December Mums

Thanks girls, was always gonna take notes, they go everywhere with me!

I shall pack the essentials later this week then!:happydance:
Morning Ladies hope your all ok!!

I'm off to get my nice long nails done for the very last time today, next time i go in 2 weeks i'll be getting them all snipped off :cry:

Have a happy Monday ladies!!
Hello Ladies ,

WOW ive missed so much this weekend its amazing what goes on here when you dont log on for a couple of days !!

So i hope you are all well and im off to catch up with as much as i can !!
morning gals, well my "squirrel on speed" phase ( thanks Sarahkka!!) has ofiicially vacated today thank goodness! i feel absolutley shattered!!!

and have such a busy day with work i could cry:cry:!!!

oh well not long left for us ladies now!! my mum had me and my bro at 37 weeks!! my OH was a month early too! you just never know do you?!

enjoy those nails Holly xxx
Hi Ladies.......
Feels like i've not been on here for ages!!!
Well my maternity leave officially started today!! Yipee:happydance:
Have just got back from my last antenatel class and DH came with me today. We learnt all about the role of a birthing partner!!!!!!!! Felt a bit sorry for him really he was the only guy there everyone else had bought their mums or female friends. He did really well though.
Have just been catching up with all the threads...... Can't believe we're nearly there!!!
:hug: to everyone
Hello all! Wow, I've had a busy weekend decorating and haven't been on the computer once. Hope you're all ok! Going to plough through the posts in a mo and try and catch up. I expect some babies to have been born over the weekend.

Dec 9th girls, can you believe we're term tomorrow? I'm beginning to gt a bit freaked out about it all now! lol Not the birth but suddenly being responsible for a whole new person entirely dependent on us (mostly me) for survival. Eeek! I really really need to pack my hospital bag!

Got antenatal tonight. On my own this time as DH is working late, but it's on breastfeeding so I don't think he'll be missing much! Then seeing consultant tomorrow about my Vitamin B12 and hopefully OKing my home birth. Fingers crossed!
Congrats all Dec 9th girls on being term tomorrow!!! :happydance: Here's to hoping you all have quick, easy labours!

It's been snowing like craaaaazy here! Literally we've been dumped on. I thought manuovering around while heavily pregnant was bad enough, it really sucks in the snow, lemme tell ya!

Took some pictures of it about 5 mins ago. Keep in mind we didn't have any snow at all Saturday night!

They were all taken outside my front door. Across the parking lot you can see the type of condo we live in. :) Quite a bit of the white stuff for 24 hours!
:hugs: Donna, glad the pain is gone, sorry your night went too! Hope you ahd a good weekend though.
Molly - Hope your contractions come back! Are you even on the first post?
Heather - hope you ear is clearing up.
Lou - hope you had a fab weekend away! And congrats on your last box!
Sarahkka - your classes sound loads of fun!
Brasil123 - Welcome! Do you want me to add you to the first post?
Congrats on your leave malpal!! Enjoy!
Tyff - the snow is so beautiful!

On th BH, I've been getting them every evening now for more than a week. DH can feel when my uterus goes all hard. Sometimes it's a bit uncomfortable but not too bad.

I'm going to try and put the cot together this afternoon. We've done enough decorating to be able to arrange the furniture now so that there is space for it. Not quite ready to take and post piccies yet though! In all my breaks I've been reading Twilight and now New Moon. Has anyone read them? I started Twilight on Friday night and finished it yesterday morning, half way through New Moon now. It's quite fun, pretty easy reading and not exactly an enormously complex read but it's fun as I've just finished an Elizabeth Gaskell all written in dialect so it was a slow read!
OMG Tyff your so lucky!! What id give for some snow like that, so beautiful!!
Snow looks amazing Tyff!! makes me think of when we were in Breckenridge Colorado at start of the year, when will i ever go snowboarding again?!!!:cry:
It does look pretty, I'll give it that!

Makes me glad though that we live in Condos, as we're not responsible for shovelling that stuff. That's when it stops being fun and starts being super annoying, ha ha ha.

Gizmo loves it though, he'll jump all through it and dig and burrow trying to find whatever it is he thinks is underneath. It's also really funny to throw a snowball for him and watch him lose his marbles trying to figure out where it went in all the rest of the snow!

Snow of any description here is like a once in a blue moon kinda thing!!
aww tyff fab pics :D bet its sooo cold though :cold:

I was ment to have a MW appointment today but she forgot :dohh:
so im seeing her tomoro now, so lets see if my LO has decided to move around!! i dont honestly think he has mind!! but i have been bouncing on my ball so you never know!!

been busy in work today!! i thought i would beable to wind down with only a few weeks left in work but im busier than ever!!
Im training someone to do my job,plus my manager is asking me to do things before i leave!!!

So im missing my normal 8 hours a day bnb time :hissy:

Hope everyone's well :hugs: xx
Tyff that snows amazing, do you want my dogs to help you get around they love that weather being huskies, i take them up on the yorkshire moors in the snow its a great mode of transport being on a sledge pulled by dogs hehehe not that i will be doing it this year :cry::cry::cr
PP i love my nails will miss them when they go too it will be so weird not having them on.

Lou xx
Wow at the snow! It looks lovely :) We had some heavy snow a few weeks ago with big drifts, was so pretty and my friends all went skiing. It's all gone now though!
i've been checking for "the show" everytime i go to the bathroom lol. i was wondering if some women don't actually see it and end up missing it somehow? I can't believe we are sooo close!
Beautiful snowfall, Tyff.
Calgary has about two inches of pretty white snow that is now covered by a slick layer of ice. Which will preserve the pretty white snow but has already caused a few accidents on the road.
Just got back from my prenatal.
I am at 35 weeks and my baby is already estimated in the 6.5-7 lb range. I have 5 weeks to go! 5 weeks for baby to grow to monstrous proportions!!! The doctor said I may be pushing out a 10-lber!!!
Mon dieu.
Well, I've been carting these curvy, childbearing hips around for years now. Suppose it's time to see what they can do.
That and hypermobile joints. Hopefully that will help my pelvis into effortlessly stretching?

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