December Mums

You know? I bet that a kick in the ribs probably does hurt more if you've had a previous injury. Makes me glad that I don't have one, as LO likes to use my ribs for soccer practice!

It's my baby shower today! :happydance::happydance::happydance: Looking forward to it. I've been a social hermit lately and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone!

What's everyone up to this weekend?
Nessa - how's your back now? Back pain is horrible :hugs:

Tyff- how exciting! :happydance: Let us know what lovely stuff you get and how it goes! Baby showers aren't as popular over here but I always secretly fancied one :blush:


Surely something must be happening with me. :dohh: I'm in pain again with shooting sensations every few minutes. I don't mean labour or anything, as I think that's ages away but surely she's engaging (or hopefully moving!). Or something. I can't go through this rubbish for nothing!

I'm having lots of discharge too (TMI...I know!) so wondering if I'll get my show soon.

I don't want her to come early though but I just wish I knew what was happening with her :dohh:
Yay,Enjoy your baby shower Tyff.:p Don't 4get 2 show us piccies of your goodies.:lol:

Rafwife,Yeah she is probably engaging,:) I could be wrong though.

Were gettin closer now. It's hitting me now that in 31days (hopefully no more) I'll be a mum. :eek: I hope the weeks go fast. I cannot w8 to be me again & have a glass of Baileys & Ice! Yipeee
i swear your addicted to baileys lol.

sorry your still suffering rafwife.

im sat here doing not much as my back is agony, OH has been very good and done all the housework for me which was very kind of him.
i got my new phone so i have been texting everyone my new number and watching crap on the tv

whats everyone else up to?

Oh god I cannot wait to have a baileys! It's on offer in Tescos atm!
I've always done my own hair Angelmouse. But since I dyed it dark brown, I fancied having another colour in, to liven it up abit. Well, I got the lightest bleach blonde you can get, but wasn't impressed with my result, ha ha. I nearly went for shocking red, but I aint got the gutts.... :rofl:

Haha, Like the term, "Battering about" :lol: My little wriggler is quiet today too. She did enough yesterday. :shock: It was really hurting me, think she's bruised my insides, ha ha.

Hiya hun, my LO was kicking me and pushig really hard yesterday too, now when I stroke my bump certain areas feel really bruised and sore! Do you think that's why??? She's beating me up!!! :hissy: lol x x
Tyff enjoy your babyshower hun :D

Rafwife my backs a little better :D still abit sore but nothing like it was earlier thanks for asking :hugs: i hope your pain sensations stop soon!!

Donna i know what you mean about wanting to get back to normal... im so fed up of being pregnant now!! thats sounds awful doesnt it :blush: but ive just had shittiest of weeks :( i hope next weeks better!!

Lollylou i feel your pain ive got a bad back today i had to come home from town as it seized up!! hope yours feels better soon :hugs: xx
Lollylou,It's because time is getting nearer now & I'll be able to have all the baileys in the world... I've missed it so much,lol. :p

Rafwife,I know,it's making me want to go & buy some ready for the day I'm allowed it! Ha.

Kate,Yeah thats what I mean,bumps sore cause she hurt that much. :eek: She's getting to big to move now. But the bugger still manages! :rofl:

Nessa,It doesn't sound awful at all hun,9 months is a very long time! I'll be glad for it to be over. I havent enjoyed it much to be honest. 2nd trimester was the most I enjoyed it. I've just been a different person & I dont like it lol.
Yep i found 2nd tri the best tri too!! I didnt see much of 1st tri i think i slept it away or spent it with my head down the toilet!! 2nd tri i had tons of energy and felt great and 3rd tri sucks :rofl:
Tyff- enjoy your baby shower

rafwife- is the sharp pains in your girlie bits aswell?? cos i got sharp ains there when Aidan engaged

lollylou- i hope your back gets better soon :hugs:

bamikate and Donna- God movements reall ydo hurt sometimes now. It feels like he is trying to break out of my belly

nessajane- Dont feel guilty about being fed up with preg. I reached that point at about 28 weeks lol. I have actually really hated being preg but i think its just cos im impathient to meet baby :D
can't wait to hear about baby shower Tyff! :D

Nessa - I'm getting fed up now too enjoyed having a neat bump and feeling great in 2nd Tri but now I'm so big and uncomfortable but it's not for much longer December mummies!!!!!!.

Been getting cramps and twinges all day and (don't laugh...) but I swear it's like a random buzzing feeling "down there" lol wtf is that?!!

Does anyone find this stage of pregnancy a bit like when you were TTC just before you got your BFP? You know like analysing every little twinge and thinking is this the very start of labour????lol no, probably just me :wacko: x x
Oh. My. Word.

I cannot BELEIVE the generosity of people! Honestly, I nearly started to cry near the end of my shower, I can't get over how much stuff people got me. I guess alot of people started shopping for me as soon as they found out I was pregnant!

There were lots of jokes as to wether or not there were bottoms to the bags of stuff I was opening, as each large bag contained at least 7 or 8 things. I got a TON of washcloths, burp pads, wipes, onesies, too cute outfits (Baby Girl offically got her first bikini today!) and huge things like the cradle swing we had been eyeballing (it goes from side to side as well as front to back), the Baby Bjorn (so P can carry her around!) and honestly the list goes on and on.

We literally filled a truck full of the gifts. It's taken me 2 hours just to sort through and organize the stuff we got. I'm not done yet, but I need to stop cuz I'm beat.

Wow. :cry: People are too kind. I didn't take too many pictures, but I'll upload them as soon as I can. :)

Hope everyone had a great day!
That's amazing Tyff! I'm so glad you had a good time :hugs:

AM - yes it's going down from my bump to my cervix and is quite sharp. I've been getting it every 5 minutes or so all night now. (hence being up at 3am!)

bambikate- yes! I even check the loo everytime I go in case I've had a show :rofl:
morning everyone,

glad you had a nice baby shower tyff look forward to the pics.

how you feeling rafwife? you still getting the pains?

Glad you had a nice time Tyff. :)

Rafwife - Maybe you should get checked out (just incase) if you're getting them every 5 minutes. x
Does anyone find this stage of pregnancy a bit like when you were TTC just before you got your BFP? You know like analysing every little twinge and thinking is this the very start of labour????lol no, probably just me :wacko: x x

:rofl::rofl: yeap its like being on knicker watch again!!

Hope your baby shower went well Tyff cant wait to hear about it!!

Went for the tour of my "new" hospital yesterday, i feel a lot better going to this one, its a lot nice and newer and their policies are so much better.

Got woken up at random o clock this morning with this horrible pain in my bump and thought "oh crap .... is this it" but it dissapeared after a few minutes and i fell back to sleep, phewww, nearly pooped my pants :rofl:
:rofl:Holly..I'm the same,a little twinge & I think,omg.....:shock:

Glad you like your new hospital,8)
PP totally get what you are saying about every little twinge. I lost count of the number of times i thought i was in labour. Sat there thinking oh god here he comes:D and then the pain stops and im like oops my mistake lol. Does anyone feel like its never going to happen ( I know it will) and that we will be pregnant for ever lol

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