December Mums

I'll cross my fingers for you, PP! If the tea does in fact work I'll be brewing some soon! lol
mmm food!! I have no idea what to even have for dinner tonight. Im just having my afternoon cup of raspberry leaf tea!! Must say i dont know if its co incedence or not but the last few days ive been having lots of twinges and random cramps, wonder if its the tea?

ooo mabey it's starting to make things shift. Keep us updated cos if it is im off to the shops :D.
Hey everyone! I can't believe how many of your Dec mum's are planning on coming this month! lol Hope everyone's feeling ok.

Today I went out with my sis and nephews. Saw a Dr Who thing then bought all my baby medical supplies using my sister's knowledge. Bit wrecked by the time I got home from being on my feet too long.

DH is away, left about noon, but he's doing ok and so am I. No signs of labour for me yet, hooray! I've got some ransom rom com on now and my tasty spinach and ricotta stuffed pancakes are just warmed through. Going to follow with tea and Thorntons cakes. Yum!
ha ha - I can't keep up! between the time difference over the continents and my computer being on the blink (it is fixed now)!

Ohhhh Rafwife - I hope it won't be too long - how exiting. I hope you are managing to get some rest in while you can.

Molly - hugs, I hope you'll be posting that it's happening sooooon!

Michy - I'm glad things are alright.

Sarah - not long now until you can put your feet up! YAY

PP - I can't even get comfy in bed! Have you 'dropped' yet by the way, bump-wise? I don't think I have as I'm still getting horrible heartburn and little feet up under my ribs really high up. Come on mini PP! We want you out in time for xmas little hunny!

Peanutbean - I hope you and DH are feeling better.

I hope I haven't left anyone out. Oh gaaaaaahhh my brain is so addled today.

I can't even catch up with myself. I have been WORKING for the past few days. But nice work at home - I sometimes do some freelance illustration and just got a nice little gig in time for earning some money to buy xmas prezzies. A very lucky turn of events, except that it is never straightforward and always gets a bit stressy what with sending the files and revisions and I've had computer malarky - AND because of my terrible preggo brain, it is soooooo tiring, all that concentration.

I really want to just veg out now and have food brought to me and just watch DVDs and read and snooze, but there still seems to be so much to do in preparation for LO.

On monday some cleaning team is coming over to help me with the bits of the house I haven't been able to do due to the SPD. I'm exited and nervous too - I've never had any sort of cleaning done before and I'm not sure what it will be like. I can't wait though- I've been going nuts with the urge to scrub and yet I can't do it all.

Get this though - I must have done over 30 loads of laundry for LO because I bought some special laundry liquid concentrated and it says 32 loads on the bottle and it's almost all gone! I also used it to wash any of mine or OH's stuff that the baby might have more contact with (like my nursing bras and dressing gown and our slouch at home clothes) heh heh...
mmm food!! I have no idea what to even have for dinner tonight. Im just having my afternoon cup of raspberry leaf tea!! Must say i dont know if its co incedence or not but the last few days ive been having lots of twinges and random cramps, wonder if its the tea?

I don't care if it is the placebo effect with the RLT or not. It's the effect that I'm interested in!

I also have noticed way more muscle and joint adjustment over the last few weeks. It could just be the fact that baby is bigger and more engaged and my body is adjusting accordingly, but the only other factor is the 4 cups of RLT I'm drinking every day.

If I could plan it exactly as I would like it, I would have baby come anytime from Dec.8-14. That seems like the perfect week to me.

Someone remind me to look this post up when I'm at 42 weeks and counting!:rofl:
PP, would be interesting if the tea starts something off. I started it over a week ago with evening primrose and things seem to be moving along for me. :)

Went up to the hospital to get checked over as I wasn't sure if I'd lost some of my waters. Plug is definitely gone, but waters haven't. LO is fully engaged though, and still back to back! I also got hooked up to the CTG machine as I was still getting period like cramps. Sure enough, was having irregular tightenings on the machine (resting was scored 1-5, when I tightened it was up to 60-70) so MW thinks I'll go sometime soon but not anytime right away. So looks like I still have at least a few days left in me!

OH is going tomorrow instead, but has to go really so the hospital know that I'm on my own and said to ring if I need anything.

Sods law that this has all happened as he's due to go away :dohh:

Oh, something the MW mentioned as well was that they won't let me go over my due date due to having 4 bleeds so far through the pregnancy. She seemed surprised my consultant never mentioned it. So I don't know if it's even relevant if things are moving along, but I'll have to ask if I make my next appointment.
Hi girls, hope this is it for you RAF wife and Aidan's Mummy :D :D although I should be saying "Hey wait your turn!!!!" lol I'm only jealous. :rofl: I hope there are still some ladies left to chat to in December! lol.

Nessa - OMG Custard Slice? Yummmmmy (You're in Wales aren't you?) Are they Sweetmans, or Jenkins or Greggs?? lol Sorry, everytime I come up to Wales I HAVE to get a custard slice. mmmmm

X Factor tonight girls? Did I tell you I did my first Baked Potato last night? :dance:

I think Izzy is trying to come out of my belly button she is creating some funny shapes in my belly. Right I am off to drink RL tea and bounce on my ball

Hope you are all OK? x x
Aw rafwife, we'll be here for you while your DH is away. You'll have to try and keep LO in. It's awful that he still has to go, is there nothing that can be done?

Shri - you need a rest! You're 36 weeks, how come you're still working? I can hardly do anything now. :hugs:

Kate - I bet I'll still be around through December. But as I started the thread I'm obliged to at least be on here even if LO comes sooner! Someone needs to update the first post! lol

I've finished my first silly rom com. It was ok but not exactly high-brow! Kind of made me miss DH more, but then so will everything. Feeling bit anxious as my old dog has a lump on his head that came up a couple of weeks ago that we've been worried about and now I think he has lumps from there round the side of his face, maybe like a row of glands. Then my other dog has developed a weird trembling and after having been ok for a couple of days she seems to be loads worse tonight. I hate it. Makes me so scared they're going to die. And at the same time how are we to find the money to get these things investigated?
Sounds like everyones had a bit of a day ... notice we're all getting twinges and odd pains and getting all hopeful bless us lol.

Im hoping that although the RLT wont start labour its giving things a bit of a shift around in there which could well do!!
Shri - you need a rest! You're 36 weeks, how come you're still working? I can hardly do anything now. :hugs:

well, really I've been on maternity leave since I had that car accident (because I couldn't get to work and it was all getting a bit much) so I've had lots of time to rest - but I just couldn't pass up this little freelance project. It's made my head ache today though. I like the artwork bit but all the technical and contract side of it is a bit poo.

Anyway right now I am sat here :cry::cry::cry:
because......I watched JUNO!!!!

I haven't seen it until today. It was quite ace, and what got me was the way that little baby looked at his adoptive mama at the end. OMY :cry::cry::cry:

I can't wait to see my little one. I'm all choked up now...

(and a bit hysterical it would seem):blush:
nothing dif to report, ive been losing lumps of gross pluggy type goo but nothing dif to whats already happening, amy and james neice are here weve had a mad day cookie baking and making things.

sleep soon!
awww shri, i love that film too so sweet. I listened to a song by Colbie Callait called Capri today and it made me well up thinking about meeting my LO!!! Not that you need to do any more of that by the sounds of it!!!! lol :cry: :cry: x x
I'm in a way worse state Shri! I'm watching PS I Love You and so far I've cried for about an hour and a half constantly! Finally had to succumb to a wee and toast break but only a little more film left. It is so the worst film ever to watch when you're pregnant and/or your OH is away! But it's a pretty nice film though.

Hope you've had fun today Molly, sounds like a nice day!
oh and i went to bed with no strechies and this morning i discovered loads! they are fine but defo there! i have been religious with cream/oils etc bugger it never mind
I'm in a way worse state Shri! I'm watching PS I Love You and so far I've cried for about an hour and a half constantly! Finally had to succumb to a wee and toast break but only a little more film left. It is so the worst film ever to watch when you're pregnant and/or your OH is away! But it's a pretty nice film though.

Hope you've had fun today Molly, sounds like a nice day!

The book to that film is soo much better! The book made me cry so much but the film didnt.

Aww, poor Shri!
Don't worry - you're only crying cause "your eggo is preggo, Mama Bear!" :)
I loved the writing in that film.
I thought the whole thing was a lot of fun. But it didn't shy away from the tough decision, either. There was so much controversy that Juno was one of those films that made teen pregnancy seem cool, but I didn't think so at all.

I'm getting in the mood to do some serious homemaking. I think I might make like Uvlolly and get on with some xmas baking soon.
I will probably eat all of it before it even cools, but I think I really want to go crazy in the kitchen.
Hmmm. Maybe we'd better buy a chest freezer first. I have a feeling that once I get started with the cooking, I'll be churning out copious amounts.
Ah, nesting.
I'm getting in the mood to do some serious homemaking. I think I might make like Uvlolly and get on with some xmas baking soon.

Mmmm! Care to send some my way??? :rofl: I couldn't eat it anyways, not until I have Baby Girl. But a girl can dream, right?

I had to fight to get an extra piece of Ice Cream Cake today. :hissy: It was sooooo good.
I wish I could do some baking! OH has to do all our shopping at the moment (flippin SPD means I can't do much at all) and he keeps buying strange food. I tried to write a list but if he doesn't know where in the store the stuff is, he doesn't get it...LOL!

As for 'PS I love you' I don't think I could watch that - I'd flood the house!
Nessa - OMG Custard Slice? Yummmmmy (You're in Wales aren't you?) Are they Sweetmans, or Jenkins or Greggs?? lol Sorry, everytime I come up to Wales I HAVE to get a custard slice. mmmmm

I had just asda ones yesterday!! but greggs one's are yummy :D xx
Hello Ladies! :hi:
Well talk about having a lazy morning! all I have doen so far is feed and dress the kids and have a bath :rofl:
Mind you I did have a fit of nesting yesterday and blitzed the kitchen and bathroom. Might have a go at the kids room next.
Thought I had everything sorted for baby but have just realised I dont have a bouncy chair anymore (gave it away last year!) plus I cant remember if the moses basket my mum has in her loft from when I had Abbi is pink or yellow! :dohh:
My mums going to check for me, Dp said if its pink he's going to buy another (doesnt want his son in a girly basket! lol)
And there are a few more baby clothes to get.
Going to have to wait till I get my CB at the begining of Dec though as were pretty strapped for cash now :hissy:

Hope everyone is doing well today xXx

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