can hope for is a week overdue!
Would mean a new year baby instead!
Having said all that I have prob just cursed myself for an Xmas day birth! and icky hospital dinner! ewwww
Hey December Mummy's! Sorry I abandoned you all, lol :hugs:

I know I joked about wanting to be the first Dec Mum to give birth right at the beginning of this thread, but I never for a minute thought I would and so early! :rofl: I'm as surprised as any! Sorry if I scared any of you! (I skim read a few pages back, bless you all).

Hope you're all doing well, anyway! I might technically be a Nov Mum now, but i'll always be a Dec Mum really :)

Had a great moment in the bath earlier!

Was just laying back, relaxing when I spotted red/pink mucus around my legs.

'Shit!' I thought, 'I've lost my plug!'

Called OH upstairs in a panic and as I turned round to get out of the bath I realise that the herbal essences bottle had fallen in opened and leaked out. :rofl:

whoopsie :blush:
Lol PP yeah "knicker watch":rofl: I reckon I'll be late...I hope not though I can't wait to see her!!!! I think next mummy will be..... Mom and Peanut and then...... Aidan's mummy! Ooooh it's so exciting!

:waves: Hey Vicky!!!!!!!! x x
ooo heya vicky :wave:. Congrats on ava making an entrance hunni. She is gawjuss. Can you send some labour dust my way pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee:kiss:. im begging you lol:rofl:
good thanks honey :hugs: soooo happy for you can you send me :dust: labour dust too????? lol x x
Thank you sweets. Thanks for the texts too :hugs:

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:

There you go. You can all have a bit. I need someone to join me in the Mummy club!
thankyou hunni :D. Hopefully some of us will join you soon :D
yaaay bring us all over to the mummies club!!!! lol x x
afternoon girls!!

Hope everyone is well :D

Rafwife :rofl: at your panic in the tub!! bet you felt like a plonger!! lol

Vicky big congrats again!!!

Ive had a lazy day today :D Stayed in bed till 11 then got up had a nice bubble bath then cooked sunday dinner!! not got alot planned for the rest of the day either as my OH is hogging the TV with the XBOX :grr:

Here you go girlies Have some labour dust :dust: xx
Bonjour everyone!
Welcome back, Vicky! So glad everything went so well and you've got your baby safe and sound!
I slept until 6:30 am today! Huzzah!
I am still wretchedly ill, but I have way more energy in the morning. By evening I am ready to keel over and the fevery feeling returns. I was getting earaches and it hurt to swallow yesterday, too, so I was freaking out that I was getting just a massive, generalized head infection. One in which every orifice is inflamed, infected and miserable. But no! A very good night's sleep seems to have done a lot of healing.
I have myself to blame for feeling worse yesterday. I couldn't just sit and rest. I felt like it was absolutely necessary to go out and do errands, and then come home and scour the house.
I had my girlfriend and her 15-month-old over for a visit yesterday afternoon, so I sort of panicked that nothing was clean enough and went crazy.
I was so tired by the time they got here and the little one was so energetic....
Um, it actually made me a bit dismayed. We couldn't have a conservation. The toddler was careening around the house, grabbing at everything, so we spent lots of time chasing after her. I know I was too tired for a visit, but I couldn't help but stare at the situation and think, "Oh my god. This will be me next year. What have I done?"
I'm not naive. I know how much work kids are, but I had one of those hit-it-home moments of the less appealing side of parenthood. A simple conversation is no longer guaranteed. You are constantly distracted by baby and don't finish your sentences. It is sort of tedious to be the non-parent in that situation.
And that unsettled me a bit.
I think I need to just trust that by the time next year rolls around, I'll be ready to handle an energetic toddler.
And I know being sick and exhausted made the situation worse. I was looking forward to a visit with my friend and instead I got a session of nutty kid at full speed!
And that'll be me soon. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
LMAO at Rafwife thats just too funny ... and something i could see myself doing!! :rofl::rofl:

As for who's going to be next ... I think Molly (UV) then M&P then Rafwife then Heather & Kate. In that order too :rofl:
lol RAFwife bet you gave yourself a shock!!!! Yaaay I like guessing who's next - ooooh of course Molly - she'll be soon! :dance: x x

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