December Mums

Did it go into like a point? LOL.... braxton hicks do that. :lol:
Wierd looking isnt it. x
hi girls, im back from my weekend away. very tired!!!

so how are you all?

good luck Molly i hope this for you!

im doing nothing for the rest of the day

good luck molly!!

Lollylou hope you had a nice wkend away!!

As for me ive been and done all my christmas shopping today :D So now im just gunna chillax for the rest of the day and watch im a celeb tonight!!

Hope everyones well!!! xx
Did it go into like a point? LOL.... braxton hicks do that. :lol:
Wierd looking isnt it. x

Yes! It did! OH was like "Wow, you're all torpedo-shaped!" when I showed him it. Woohoo! BH! At least it's something!
Hi Everyone!
Busy week for me.
My darling mother came into town for a visit, so I took a day off work and was spending all the other mornings and evenings visiting with her.
She is pretty enthusiastic about this first grandchild. At the moment she is working on baby sweater #6! It's very funny, but the sweaters are gorgeous, so I'm certainly not complaining! :)
We started our prenatal classes last Wednesday. Really pleased so far. It's twelve couples, including us, and we go for 10 weeks. The idea is that we all have our babies in the middle of the course and continue the classes as newborn infant care. It covers labour and delivery and breastfeeding and all sorts of useful things.
Interesting mix of people, but what I found cool was how many people from the health care sector were taking the class. We had a neurologist, a cardiologist, a few nurses and my husband, the paramedic. People who know all the technical baby stuff, but want the practical "having-one-yourself" course.
The teacher is great - this feisty, funny little Latina lady with hilarious props: she uses a plastic skeletal model of a human pelvis along with a placenta and uterus that her mother KNIT for her! Very very funny.
She is a big advocate of massage, so our homework is to do lots of massage every night. Yay!
I axed a big unnecessary project at work and suddenly, it really does seem like it will all get done before I leave. Good thing, because I really only have so many brain cells left.
I am starting to get Braxton-Hicks, I think. I have been experiencing a tightening sensation, and baby is starting to feel like a large, trapped burrowing creature, looking for a way out. I swear to god I felt like he was trying to tunnel the other day!
But yeah, starting to feel a lot more poking and prodding at my cervix.
And starting to get very puffy feet and ankles. The swelling has been gradual, but I have sausages for lower legs right now. Attractive!
I have another prenatal tomorrow, so I'll ask if I should be worried about that.
Have been sleeping really really well and feel soooo much healthier after my cold.
Wishing such sleeps on all the rest of you - it sure helps with lugging these bumps around!
Good luck Molly, you just try and hang in there until MW comes tomorrow!!

Everyone seems to be getting BH now and to be honest i dont think i have EVER had one, not even once lol, great!!

Ive just got back out of bed for the second time, went to get dressed and laid down on the bed as you do, and well i woke up and its nearly 3pm lol ooops!!

Hope your all ok!!
i was thinking the same PP, i dont think i have ever had a BH before but my belly does go tight occasionally and a funny shape but i presumed it was the way baby was sticking out so not to sure.

Well done on getting all your shopping done Nessa.

hi pp - i thinki said a couple of pages back - dont think i've ever had any either??? :( closest thing i have had is period pains but no actual bh contractions?? :shrug: x x
Not everyone notices them ladies it dont mean anything i dont think!!!

so dont worry babys will all be coming out soon!!:happydance:

i have had pretty bad period like pains today but im prob doing too much, walked the dog this morning got back went to mothercare ( again!) and b&q, finished washing all babys clothes and bedding etc, built the crib up, i feel exhausted and my back is killing but i JUST CANNOT RELAX?!!!!

is anyone else feeling like this?! im buzzing around the house like there is a rocket up my arse?! have felt like it for a few days its doing my head in!!!:rofl:

what is it? my mum says its a something that happens in the run up to before you have baby a big burst of energy!!!

whats everyone else up to? xxxx

oh and good luck Molly!!!! xxx
Hey everyone. Hope you all had a good weekend. :)

Mine's been a bit manic. Had family round yesterday so went shopping in town, then got a call from our best mates who decided to drive up to see us so they came round after dinner and everyone (bar me of course!) got legless. It was hilarious to see my parents wasted with my mates and OH. They all played Guitar Hero until 4am. :rofl: My Mum had to play the tutorial 4 times before she figured it out.

Today we went up country (me gloating as I was the only one without a sore head!) for some lunch, then had the hospital tour late afternoon.

Hospital tour was really good. I can have a private room if one's available, and visiting hours for OH are 9am-11pm! I am feeling a bit panicky about the whole 'hospital' thing though, just because I've had bad experiences before, not because I'm scared of labour. I almost started thinking maybe it wasn't too late to book a homebirth! lol :)
Hope it starts again, Molly.

Rafwife - Guitar Hero, eh? OH and I are totally addicted to Rock Band! Love how your Mom was playing it though, too funny!

Brockie - I certainly am not buzzing :rofl: We just got back from grocery shopping and it's a blizzard outside! I can barely walk normally and with all the heavy, wet snow it's crazy!

Not sure if it'll stay as the ground isn't frozen, but we've gotten at least 15cm or so in the past 12 hours. Gotta love Canadian Winter!
Hi I am new to this, feel like a stranger... I have 5 weeks to go from this coming tuesday, i've been feeling quite sad, Do you ladies feel the need of attention and the need of double doses of TLC from husbands or partners?
Sometimes i that it is only me, is this normal?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Hi I am new to this, feel like a stranger... I have 5 weeks to go from this coming tuesday, i've been feeling quite sad, Do you ladies feel the need of attention and the need of double doses of TLC from husbands or partners?
Sometimes i that it is only me, is this normal?
Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yes most days hon!!! hormones eh? xx
Hi ladies!
Hugs Molly hope they start up for you again soon xXx

We had a nice weekend with my dad and his partner, got spoilt rotten! lol
Shame I felt like poop for most of it, this cough has really taken hold :( poor lil bubs gets squashed everytime I cough and my tummy muscles contract! must be getting a really rough ride in there!
Gonna make an appointment with the docs as my inhaler isnt helping any more :( think its antibiotic time again! *sob*

As for Bh tbh I dont ever remember having any with my last two pregnancies! got period pains and back ache but no tightenings. With me its all or nothing I think! straight to contractions with no practice! lol

Starting to have a feeling baby might come early! though its prob just wishfull thinking xXx Still I can hope I guess xXx

it's prob as Im all ready now, bag packed and waiting!

Hope you all have a great evening xXx
I didn't know I was having BH until the hospital told me,lol. (doh..) I thought it was just Lexie pushing outwards. But nope, it's BH.

Glad you're feeling better Sarahkka & glad you're getting sleep.

Brockie, Your alone on that one, :rofl: I haven't had a boost of energy at all during this pregnancy I don't think? Lol.

Rafwife, That sounds fun. I would have found it hilarious watching them all pissed as farts. I think my camera would have come out. Show them the day after how drunk they were. Hehe.

UV, Aw, Fingers crossed they'll come back for you. :hugs:

Nessa, You're a geek along wiv me, lol.. Watching I'm A Celeb. :haha: Well, You've gotta. There's nothing better do. And it's good to see what ''CELEBS'' they've put in. What moron's we've got. :lol: Should be good. :D

Poloma, Hope your feeling better soon. :( & Yay for your bag packed! x

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