Wow 9 weeks already???! Time flies!
Albie is going through his 6 week growth spurt, physically and mentally. He is a little fussy when awake which is unlike him (the gods blessed me with such a chilled out baby) and is sleeping allllll day which is SUPER unlike him, growing up must be very tiring!
but seriously, how can we get them to stop growing? I get sad every day because he gets less and less like a newborn and more and more like a baby.
He is super congested atm and it breaks my heart! I have bought some saline spray for his nose so I will use that tonight. It's horrible listening to him trying to breathe and then coughing and choking on phlegm. But luckily he doesn't have a fever or anything
I loooove making faces at him and watching him copy, it's my new favourite thing to do. He doesn't coo yet, but makes audible sighs which are cute. Can't wait for his first smileeeeee every day I hope to see it, that sneaky guy is still hiding it from me!!!
Josh is on school holidays at the moment, he's had one week so far and has one more to go. I will get super sad when he goes back to work, he has been so great changing him for me during midnight feeds, and takes him for a long walk after his breakfast feed which lets me get a couple of hours sleep. It will be so hard to adjust when he is back at work.
How is everyone and their babies? Tell me everythingggggg