December Puddings 2017! -24BFP! x

I've had no recognisable flutters so far! Even with my third I think I was at least 15 weeks.

Glad your appt went well dan-o. I don't envy you having to take all the kids!

Silas, sorry you are still feeling so rough :(
Well I guess baby is only about the length of our palms at this stage can't expect anything too vicious just yet. I'm sure I'll be complaining about elbows and feet in various places soon enough :haha:

Can't wait to get past the next two milestones (20w scan and 24w v-day) trouble is it goes so fast after that!
I'm on and off chocolate, wish I was off it completely tbh :haha:

I've somehow gained a stone according to my weigh in at my scan on Tuesday :shock:

Late night fruit binges and less activity than normal (no school runs at easter, when very sick for a week and when DS1 was off school for a week) all ads up I guess!
Dunno but it's so quiet on bnb lately, I used to get lost on the due date threads!

Been to the market the morning and picked up a pecan pie from the cake factory seconds stall (dangerous stall :haha:) I can feel my thighs expanding already :rofl:
Mm I could well go for some pecan pie!
I think I felt flutters a couple of times now and I've definitely heard the LO kicking the Doppler lol,
I'm meeting my new MW tomorrow because the one that booked me in is off on maternity leave apparently, I didn't even clock on she was pregnant :dohh:
Hope everyone is having a nice weekend
Mines pregnant as well, she had her first a couple of months before my last baby and now due a couple of months before me again! Funny!
Officially 2nd tri today!! :happydance:

In a not so chirpy note I have my midwife booking appt this morning, ughhhh! I have to take all 3 kids along as well :haha:

Sunny why no 12w scan?

I think they just do one scan between 8 and 12 weeks and mw said they can date better at 8 weeks so that's what I got! Not sure if that's the norm here in Canada but it was the same with my DS, such a long wait from 8 to 20 weeks!
I'm not sure if what I'm feeling is baby yet, sometimes I feel like bubbles? But it seems too high up to be baby, prob just gas lol I think I was closer to 15 weeks last time I felt flutters and it was obvious.

Have any of you had comments about having a December baby? I've gotten a few weird comments, "baby cursed with a December birthday" "poor baby having a birthday so close to Xmas?" I just think that's so rude and inappropriate thing to say! I have a December birthday and to be honest I find it really special to have such a festive birthday, everyone is always in the mood to celebrate!
I'm not sure if what I'm feeling is baby yet, sometimes I feel like bubbles? But it seems too high up to be baby, prob just gas lol I think I was closer to 15 weeks last time I felt flutters and it was obvious.

Have any of you had comments about having a December baby? I've gotten a few weird comments, "baby cursed with a December birthday" "poor baby having a birthday so close to Xmas?" I just think that's so rude and inappropriate thing to say! I have a December birthday and to be honest I find it really special to have such a festive birthday, everyone is always in the mood to celebrate!

Nobody's actually said it to me but I have thought/worried a little about it. Mainly because I've had all summer babies (may, June and August!)
Only in terms of the house being over run with toys from both so close together and thinking about waiting longer to put the tree up lol :haha:
I don't suppose it really matters that much. I think I'll end up with a November baby anyway but it's certainly going to be a busy time this year!
Booth same! Mine are April, June and July! With my boys all they needed was vests and babygrows, this one will need coats and hats the lot! The mind boggles!
I think mine will be born November also. Hubby can't really take holiday in December anyway, so let's hope so, or he'll have to take two weeks off in January instead lol:haha:

Sunny that sucks about your scans. Are you tempted to have a cheeky private one? X
Ds is the 28th of Dec, was due the 17th, I've not had any comments so far but only parents, siblings and 4 of my closest friends know and they know what we have being through to get this far, I just need to be super organized for Xmas and ds birthday this year x
I bet that was a tense Christmas, myheart, waiting to go into labour all though! :haha:
It really was lol, at one point I thought it was starting Xmas eve, though he must of understood to stay in until after Xmas haha
I've had loads of comments :haha: mainly because if I go overdue I'll be induced around Christmas Eve time :dohh:

Just need to be really organised with Christmas this year! And we have a holiday in September too. Thankfully I've started on my youngests Christmas presents so far.
Oh wow myheart that must have been tense waiting over Xmas! I know I will go overdue and I think mw will let me go 14 days over which is the 25th! 😮 eeek! I was 6 days over with DS so I'm guessing baby will come around 18th which is a nice week before Xmas. We will be having a very relaxed Xmas day this year so no stress!
Wow Natasha you're already Xmas shopping! So organised! I'm a last minute online shopper haha
I have to be organised this year :haha:

I thought they only let you go ten days over now?
That's my plan too, as soon as the birthdays are out of the way I'll concentrate on Christmas so I don't have to do it all with a newborn. I think it will actually be nice though I can just imagine a Moses basket next to the tree. So cute!
What better gift than a new baby for Christmas, I cannot wait!! :cloud9:

Lovely cosy evenings snuggling up with a new squishy! Lights twinkling.. Awww!

The school Christmas play could be.. err interesting tho! Refereeing a 2 + 4 year old while breastfeeding a newborn and trying to watch 6yo in the play :haha: :headspin:
I'm hoping this one either arrives one time or I can be induced on the 16th once the kids have broken up, ds starts school in Sept and don't want to miss his school play and his Xmas school party x
Whew! All caught up now. I love the new scan pics!

I'm officially in the second trimester, and it's so exciting :D My second a1c came back slightly "high" so I have to take the 3 hour glucose test this coming Saturday. Wish me luck because I'm going to be SO BORED.

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