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*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

Oh Don't worry, you ladies on here will be first to know I have my scan appointment booked lol, I'll be so excited when I finally have a date.

We are so organised already, well, I am!! I know what pram I want, already picked it out, We have a boys name and a girls name picked (we are not finding out the sex...) and I've bought a few bits of clothes. It's just so exciting, you know when you've wanted it for so long you just want to buy everything now haha!
Oh yes I know that feeling! We have our names picked too, and I got my pram on Saturday :lol: I'm trying to hold off buying anymore clothes until we find out what we are having, but as you're staying team yellow you can just go crazy with everything from the get go!
I don't really need to go out and buy anything as we already have it all or can borrow off friends. Only thing is, I do end to go on a little spree if we find out LO is a girl at our 16 week gender scan. If a boy I will at least buy him his own new coming home outfit.

Have had a girls name picked since we started TTC #1 and am pretty sure we have a boys name but both are secret until the birth because people IRL always say something stupid and ruin a name. They can be so critical once babe is born and the names been given.

I had severe SPD last time starting around 10 weeks and ended up unable to walk at all by the end. At not even 5 weeks, my pelvis already hurts this time! :( Have already self-referred to hospital physio as theres a 1 month wait for appointments.
ahhh we're all the same then! must be a woman thing to be so organised!

we are keeping names a secret until bub is born also! Not having anyone steal or ruin my AMAZING baby names haha :p I would murder whoever stole my baby name, i've heard some right horror stories about people doing that! atrocious behavior!
Here's what I've bought today, just thought I'd share :)


It's surprisingly hard to buy "neutral" clothes, but I'm not giving up... The sex is staying a surprise! :D hehe
I want to buy so badly but it is too early. I do have a lot of things picked out though! Perhaps I will feel more comfortable buying after the scan? I have an early scan at 5w5d. My Ob's policy that I come in within 2 weeks of my phone call and I happened to find out very early:blush: I know we might not see anything but I'm hoping we can see the heartbeat. I've already told most of my firends who are sworn to secrecy but I don't want to tell the family until I'm sure everything is ok with baby. I have names picked out as well! I haven't even discussed most of them with DH yet. lol. We are definately going to find out the sex as I have no baby things at all because this is our first. Also the family will be desperate to know as we don't have many girls and they will be dying to buy girl clothing. If I didn't find out the sex I'd probably have a closet full of girls clothes anyway!haha
I almost wish I wasn't getting an early scan! Pretty sure the only reason you get one is if you're having complications//are high risk :blush:

I called originally and they scheduled me for one at 9 weeks. I called them back b/c I forgot to tell them about some other problems my primary Dr reminded me of, and the nurse got me in as soon as she could for an early scan and more tests...Not really a good feeling :nope:

I agree gs20...I'm feeling super anxious about my 6w scan to check for ectopic. With DS I got scanned every 2 weeks from 16 weeks until 28 weeks. Nice to see him often but a worry each time. Wish I could be one of these woman who can follow the standard scan pattern and have a problem free pregnancy.

The tiredness has really kicked in now and I have picked up a cold :(

Well hopefully everything is fine with this bub like your DS =) When is your first scan?? Mine's April 12...So nervous!
I almost wish I wasn't getting an early scan! Pretty sure the only reason you get one is if you're having complications//are high risk :blush:

I called originally and they scheduled me for one at 9 weeks. I called them back b/c I forgot to tell them about some other problems my primary Dr reminded me of, and the nurse got me in as soon as she could for an early scan and more tests...Not really a good feeling :nope:

I agree gs20...I'm feeling super anxious about my 6w scan to check for ectopic. With DS I got scanned every 2 weeks from 16 weeks until 28 weeks. Nice to see him often but a worry each time. Wish I could be one of these woman who can follow the standard scan pattern and have a problem free pregnancy.

The tiredness has really kicked in now and I have picked up a cold :(

Well hopefully everything is fine with this bub like your DS =) When is your first scan?? Mine's April 12...So nervous!

Ours is 10th at 8.40am. 8 days to go...it's like the TWW all over again! :rofl:
im trying to stay as positive as I can, im thinking that life is too short to wait, we've waited long enough for this baby, im buying things now!!! Lol :-D silly I know but the optimism in me is taking over!
Jadie-those clothes are adorable! What is a pram?... I feel like such a noob..

I don't think I'll buy anything until I feel a little more sure... or till I see my doctor.. which doesn't seem to be happening because no one will call me back!

I was a little worried because I kept using ics and the line wasn't really getting darker, so I don't know what my hcg levels are doing... but I used a digi this morning and got a pregnant 2-3 weeks since conception and that is spot on.. so I guess it is a good sign. I know I'll still be nervous until our first scan... whenever that is.
im trying to stay as positive as I can, im thinking that life is too short to wait, we've waited long enough for this baby, im buying things now!!! Lol :-D silly I know but the optimism in me is taking over!

Nothing wrong with being optimistic and excited hun :hugs: it's never too early to get stuff IMO, it's a personal choice that's all :)

Jadie-those clothes are adorable! What is a pram?... I feel like such a noob..

I don't think I'll buy anything until I feel a little more sure... or till I see my doctor.. which doesn't seem to be happening because no one will call me back!

I was a little worried because I kept using ics and the line wasn't really getting darker, so I don't know what my hcg levels are doing... but I used a digi this morning and got a pregnant 2-3 weeks since conception and that is spot on.. so I guess it is a good sign. I know I'll still be nervous until our first scan... whenever that is.

A pram is a first pushchair. Usually parent facing and lays down completely flat so baby's spine isn't bent being in a travel system or non-flat pushchair :thumbup:

If the digi is showing correct dates I wouldn't worry hun :) when will you have your first scan?
haha. It's a common mistake. I don't know if you call them something different in canada but in the UK they're called prams or pushchairs. In the US we call them strollers or carriages.

Anyone else still testing to give themselves confidence:blush:? I never thought that getting my bfp would be almost as stressful as ttc! I ran out of hpts so now I'm using opks....:wacko: hoping little poppyseed sticks!
I have no idea what they are called here! I would have said... a rear facing stroller or something like that... acronyms at this point are beyond my research. I am just trying to remember what foods I can't eat!

I don't have a scan yet.. I don't even have an ob. I am waiting for a referral. It is really starting to worry me because I would like to at least see a doctor.. I will start harassing today.
Despite being ttc for 8 months... there are a lot of things that I didn't want to learn until I was pregnant... some sort of denial reflex or something.. so now I feel like I am scrambling to do everything at once.
Do you mind if I join in? Got a BFP on sat with clear blue digital. Should be due 5th Dec.

Very excited but super nervous at the same time.
I had a m/c in jan so this is my second time being pregnant. I've also been taking clomid.

Main symptoms have to pee more often, my hands and feet are freezing and I get light cramps in the evening.
I have no idea what they are called here! I would have said... a rear facing stroller or something like that... acronyms at this point are beyond my research. I am just trying to remember what foods I can't eat!

I don't have a scan yet.. I don't even have an ob. I am waiting for a referral. It is really starting to worry me because I would like to at least see a doctor.. I will start harassing today.

You still need a referral for the ob/gyno? I hope you find a good doctor really soon! I am having a hard time remembering what food I'm supposed to eat as well! So annoying but I guess a happy healthy baby will be worth it!
Hi ladies,

Can I join? I think my EDD is 12/8.

Do you mind if I join in? Got a BFP on sat with clear blue digital. Should be due 5th Dec.

Very excited but super nervous at the same time.
I had a m/c in jan so this is my second time being pregnant. I've also been taking clomid.

Main symptoms have to pee more often, my hands and feet are freezing and I get light cramps in the evening.

Welcome and congrats ladies :flower:

Will add you both to our EDD list now :)

trgirl - definitely start chasing up for an appointment. I've had to do the exact same thing today as my referral was lost in the post so it would seem :wacko: I'll never get seen/a scan at this rate!!
Where I live it is nearly impossible to get a gyno unless you are pregnant... so for pap tests I just go to my gp. I asked her months ago what to do when I was pregnant, and she said call to get a referral... so I did and I am waiting. I just called back and the receptionist said the doctor should be getting to her files today, so hopefully I'll hear back by tomorrow at the latest.

Welcome PiggySue and congrats!

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