December Mums

thanks girls, its thick and stringy like snot lol but clear in colour

pp - did you go see your dad in the end?

RAFwife :hugs: so sorry to hear you had such an awful night and I hope she stays put til Friday at least!

:hugs: to everyone who feels poorly, had twinges today but nothing else I think she's gonna keep me waiting a couple of weeks x x
gah nothing happened for me today, just been doing amy things ill update properly 2mura am sooo tired cant sleep anymore cause it hurts to move. i moan and groan like an old man when rolling over!

the snotty mucus sounds normal i have it tooo lovely eh!!

Good morning guys! Its 6 days till december... Its quite exciting thinking about it now. Im starting to pack my bag. I haven't done LO's bag as I still need to wash the clothes. I will be off this weekend to buy other bits and pieces that LO would be needing at the hopsital. I hope everybody is doing well today

Sophie - I agree with you. The PS I love you book is much better than the film. It made me cry on the first or second page of it.

Shri - I couldn't bake either. I buy those ones in cartons with instructions but most of the time i will still burn what I'm doing. I hope you're heater will get sorted soon.

Paloma - You're very busy. I hope you get the color of the moses basket that would suit the baby.

Raf - how are you now? Still having cramps? I hope you feel better soon or something happen soon (wait for the hubby tho). Im envious you get snow there. We don't really get that much snow here in Ireland.

PP - Did you go to your dads?

Donna - I envy you for managing to go to the cinema and pub. I can't do it now. Im too busy tbh its I can't walk that far now. I look like penguin in my walk...

Lolly - Thats very sweet of your dad buying tracksuit.

Tyff - I can't eat sweets either, no fizzy drinks too. Blood sugar was very high last week so I have to cut down all the sweets and treats. Hopefully it will be alright when I go to my GP tomorrow.

Sorry guys, no input on the dog thing. We live in an apartment so no place for the dog yet. But my daughter and OH wants a dog when we finally move to a house with a garden...(not in the near future)

December is just around the corner... Im excited as to who will be first on the line. Hope everybody will have a nice and easy day!:hug:
Hey all....hope everyone is feeling good....Im great...just done my shopping online (very exciting) as my little boy is soooo such a bad cough and has been up for 3 nights on the trot...all me good practice for when bubs arrives hehe. Hope he gets better soon...i feel so guilty i can't take it away. Mummy guilt is th worst!!!
My other son aka the one inside has been using me as a punchbag all morning to add insult to injury LOL!! Hope you are all good today!! xxx
morning all, im good this morning i had a lie in and didnt get up till 10am how fab is that, i am trying to make the most of these lie ins before the baby comes.

what have you all been up to this weekend or got planned for your week

i visiting friends tomorrow and got my scan t check position of baby on wed i got a funny feeling she is head down now so thats a relief but have to wait to wed to confirm

wooohoooo my c-section has been brought forward to the 18th only a day but woohoo
didnt get up till 10am how fab is that

Im soooo jealous.....up at the crack of dawn for school run for my little girl!!
But your just time when LO arrives. Hope your scan goes well tomorro....i have my next growth scan on 4th dec....feels like ages away :cry:
ever wonder how they are so big and can turn with no room....just amazing...awh wee pets :hug:
Well Decemeber mummies
Decemeber is fast approaching, so i just want to wish you all the luck in the world with upcoming labours.
Lots of labour dust for you all
Hi all! Hope you all had a good weekend. I've made a thread as loads has been happening for me:

On the PS I Love You, I've not read the book but with the exception of The Three Muskateers it's my opinions books are always better than films! You'll see I ended up with an awful migraine after I'd gone to bed. Whether that's from my challenging day walking about or crying for 2 hours I'm not sure!

:hugs: rafwife for still feeling shitty and for the dog being shitty! I know your pain! After staggering out with them at 6.45am on Sunday, still suffering a lot with the migraine, I was pretty gutted that the old one pooed on his bed aome time before 9am when I awoke again. Oddly, having been so ill though this time the smell didn't even make me retch! Plus we've changed his food so it's all more compact now! lol
Clara - thanks for the advice about the pet insurance but we have problems getting it because they are both rescue dogs and we know none of their history, not even their ages.
PP - we had snow in the small hours of Sunday morning but it had turned to rain my dawn. I was glad because I didn't want my DH getting stuck over the Pennines from me!
Sarahkka - enjoy your last week but make sure you take it easy!
:hugs: Shri, shame ab out your wonky heating! I still hardly feel the cold with this pregnancy.
rubberchick - We've just started to online shop. So much fun!
Marah - That sucks! I totally feel your pain. However, I'm "lucky" in the sense that I can have Diet fizzy drinks. It's weird. Before I had to cut down I never, ever drank pop. Now that I'm pregnant I'm drinking pop for the first time in years!

Aiden's Mummy - How are you feeling this morning? :hugs:

UV - Still nothing, eh? Hope things start moving for you soon!

PB - How exciting! :happydance: I hope this is the start for you as well!

I can't get over that it's December in 6 days. I feel stuck in some sort of time warp where December is this far-off place and not a reality, when it really is! I haven't been feeling much, but I still have a little over a month to go so I'm not that surprised.

I really hope things start rolling for all of you who are due in the beginning of December. I'm getting so excitied to check BnB every morning to see if any of you have progressed!
i am the same tyff, i come on expecting to see that someone is in labour hopefully it wont be long for us all

Morning everyone!
I have been up since 4:15, partly just wakeful, partly because Husband had to be at the station by 5:45, and it's a good 20 km across town (Calgary has one of the worst urban sprawl issues in North America, so I'm not actually exaggerating.)
My office is sort of closer to his new station, so I just came straight here. It's too much driving to go all the way home and back again.
But now that I'm here, I am suddenly sooooo sleepy.
And I have a very long day ahead of me.
Last week of work.
I'd like to enjoy at least a week of mat leave before Baby arrives, but I'm starting to feel that as long as he's a sooner rather than later baby, that I'm as ready as I'm going to be.
Except that my hospital bag still isn't packed.
And I still haven't bought a mattress for the bassinet.
And I still haven't done the xmas baking.
And I still need to scrub the kitchen ceiling and shampoo both cats and knit a layette and aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!
I'll never be ready! Never!
Who am I kidding?
This whole baby thing was a terrible idea!
I want to go back to bed!
You know Sarahkka, I think you should buy the mattress online now, pack your bag tonight and skip the rest. Why exactly does the kitchen ceiling need cleaning?! I've just been adding to my hospital bag and charging all the electric things like my ipod ready to pack. Suddenly it seems things could well be sooner than I thought! And you need a nap! Have you somewhere you can snooze?
Been to see the Mw today
Talked over my birth options, as I was a little worried as I had a sever PPH with my last baby. Thankfully she said they will be prepared this time and as soon as I get there I will be given a IV access in my hand and given oxytocin for the third stage. She said there was no need for me to have an epi if I was coping ok. Many women go on to have normal deliveries after having previous PPH, so that gave me a lot of confidence.
Told me if my cough was no better by tomorrow then I should see doc again for different antibiotics :cry:
She checked the results of my 32 week growth scan and was happy with results (babies est weight then was 4.5lb!)
Heartbeat was good and strong, wee all clear :happydance:
Took more bloods to check Iron levels :hissy:
My Bp was at an all time low at 90/50! was told to drink more fluids :blush:
AND baby is ENGAGED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance::happydance:
Was so not expecting that!!!! the little monkey is well down and snug! lol
So Im trying not to get excited, but really hoping he comes early!

Hope everyone else is doing ok today
LOL Sarahkka - we are quite similar in some ways - such as having non-essential things on our 'to do' list and feeling like they are just as essential. My list keeps growing - for everything I cross off as done, I seem to add three more things. Silly hormones!

Peanutbean - I'm so exited for you - I know it could still be a while but then again maybe not! eeek!

Molly - I hope it will be your turn for things to really get going next.

Rafwife - I hope you are feeling a bit better.

Hugs to everyone. I hope you are all doing alright with the various ups and downs of the homestretch.

Well - we have now had our heating system thoroughly checked out and everything is as it should be. It's loud and annoying and not very eco, but we rent so don't have much choice. At least we should be able to keep the house warm for bubs. I've got one of those grobag egg room thermometer things and its really great.

Today the cleaning company is coming. I don't know HOW I am going to sit around and watch them. It's kind of funny because everything I can reach and do is sparkling, and then there are the bits I can't do that (to my mind) are really gross.
I'm a bit OCD about cleanliness. Anyway, we will see how that goes. Our house is a bit spidery though so I hope no one freaks out.

Once that is done, OH has three days off (his 'weekend' plus thanksgiving) so we are going to go xmas shopping and practice the car seat and all sorts of bits and pieces - oh and we have an infant CPR class tomorrow night.

Better go - I'm hungry!
Afternoon ladies :)
:hugs: to the people who arent feeling too good.
Ive been out to lunch with my Nan today - its sooo cold out!
No signs at all for me yet :( Just alotttttt of discharge and a few pains. Hurry up Leo!
And I'm the same girls, I go straight onto B&B in the morning to see if anyones gone into labour :rofl: hehe.

:dust: to all us who are term.
I need some too!!!! lol
Hope everyone's ok!
:dust: for you, Sophie!

Here's hoping your little guy comes soon. :hugs:

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