December Mums

Congrats on your new nephew Bernie!

LOs cot and changing table got delivered today, so guess what my OH is building? There is quite a few profane things being muttered across the bedroom though :rofl:

I'm lying in bed at the moment with cramps. I think LO has dropped further over the last couple of days (is that even possible?!) as my bump feels a lot heavier.
Congrats on your new nephew Bernie!

LOs cot and changing table got delivered today, so guess what my OH is building? There is quite a few profane things being muttered across the bedroom though :rofl:

I'm lying in bed at the moment with cramps. I think LO has dropped further over the last couple of days (is that even possible?!) as my bump feels a lot heavier.

Thanks he was born 9:11 am samuel James:cloud9: Hope your cramps ease off soon sounds painful:hugs:
lmao Rafwife you should of heard the things coming from the nursery when my OH got everything built. I just sat there sipping my cuppa and giggling to myself!!

My nursery is pretty much sorted just got the cot and bedding to make up and we're done!!
It is quite funny :rofl:

We're finishing the walls tomorrow. Have to put a second coat of paint on one wall and put the border up. Then move the furniture in. I'm yet to buy a glider chair and I'd like to get some shelves for the wall and some nice picture frames to hang up. Oh, need curtains too.........ok I have a lot to do :rofl: Hopefully it will all be done in the next two weeks though. :)
I have a question for those of us who are around 37 weeks....

Are you in pain (strong crampy, period type pain and sometimes sharp pains - but not 'OMG Labour' pain) almost all day everyday?

I've been checked for UTI and I'm happy that this must just be normal for me at this stage but I'm sick of it hurting all the freaking time. :dohh:
Rafwife i am feeling those kinda pains everyday but not lasting all day, maybe for a couple of hours each day but thats it!!
I know im not 36 weeks yet but i do get sharp pains in the downstairs department have done for about 2 weeks now and can be well uncomfortable when walking and sometimes even gasp for breath:hissy:
It's not the same as engagement pains (sharp shooting pains down to 'lady bits') but it's across my whole bump and is a constant, strong pain. (no coming and going) I do still get the engagement pains if I'm walking around. My bump sometimes goes hard with it too, but not always.

It's just really starting to try my patience. :dohh: I'm guessing it's lots of practicing my body is doing, but all day everyday is a bit much really. :( I do get some relief in the bath though, so tend to have a long one everyday!
It's not the same as engagement pains (sharp shooting pains down to 'lady bits') but it's across my whole bump and is a constant, strong pain. (no coming and going) I do still get the engagement pains if I'm walking around. My bump sometimes goes hard with it too, but not always.

It's just really starting to try my patience. :dohh: I'm guessing it's lots of practicing my body is doing, but all day everyday is a bit much really. :( I do get some relief in the bath though, so tend to have a long one everyday!

Awww i really feel for you it must be a nightmare getting them all day everyday.Not much i can really say to help other then get in to some really comfy PJs and rest as much as possable and take paracetamol if needs be or just call your MW and see what she suggests.Other then that not much i can say to help you hun or get someone to give you a back massage to help to relax your muscles.
yep gals im getting really bad period like pains too x

last night they were so strong and i noticed my BH were really strong too so started timing them! they started 20 mins apart and over about 3 hours went down to 10 mins apart, then tailed off and i finally got some sleep!! i sat on my ball most of night as it helped with the pain!!!

im not planning on resting tho!! im off to walk the dog shortly!! had MW yesterday and she says its pretty doubtfull i will see my DD, says she thinks baby is weighing 'oh somewhere in the high 6's' WTF!!! thats my only fear about the whole thing that babe will be too big for me to deliver? im only 5ft :cry:!!!

we will see!!!! have a great day gals xxxx
tyff - yeah xbox live subscription has run out i meant.

RAF wife - yes I am having exactly those pains, spoke to mw on Tuesday and she said they were normal apparantly - doesn't make them any less painful tho - lol x x
morning gals...

congrats on your nephew bernie hope his cousin makes an aperance for you soon.
did town yesterday i let my dd walk instead of taking pushchair she loved it only managed a few shops tho, she may only be 20months old but god she can shop in clairs acsesories hehehe we ended up with the whole peppa pig range on bobbles clips and jewelry shes turned into a propper princess lately and i love it.

still getting the cramp like pains in my back and lower stomach, and shooting pain down there.
i cannot remeber much about the progression of my pregnancy with my dd as i was in constant pain from about 15weeks with her so any cramps i didnt really feal or notice because of other pains. so this is a whole new experience for me.

sophie1205 congrats at being term today btw and anyone else who's at term 2day.

well hope everyone has a good day, im in clean freak mood again so i prob wont be on here much again, i want to get the car cleaned of all the leaves and take it to the jet wash its well muddy, altho it will prob be muddy as soon as ive done it lol

Louise xx
had MW yesterday and she says its pretty doubtfull i will see my DD, says she thinks baby is weighing 'oh somewhere in the high 6's' WTF!!! thats my only fear about the whole thing that babe will be too big for me to deliver? im only 5ft :cry:!!!

Aww :hug: dont worry about the size hun, Im only 5ft & size 8 (pre preg) and my first was a healthy 9lb 8oz! You will be amazed what your body can do xXx
Morning ladies hope your all doing ok!! Its Friday YAY!!

Been to take my other doggie to the vets this morning shes got to have an operation on her tummy as she's got a lump, so shes got to have a big old chunk removed bless her. Bloody dogs, everything has to happen at once!! She should be fine though bless her.

Dont think im doing much today, dont know if i can be bothered lol might just have some chillout time!!
morning girls,

well those pains i had the other night seem to be exactly like your describing so im thinking maybe just the same as all of you guys, i am not having them all day had them all wed night then randomly yesterday more so in the evening.

congrats on your nephew bernie.

rafwife and sophie congrats on being term today!!!!

i started with bit of a fuzzy head and sore throat last night thought it might just be cos i was so tired but i woke up throughout night and its worse so feeling bit rough today so thanks ladies im grateful for you sharing with me LOL

OH is having half a day at work today so will be home by 1ish so not to sure what we will be doing, i would prefer to lie in bed and sleep as my head hurts but i dont want him to come home and waste an afternoon off doing nothing so may go and get my xmas decorations, i bought the tree the other night!!
When are you all putting your tree up???

yep gals im getting really bad period like pains too x

last night they were so strong and i noticed my BH were really strong too so started timing them! they started 20 mins apart and over about 3 hours went down to 10 mins apart, then tailed off and i finally got some sleep!! i sat on my ball most of night as it helped with the pain!!!

im not planning on resting tho!! im off to walk the dog shortly!! had MW yesterday and she says its pretty doubtfull i will see my DD, says she thinks baby is weighing 'oh somewhere in the high 6's' WTF!!! thats my only fear about the whole thing that babe will be too big for me to deliver? im only 5ft :cry:!!!

we will see!!!! have a great day gals xxxx

honey our bodys are made for delivering babies youd be surprised what they are capable of dont worry youll be fine

Well I'm off to get checked out this afternoon at the maternity unit as I woke up having lost quite a bit of water/liquid of some sort and also a fair bit of discharge but it now seems to have calmed down so not sure whats going on but they want me to go in to have a look anyway! Probably a false alarm but need to put my mind at rest!
Hi girls hope we all feeling ok today ive only just got up as ive been so tired and i didnt get to bed til 2 this morning:blush:
Hope you get on ok Roxie let us know:hugs:

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