*** December Snowflakes 2012 *** 158 Snowflakes - 36 born so far!

Lolly I hope all goes well.:hugs: So sorry you are in the hospital but hoping they take great care of you and baby. I hope your BP returns to a safe and normal range.

Blu_ I hope that everything is ok. It's good you've at least been checked and they are aware of the issue. I would just keep my eye on it. Congrats on the dilation and effacement. I'm sure that there is nothing going on with me as usual.:wacko: I have some mild cramping or something but maybe gas for all I know. Hard to tell sometimes.

GenY I hope you are doing well and you meet your baby soon!
Sounds like bloody show to me?
Lolly - in glad baby's heart rate is back down and they are watching you closely!!!

Here things are progressing, the rest of my amniotic sac ruptured with a gush about an hour ago, which is great news that the pitocin is doing its job!!

I sent DH home for a brain break too as he has ADD and would go nuts sitting in one place. I need him refreshed for the hard part!!!!
Thanks ladies :hugs:

Oooh Gen, so exciting! I'll be stalking here in the morning to see if there's any update! Good luck hun, you're going to do great :flower:
How exciting GenY!! Good luck and hope it all goes quickly for you!

Lolly, glad you are being monitored. Hope your BP and baby's heart rate stabilize. Have the docs talked about what they want to do in terms of wait longer, or just get things going?

Nothing to report here except that it looks like my feet are pregnant with a 3rd and 4th baby! Normal contractions throughout the day...same as for the last 6 weeks. I can barely walk, and pretty much everything is painful. My BFF is coming to visit me tomorrow and she is a hair stylist. She is going to give me a highlight and trim @ my house. She uses a highlight solution with no ammonia so it isn't as bad. Seems weird to get my hair all fresh only to be on maternity leave for 4 months, but its free, so why not?! My next appt is the 21st where I will have the strep test, membranes scraped, and another NST. 10 days til induction! OMG.
Ohhhh GenY sounds like things progressing well! Make sure DH gets back in time 😀.... So exciting!

Will be stalking thread all day!
Shan - I don't think you'll make it ten days with consistent contractions like that!!! At least your cervix should be well warmed up!

Status quo here, contractions getting stronger, amniotic fluid still escaping, now quite bloody - hoping that means lots of cervical change! They are still holding off on checking me for a bit....I'm so curious!!
I hope you are right GenY! I would love for labor to start naturally. Will probably start working on some of the tricks.

Hope your cervix is nice and dilated when they check!
Oh lolly, how worrying! I'm glad you are being monitored, hoping your bp is going down! Glad baby's heartrate is back to normal!
GenY - glad it's all going well!! Don't think it'll be long now for you! How exciting! :D
Blu - Sorry to hear about the bleeding! Could it be your cervix irritated from dtd? Or is it too much blood for that? Hoping it's your bloody show and you are currently in the midst of labour! :)

afm, not too much going on, getting some cramping and such tonight. Earlier had a sudden onset of cramps that led to a pretty yucky bm (sorry tmi!) which was like, making me heave. Was no fun... Of course in my want-baby-out-now obsessed mind kept thinking "Is this a clear-out???" lol! Doubt it! Now off to have a nice hot bath! Try not to let it get too hot, but it's hard - I love a niiiiice hot bath! Read that this far along it isn't a worry, and baby is always active during so must be ok! I can't wait for my turn to update that something is happening, hehe! :D
lolly big :hugs: glad that you're being monitored, and hope you can get some rest!!

Blu, also big :hugs: hope all is well, sending loads of thoughts.

Geny, good grief you're on the ball signing on between contractions!! It's all happening real time I don't think I can sleep for want of updates!
Update - midwife finally checked me and I'm 3cm, 90% effaced, -1 station. Slow but steady progress, midwife happy enough. This truly is a marathon!
Contractions got A LOT stronger in the last hour, which is good. I'm holding off on epidural but got a dose of fentanyl which took a little edge off. It's wearing off so I'll get back up and walking soon.
Thankfully I expected a looooong labor...runs in the family :)
Well done Gen! You are doing brilliantly! Climb that mountain...your beautiful new LO is waiting for you at the top. x
:thumbup: gen! Hope the rest goes smoothly for you!

AFM, I went to the 10 PM showing of Breaking Dawn Part 2, I can safely go into labor anytime now :haha:

Any US ladies still plan on Black Friday shopping??
Well done Gen your doing fab. Can't wait to see pictures when LO arrives:happydance:

Lolly I hope your bp is dropping back down and they looking after you!

AFM I'm starving got the Gtt at 9.30, think I'm only hungry cause I'm not allowed to eat......all in my head:haha: but I know nurses make the worse patients :blush:
Ooo this is all so exciting! Congrats GenY you are doing amazing by the sound of it cant wait to see pics :)
Glad to hear babys heart rate came down for you Lolly but sucks your BP is still playing up.
Glad you got checked Blu and like other ladies have said Id keep an eye on it and hope its more like the start of something!
AFM pregnancy insomnia seems to have hit :( Driving me nuts I cant sleep past 3.30am for no apparent reason. Better be something to do with baby arriving :haha:
Happy Friday everyone!
Omg how exciting I don't go on for one night and so much happens good luck GenY, glad all seems to be ok with you as we'll lolly

AfM- me and OH dtd and then was getting bak ache like period pains are these BH? And woke up ths morning and still got them, well dtd again ths morning and I'm still getting them there not very strong. Also gt my GBSvtestvresults bak yesterday and its positive :-( shame cz I don't think your allwed a water birth cz ill ave to be on a drip, also good new me and the OH are oing to view a house later today when he's how from work and have been told that if we like it we can have the keys on the 14th of dec, may be a big rush but hopefully we will b in our own home for Christmas just pushing it abit cz I'm due the 16th lol o well I won't b able to do anything :-D ill b lazy watching all of um do the work xxxx

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