December Puddings 2017! -24BFP! x

I've just eaten a relatively small portion of macaroni cheese with some steamed asparagus and now I can barely breathe!! Aghhhh! What will I be like come 9 months :wacko:
I was like that with DS2 constant headaches and migraines until 16w, it was hell!
You poor things :hugs: hope they ease up soon xx
I'm 12 weeks tomorrow. I can't believe it. This won't feel REAL until Monday at my 12 week appt. I said that about the 8 week appt, when I saw baby on the But I just need to see baby looking like a baby and I think then it might really sink in.

I'm going to try to get a good nub pic so I can obsess over it :haha:

I can't really feel my uterus yet, but i'm a bigger woman this time around so i'm assuming that is making it harder to feel it.

I'm pretty nervous about the appt but I know what is meant to be, will be. :flower:
I feel myself getting a bit anxious as well. I'm thinking maybe just the normal jitters. I'm hoping they'll take a listen at my next appointment and that'll ease things. I don't have a Doppler myself, so I'll just have to wait and see.
I had my scan on Friday all looked good and I saw the baby looking baby wriggling around and waving. My official due date is 7th December!
I'm due on 17 December. Waiting for my 12 week scan to make sure everything is good :)
Congrats booth!!! Can't believe we are at this 12w mark already! It went so slow at first but now it's sped up :)

Hey Cheshire, when's your scan Hun? Mines next Tuesday but I'll be 13.5+w!

I've been out for a run this morning, but had to stop halfway round for a wee and a drink, only ran 5 miles and probably walked two of those :rofl: not sure how much longer I will be able to keep running for. I can feel my joints loosening and don't want to injure myself. I've said I'll keep going until it no longer feels good. Baby seems to like it so far anway, probably gives her a boost as well as me :p

Got a busy week coming up, puppies due to be born, best mates wedding, relatives visiting, planned day out at a kiddies farm, 12w scan, midwife booking appt.. oh and it's bank holiday and half term as well!

How is everyone's nausea? Mines receding a lot now and has been replaced by enormous sore breasts and a grumpy attitude lol. Second tri is getting so close!!
Good luck to those with scans coming up. Mine is next Thursday. Or Wednesday. Can't remember which one.

I DTD with OH this morning for the first time in about three weeks and when I went for a wee after there was a little bit blood when I wiped. Sound normal?
Probably but it can't fill you with confidence in DTD again anytime soon! Will you call it in to your MW and see if you can get a scan earlier? My bleeding in other pregnancies had always been from bleeds in the womb but they were heavy. I believe your cervix can be prone to eroding a bit, which can cause the spotting after dtd. Sometimes my old 2nd degree tear from DS1 will spot after dtd (it never healed properly) could it be something more external like that? How are you feeling? Xx
Natasha this has happened to me the last 2x after DTD I didn't worry so much the first time as it looked brown ...but I waited a few days and we did again it was bright red this time. I read online to try different positions that won't put so much pressure on your cervix and such (due to more blood flow is the issue) ...I've decided to go a couple days and try a different position and then see what happens. If more bleeding I'll just put any DTD on hold until I see the doctor on the 30th.
I spotted a bit after dtd with ds Natasha.

My scan is on Friday, can't come quick enough, tried to book a private scan for today, only had 1 appointment when it's dd2 swimming lesson and I can't do any other day so will just stress now until Friday.
My nausea is basically gone now, just hungry all the time, I look huge and my nipples are sore, just hoping all is ok in there, so tempted to get a Doppler from Amazon to get here tomorrow but then will prob stress more, ugh I hate this part x
Myheart if you did order one I can find mine quite easy now, I don't think it would be too hard for you to find yours xxx
Morning ladies, I've got my booking in this morning but still don't have a scan date yet. I've been off work 3 weeks with horrendous morning sickness, got another doctors appointment today so hope I'll get signed off again as I don't feel any better.

I never had sickness with my first so this is new to me!
Yeah I've had no more since so not really worried. Does put me off DTD of course!

Next Scan is June 1st so not long.
Mum bear that sounds awful you poor thing! Hope you get your scan date asap!

Natasha so glad you've had none since!

Myheart did you order one?

Hope everyone else is well this morning :flower: I'm super bloated, hoping I deflate a bit as the day goes on :haha:
Spotting after sex is normal, but i'd still let your dr know :)

Nausea is off and on but hopefully on its way out.

I had my scan, and the baby has grown so much! It was wild to see the difference. Wiggled around the whole scan, lol. <3

I posted my scan pics on the gender prediction board if anyone cares to have a look? I don't see a nub in the pics though...but i'm also terrible at seeing them anyways.
Aww congratulations moldy!!! I didn't realise there was a gender forum, I will go look for it! X

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