December Mums

Morning girls. How's everyone's weekend gone so far?

PB - how are things without your OH? I have 'PS I Love You' on my LoveFilm list so it's due to come through once I send back Atonement. I cried when I read the book though!

Shri - Juno is such a lovely film :cloud9:

Uv and Heather - How are you guys feeling today? Any changes?

Poloma - sounds like a good excuse to go shopping to me! :happydance: I'll be doing some last minute shopping once it's payday at the end of the month.

Well girlies last night was by far the worst night I've had so far with the pregnancy. My cramps were just something else. :cry: Worst part is, they are still pretty constant and not coming and going even though my Bump is tightening at regular intervals, the pain isn't coming at intervals. It's horrid. I wish it would just stop altogether now or at least turn into something. If it were contractions I would at least be able to time them and try to breath through them. :cry:

Bit self pitying I know, I'm just feeling miserable and OH is off in an hour. :(
AfterNoon ladies,

RAFwife praying little princess wont come until friday for you

poloma ive been exactly the same i was none stop yesterday so im just having a chill day OH is at work till 8pm so im going to watch x factor results later i fell asleep last night, apart from that im going to finish the baby jacket ive been making, and catch up on some post's on here.

Feeling bit anxious as my old dog has a lump on his head that came up a couple of weeks ago that we've been worried about and now I think he has lumps from there round the side of his face, maybe like a row of glands. Then my other dog has developed a weird trembling and after having been ok for a couple of days she seems to be loads worse tonight. I hate it. Makes me so scared they're going to die. And at the same time how are we to find the money to get these things investigated?

if you havent seen a vet yet hun, get them both insured, you dont have to pay until youve had the policy a month anyway, dont tell them they have any probs then i think its 14days u have to wait before you can claim go and see a vet a few days after that, the insurance will pay for any treatment needed, ive got mine insured as my old mastiff broke his leg and it cost us over £2000 to get him sorted no way i can afford any bills like that again.
Aww Rafwife it must be so frustrating for you :hugs:

I was planning on going to visit my dad this afternoon, which happens perhpas 2/3 times a year but OH decided to drink too much beer last night and is in bed nursing a hangover and feeling sick. Not sure whether to not bother going or leave him here and go on my own. Its only 20 minutes away so not far.

Who's got snow then? I havent got a single drop just lotsa and lots of rain :(
Aw Rafwife. Will a hot bath not ease the cramps a little bit? :hugs:
Good morning everybody. I wasn't on yesterday, I went out for something to eat, then went to the cinema's and watched Jack & Miri Make A Porno. It was funny, but in some parts, abit gross lol. Then after that we went to the pub, whilst my mates were on the alko, I was on coca-cola, mm. Ha, but I really enjoyed myself, we only got home late. So I missed all my sat nite's prog's. :o - Anyway, pregnancy side of things. Nothing's changed. I'm still here, and have a feeling for a long time yet. But it's getting closer now, so I'm not as impatient as I was before. :lol:

Hope you're all feeling ok. x
PP - I would go hun, especially if you only see him a couple of times a year. Your OH might be feeling better later and could pick you up?

We've got lots of snow. The roads aren't in very good condition up here either. I think they reported over 100 minor car accidents before 10am yesterday :dohh:
same here PP just lots of rain

i have finally got rid of my dad so peace is restored into the house LOL
he bought me a really cute velour tracksuit from mothercare, is so sweet but cost £21 i think thats a little steep lol

just had a yummy bacon butty as its a sunday morning with a cup of tea which was a silly idea as when i drink tea all i do all day is weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

i havent done much else this weekend, going to visit a friend in a bit for a gossip and a catch up.

how are you all doing today?

all these ladies having pains i hope something happens for you soon

Just went into the kitchen and my dog has shat everywhere because he didn't fancy going outside in the snow :hissy: Didn't even whinge to go out as normal, (and only went out recently) just waited until I'd left the kitchen and squatted.

Bloody animals....
i was supose to drop off 2 puppies up near middlesbourgh but they r decked out in snow and have no access to their house for 2miles so that scrapped that idea but im glad really dont think i cud be arse to drive for an hour n half.
we had a bit of snow but it rained thismorning so its gone just got very clear blue sky at the moment.

PP go and see your dad at least it will be a change of scenery for you.

Lou send me a bacon butty down lol im addicted to bacon at the moment lol
Just went into the kitchen and my dog has shat everywhere because he didn't fancy going outside in the snow :hissy: Didn't even whinge to go out as normal, (and only went out recently) just waited until I'd left the kitchen and squatted.

Bloody animals....

tut tut naughty dog, one of mine is scared of the snow dogs are so daft. ive invested and put mine and pups out in a heated kennel as i couldnt stand the pups crapping everywhere, my lifes so much easier now i just hose the crap up lol
Dogs can be so sneaky!! Esp when it comes to snow. I remember when my girl one was a pup and it snowed she was so freaked out she ran around barkign trying to eat it lol
My doggie loves the snow and frost, its makes his tail curl under and he goes into terrier turbo!!

i have been so off food through this pregnancy and its worse now with all these bloody BH im getting - ahh right on cue heres another :cry:!!

but just looked in fridge and decided i wanted a ham & cheese toastie dipped in sour cream & chive dip:rofl: its not bad actually!!!

going to watch x-factor results this afternoon and try get some sleep!

hope all well ladies x
Putting in some work hours today to get ready for my final week.
I want to leave with everything sorted and labeled and tidy, but there are still way too many projects going on.
And everyday I care a little bit less. Which is probably healthy - you know, just let it go and don't sweat the small stuff, etc.
But not attending to details usually makes me more anxious than anything in the end, so I figure I need one last burst of energy to just get it all done! The problem is that I can't seem to tap into my squirrelly nesting energy at work. There are too many distractions and I don't get things finished.
Que sera sera.

Tyff - I could send you some virtual baking, like bambikate did with those cupcakes, but that could be more tortuous than anything! I have a fierce sweet tooth these last few days. I don't know how you find the willpower. Hats off to you! :)
Hello ladies.

I wonder if anythings happening for Molly today?

Rafwife - I hope LO holds on until daddy is home, for you - but those pains must be frustrating

PP- drive safe if you do go by yourself

Sarahkka - I'm just the same, I like to have everything properly sorted, but it is soooooo hard with preggo brain to remember everything right.

Everyone - all your food talk is making me so hungry. I'm still stuck with what to eat all the time.

People with dogs - I dont know how you cope! Seriously, I get majorly gaggy and sketched out just reading about dogs pooping in the HOUSE - that you have to then clean it all up is more than I can bear thinking about. You must love those critters is all I can say.

I had quite an interrupted sleep again last night, but have woken up feeling like I slept quite well. I'm planning a restful day - OH has to go into work (yeh, on a sunday). He is being so cute, he goes really glowy when talking about the baby.

On another front - we have had continual problems recently with our heating system. We rent and as is typical here in US the house and hot water are heated by 'red diesel' and baseboard radiators (hot water)...

Anyway we have had the company out 4 times now to check it and on wednesday they did a big clean and tune up and the furnace ran so smooth for about half a day - and now it is super noisy again. So I can't figure out what could be the problem other than sludgy oil - which they supply. And they are so difficult - they charge loads and loads for every little thing and on wednesday we were told we should be all set for a year after the clean and tune...

The damn thing sounds like a blinking old jet plane trying to take off and it kicks in every 10 minutes. We have to keep the house warm. The landlord has been great and covered the cost of the repairs so far, but its a real PAIN IN THE BEHIND. Especially because whenever I call them, their horrible receptionist is really snarky and then they say "we can send someone around to diagnose, it will cost $99 and they'll be there any time between 9am and 6pm" How rubbish is that?

oops - went off on a bit of a rant then. soz.
I have zero willpower on my own. I have a wicked sweet tooth to begin with, and this restricting sweets thing has been pure torture for me! The only thing that gets me through it is that I don't think I'd be able to live with the guilt if something was wrong with Baby Girl when she was born because I was eating too many sweet things.

Thanks though :) Since it's so hard for me to not eat sweets, it's nice when people mention that I'm doing well. :rofl:

:D Sugar free stuff just isn't the same!
hi girls i know how i can put you all of food LOL i wanted to ask some advice, since the other day at random times of going to the toilet when i wipe i got lots of clear discharge, its very sticky and vile to be honest, do you think i should be worried or is this normal, it doesnt smell or anything and isnt happening everytime i go maybe 2 or 3 times a day but making me wipe twice to make sure its gone

sorry for the graphic detail just wanted your help

Not too sure hun. I haven't had that yet. Although I do know that the further along you get, the more discharge you have. Perhaps that's it?

Does it look like discharge or thick snotty mucus? If it's the latter it sounds like your plug. If the former you may have an infection.
Shri -
I'm also doing some freelancing script work that just came up and am trying to put together a proposal that doesn't sound too nonsensical with my swiss cheese brain!
I would have thought that the final housekeeping at work would have been pretty easy and exactly the sort of thing that I should be doing well right now, but holy cow, I can't even seem to finish my sentences and I feel like the to-do lists just keep getting longer. And I just look at it and feel kind of "meh. whatever."; whereas usually, I would be tackling things with gusto. I just hope that the "whatever" feeling holds and that I don't get all anxious about unfinished lists after I go on leave and it's too late to deal with!
In truth, none of this is a crisis. It's all just little details.
That seems to be the hardest part of mat leave - at some point you just have to trust that it will all be fine without you! :)
And to enjoy not being responsible for it for awhile.

Tyff - brutal preg complication to develop if you love sweets, but you are a queen to be dealing the way you are. I'm the same. It seems hard, but as soon as you think of the sugar deprivation in terms of baby, there is just no question.
I am doing the same with cold meds. I would really like some cough medication, and I'm sure I can find a doctor who will say to go ahead and a small dose won't hurt. And even though I know scientifically that it probably won't, I'm still nervous to swallow a spoonful of something that says not recommended for pregnancy on the side. What if that did do something? The guilt would be mind-boggling.

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