December Mums


What a crappy night! Couldn't sleep for most of it, and by the time I actually did fall asleep at about 3am I got super hungry and had to get up and eat something. Then couldn't fall back asleep after that. :hissy:

Must be one of those mornings, looks like everyone else is having a bad one as well!

:hugs: to you all!

Although I actually got woken up (after I went back to bed after eating) by Baby Girl's kicking/moving. She's never woken me before, so that was kind of neat. Kind of. lol.

rubberchick - Now I'm totally going to stalk your birth story! :rofl:
Hi all,

:hugs: to everyone feeling yucky !!

Im still feeling a little low today but dont really know why , i didnt get much sleep last night as the oh is unwell and he kept waking me up to tell me to stop snoring !!!!

Im having a few stabbing pains in the bottom half of bump so im having a lazy afternoon !
All these mummies are welcome to share my ambers birthday :D

zahviere01 Zah'Viere Brennon Henderson

Lovely day to have your baby born on good luck!
Good luck with your appointment PP.

We are all a bunch of poorly whiners today aren't we? lol

Well my dentist trip was nice. Turns out I didn't have the main dentist but a nice woman who commented on my impeccable dental health! My sharp tooth is neither chip nor filling out so she just filed off the sharp bit. So that's all good. I've been trying to sort our finances a bit for leave before my SMP starts tomorrow and was on a high after securing us an interest free credit card for which we've been given a £4k limit! Woo-hoo! Then thinking I was on a roll I called the bank who will not do a mortgage holiday. Boo... We only wanted maybe 3 months right at the end of my leave but it won't even be considered unless we're in serious dire straits. We're now saving £100 a month after the interest rate cut but that's not as much as getting a little time off. So next plan is to see what I can get by way of student loan for my PGCE. Fingers crossed something!
Afternoon ladies.

Big :hug: for everyone hope your all bearing up ok.Im just lazing about as normal drinking hot chocolate coz of this bloody heartburn thats driving me nuts which is now everday.I have my 36 week appointment tomorrow so will see if baby is still head down and also have my bloods done to see if my iron levels have gone up.I think by the looks of it we are all feeling rather crappy but they end is getting very near now til we can all have big cuddles with our LOs:happydance:
pp - sorry you're feeling crappy hope you feel better soon#

nessa - hope baby has decided to turn around - i know you've been bouncing away bless you!

molly - awww hun did your mw text you back? hope things get moving soon for you

rubberchick and rafwife i hope babies decide to wait until their daddies get home!!!

i felt rubbish this morning, really flat, teary and panicky about the birth that something awful was going to happen. Called my mum and she got my mw to call me and she was really sweet and reassuring. :) now i feel silly for panicking and feel a lot better! lol

Got M&S ready meals for tea tonight as feeling too tired to cook - yum yum lol x x
well just picked kids up from school and DD1 has been off colour all afternoon.

Dilema ive got a fetal growth scan at 11.20 in the morning ive just phoned and theve said i cannot take her GRRRRRR.
But i must still goto clinic and have my scan...wot the f*** how can i go when i have no childcard for her, weve just moved house and i dont know the neighbours.
i dont know wether to see what shes like in the morning and if she seems fine send her to school and tell them to call me if shes ill or just not go to clinic, luckily the hospitals only 5mins away from school.
i can understand why they wouldnt want me to take her due to passing on anything but they dont get the fact that if you carnt get childcare for a sick child then your snookered..snotty receptionist

thats my rant over sorry for going on just peeved off at the atitud of woman on other end of phone.

on a more possitive note comet has delivered my replacement dryer YEYYYYY no more radiators and airers full of washing no more i may actually feal the heat im paying for lol ive been sitting with my hot water bottle the past few days.

Louise x
nessa what time is your scan tomorrow i have mine to see what position baby is in so hopefully for us both baby is where it should be!! im the same feeling around to see if i can tell but honestly have no idea.

sorry everyone is feeling bit crappy today so big hugs to everyone

Thats crap Clara!! Hope you manage to get something sorted!!

Trust someone to bloody bring up food, now ive got to think about whats for dinner!! Thanks Kate lol!!
Ive just eaten one of those seafood platter things so im reeeeally not hungry, you know those ones with prawns and allsorts, like a little selection pack. OH will be starving though so had better make the effort and make him something ready for football tonight.
I just got back from meeting with a friend, ate nearly an entire 10" pizza to myself, with the exception of one slice. Probably could've mowed through that as well, but tried to restrain myself :rofl:

Fingers crossed for the breech babies, hope they have turned!!!
:cry: :cry: Ive just missed other halves phone call :cry:

My little sister has just found out she is pregnant...has to go for scan cos they think it may be etopic....not planned!!! And she was on the phone crying.
when OH calls....left me a voicemail :hissy:
Im so upset :cry:
nessa what time is your scan tomorrow i have mine to see what position baby is in so hopefully for us both baby is where it should be!! im the same feeling around to see if i can tell but honestly have no idea.

sorry everyone is feeling bit crappy today so big hugs to everyone


My scan is it 2.30 which really means 4pm lol!! They are never on time at ante natal clinic and im sat for hours waiting :( i wish i had a mornin app!!

What time is yours hun? Good luck :D xx
And i never feel sorry for myself.....right suck it up paula :)
Worried about my little sis too.......she is on way to hospital....and its awful i don't know what to hope for her.
This wasn't planned but don't want an etopic for her either...could be dangerous. Ugh!!!
I suppose..there is worse she could have...thanks for the hugs tyff....well and truely needed xxx
tyff im soo jealous i love pizza :D

Rubberchick i hope your sister will be okay :hugs:

Tea for me tonight is Alfredo sauce and tortellini :D xx
And i never feel sorry for myself.....right suck it up paula :)
Worried about my little sis too.......she is on way to hospital....and its awful i don't know what to hope for her.
Let us know what happens. Fingers crossed for your sister :hugs: Such a shame you missed your OHs phone call too. I know how important they are when they're away. :( Hopefully he'll try again this evening.
And i never feel sorry for myself.....right suck it up paula :)
Worried about my little sis too.......she is on way to hospital....and its awful i don't know what to hope for her.
This wasn't planned but don't want an etopic for her either...could be dangerous. Ugh!!!
I suppose..there is worse she could have...thanks for the hugs tyff....well and truely needed xxx

:hugs::hugs: hun

I just got back from meeting with a friend, ate nearly an entire 10" pizza to myself, with the exception of one slice. Probably could've mowed through that as well, but tried to restrain myself :rofl:

Fingers crossed for the breech babies, hope they have turned!!!

Oink Oink look at you go :rofl::rofl:

Fingers crossed for you Nessa & Lolly tomorrow, hope your LO's have turned and all that ball bouncing hasnt been for nothing Nessa!!
I know eh??? :rofl:

I keep wondering when this whole 'can only eat smallish meals' thing is going to kick in, but hasn't yet. They're going to need a crane to get me out of my condo when it's time for the baby to come!


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