December Mums

Oh UV!!!!! You poor thing! :rofl: You'll have to prop yourself up with more pillows so it runs off!!!!!!!

I think I am going to pop to the shops today, need to start thinking about buying things for my hospital bag, hmmm need to decide what to get first!!

i think ill just have to remember to wear a bra and pads...i was sooo comfy before i woke up milkfaced.

have fun shopping!!
Good luck Brockie hun i hope everythings ok :hugs:

Molly whats cracking this morning? We made any progress yet hun apart from leaking like a moo cow? :rofl:
was having contractions and back pain last night but alas nothing got midife at 1245 so going to beg for an internal when she visited for the home birth booking she had a student and i got shy lol.
i am a very leaky moo cow my boobies are heavy and hard! not so good
UV - oh no you poor thing!

Brockie - Good luck at the hospital hunni

LollyLou - Thanks I'll start searching fb for you x x
Lou - The time difference gets me as well. I think that you guys are 6 hours ahead of me. It's 7am-ish here, so I'm assuming that it's 1pm there?

Hope everything is okay Brockie!

UV - Sorry to hear about the milkface. I've had it dry on me before and not notice until I felt something crusty on my chest. Ewwww!

PP - How has your hospital bag been going? Good?

PreNatal class last night was good. Learned about infant safety and common, normal ways that newborns look right after birth. Some of the pictures were pretty squeemish, but not too bad otherwise.

We talked about car seats, and what everyone is wanting to get out of the class. They also do a "reunion" class, after everyone has had their LO's. Ours is booked for the 25th of February, and we can go back and meet everyone's babes, and have more questions answered by a Public Health Nurse should we want it.

brockie i hope everythings okay!!

Molly good luck with the MW app

Tyff glad you had a good class, thats nice you get a reunion class :D

Girls if any of you wanna be my :friends: on FB PM me and ill search and add you :D xx
Good luck Brockie hope everything is ok !!

UV - good luck with your appt and i had to laugh a little at waking up covered in milk , i did it the other night so a bra and pads are a must for me to !!:rofl:

Tyff, glad you had a good class !!
Hope your appt goes well Molly!!

Sounds like you had a good time at your prenatal class Tyff!!

Went into town again today and managed to pick up a coat from primark for £20 which i was pleased about as i didnt want to spend loads on a maternity one for the last 4 weeks!!
nothings changed with me! heads less engaged! 4 5ths not 3 she wouldnt do an internal cause they can do more harm than good WTF! im going to be like this forever!!
:hug: Molly xXx and Brockie (hope everything is ok)

Nothing much to report here tbh, still feel crap and Doc's cant see me till tomorrow about this cough :hissy:
My poor lil boy has got it bad too :cry: was up half the night with him and he's now fast asleep in my bed :sleep:

I had just lay down on the sofa for a well needed nap and the bloody phone rang! :hissy: Dam charity callers! No I dont have £15 a month to spare!!!! Aaaarrggghhhh
Aww thanks ladies! im back all is ok, did an internal - ouch!!!!! and no sign of cervix being open yet so they weren't sure why leaking, baby is very well and they put on my notes 3/5 palable what does this mean? x

im knackered now so going to take it easy think may have been overdoing things with work xx

Thanks for your messages, back to the waiting game!!! xxx

hope all well x
it means that 3 5ths of the head can be felt outside of the pelvis, so your the same as me :D
:hug: Molly xXx and Brockie (hope everything is ok)

Nothing much to report here tbh, still feel crap and Doc's cant see me till tomorrow about this cough :hissy:
My poor lil boy has got it bad too :cry: was up half the night with him and he's now fast asleep in my bed :sleep:

I had just lay down on the sofa for a well needed nap and the bloody phone rang! :hissy: Dam charity callers! No I dont have £15 a month to spare!!!! Aaaarrggghhhh

hugs feel better soon
Hope you feel better soon poloma!!

Brockie im glad everythings okay. have a rest and take it easy xx
Glad everythings ok Brockie. :) And yey, i'm 3/5ths engaged too :D x
UV that baby needs to get a shift on now!!! hope something starts properly soon for you and you meet this baby sooner rather than later.

kate has added me on facebook so if anyone else wants to feel free.

brockie sorry your leaking hun but im glad that everything looks to be ok.

poloma sorry your poorly still with your cough i hope the doctor gives you something tomorrow to help and big hugs for Noah.

i went to anti-natal this morning i had to wait 35 mins to go into see midwife which i was well annoyed at, went in blood pressure is fine, iron is fine 12.4 whatever that means and i now only measure 2 weeks ahead so thats better than the 4 weeks bigger i was measuring before.
as for baby she is still reech, midwife a little concerned that she is very far over to one side and said maybe the placenta is restricting her moving over to the other side or turning the correct way.
i got a scan booked for next wednesday morning so hopefully she will have turned by then without any assistance. if she is still breech at this appointment then i will see a consultant the following day and discuss my options, if its the placenta is will be a c section regardless, if its just her being awkward bugger then ecv if i want it or elective section so lots of info to process today for me

hope i havent missed anyone and all is well

hugs all round, i ment nearly the same as me well im nearly the same as you my babys trying to go back! god sakes!

my backs killing me :-( might go for a lay down
Poloma, you needed me there to deal with the soliciting phone call for you.
I snapped some poor bugger's head off last night. He called asking if I wanted to participate in a consumer survey and I very politely told him no thank you and to please take me off his phone list, and he interrupted me, insisting that this wasn't a sales call and would only take 10 minutes of my time.
Red flag to a bull! Or in this case, a very pregnant stroppy cow! :)
I tore a strip off him about how invasive and disrespectful it was to solicit people at home in the evenings - no matter what the reason - and told him to get some manners - when someone tells you no, that is the answer. Full stop.
And blah blah blah and another thing and raaaaaahhhhhhhhhrrrr!
Then I hung up, flushed with raging, self-righteous preggo hormones!
It probably didn't help that I had been watching David Attenborough nature specials and was all full of furious mama-leopard-protecting-her-cub-from-hyenas energy.
All the same, the twit was given a polite answer that he chose to ignore. Dangerous thing to do when you might have a cranky pregnant woman at the other end of the line!
I sure hope I get my usual sweet temper back soon.
(flutters eyelashes innocently)
I seem to be a tad volcanic these days.

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