Wow scooby you're brave! I haven't even bought a potty yet. At the moment we haven't even got Amber back into sleeping in her own bed yet! I think part of my problem is that she just doesn't seem to be showing any signs of readiness. A wet or dirty nappy doesn't seem to really bother her, although she tries to put pants on she can't pull them off, she loves putting toilet paper in the toilet but doesn't show much interest beyond that. I dunno, maybe I must just get on with it.
Yesterday Amber was playing in her bedroom and I suddenly heard a crash and she cried. I ran in there to find the chest of drawers had fallen on top of her. It was so scary! Thank goodness she just ended up with a cut lip and a mark on her chin. She'd been unpacking the draws and when all three are open it just topples over. Dunno why dh took the other latches off but we've bought new ones so she can't open them anymore. Unfortunately we aren't allowed to drill or anything in the walls so we can't secure it.