Haha I know right??
And Ellie is just so stinkin cute!!!
Is anyone having problems with their baby's skull flattening out?
Albie doesn't have a flat spot on the back because he always changes the direction he faces while he sleeps, but I have noticed that towards the back on his right hand side the skull is flattening out and pushing up a little bit? It's because I stupidly always feed him in the same position. I'm changing that now, but do you think that will fix it? What if I just misshapen the other side? Haha I should probably see a dr and ask. Just curious!
How is everyone doing?
I really suck at being a housewife btw. All I do is play/talk/entertain Albie all day. DH is lucky if I wipe the kitchen bench. So our house is pretty gross. I feel bad because DH is so tired from working, and that he should come home to a lovely house etc. I'm still in my gross pyjamas when he comes home from work!!! But I don't have time to shower until he is home because Albie very rarely naps during the day and if he does, I only have time to eat. I do clean a bit but I come back and then when I talk to Albie and see him smile, I feel so bad that I ignored him for that time while I was cleaning. I have a sling but he hates it. Am I being silly? Haha