Decembers little darlings now in first tri

I wonder if your baby girl is here yet and your dh has celebrated his first Father's Day... :D <3
Yes! Freya was born at 11.09pm on Father's Day! She just scraped in :flower:

We are all doing fine. I think labour is awful and I am contemplating just stopping at one child!!!
:wohoo: congratulations Buffy!!!! Yay for Freya finally arriving!!!

Can't wait to hear your labour story. Sorry it sucked!
Aren't we a quiet bunch now our babies are here lol.. I hope everyone is enjoying their bubs as much as possible. Ellie likes to sleep all day and grumble all night so I am extremely tired and my life revolves around the bed and the couch most of the time.

I wish we had our group on FB! Buffy and I can post to each other on there as we belong to the same group, so we didn't miss out on too much but I feel so bad I keep forgetting to log in here and see how everyone else is going!

Ellie is almost 2 months now. She smiles and gurgles and makes cute noises. Is starting to favour her mum over everyone else... all in all she is a very good baby! I just wish her sleep patterns were aligned better as I can't sleep through the day unless it's sleeping in.

I will try to post a photo shortly. Hard on my phone when you have to go upload to a third party then link it back.
Awww look and her smile!!! Adorable :)

Albie is 5 weeks and so close to smiling, can't waaaaait for that first real smile!
It melts your heart! Tonight I was brushing my fingers gently over her face and she giggled!! Be still my beating heart. I am so in love with her!
Hey! Congrats to everyone who's had their babes since I've been on. I thought I'd have pages to read but it looks like we're all busy soaking up our beautiful newborns. Anthony is nine weeks old now but should only be 3 or 4 weeks. He's doing so great! I'm so in love it's crazy. I'll also get frustrated and cry and worry about everything and wanna kill my husband. Typical post partum feelings! How are you all doing? Caribbean, Ellie is so adorable!
Wow 9 weeks already???! Time flies!
Albie is going through his 6 week growth spurt, physically and mentally. He is a little fussy when awake which is unlike him (the gods blessed me with such a chilled out baby) and is sleeping allllll day which is SUPER unlike him, growing up must be very tiring! :haha: but seriously, how can we get them to stop growing? I get sad every day because he gets less and less like a newborn and more and more like a baby.

He is super congested atm and it breaks my heart! I have bought some saline spray for his nose so I will use that tonight. It's horrible listening to him trying to breathe and then coughing and choking on phlegm. But luckily he doesn't have a fever or anything :)

I loooove making faces at him and watching him copy, it's my new favourite thing to do. He doesn't coo yet, but makes audible sighs which are cute. Can't wait for his first smileeeeee every day I hope to see it, that sneaky guy is still hiding it from me!!!

Josh is on school holidays at the moment, he's had one week so far and has one more to go. I will get super sad when he goes back to work, he has been so great changing him for me during midnight feeds, and takes him for a long walk after his breakfast feed which lets me get a couple of hours sleep. It will be so hard to adjust when he is back at work.

How is everyone and their babies? Tell me everythingggggg :haha:
I have set up an Instagram page for Ellie and her adventures if anyone is on there and would like to see her photos!

The username is ellie_ellie_bo_bellie
Ellie is keeping me busy! As I am sure everyone's babies are keeping them busy. Still sleeping most of the day (when I can't!) And then up half the night so I am really only getting 4 or 5 hours of broken sleep a night.
She's just so gorgeous. She looks over at me and gives me a big smile. She doesn't fuss too much, she is very content to just sit there and watch the world. I just absolutely love her to bits.
I think the best part of it all for me is that I look back over the last 15 years of my oldest daughter's life and the memories are beautiful. I feel so lucky I have had such a wonderful time with her... and to know I get to have ALL of that again but with another daughter... it's beyond amazing!
Yay I added you on insta. I'm Lara on there.

ALBIE SMILED TODAY!!!! And I got a picture of it! I diiiiiiiedddddddd.
Omg Lala, so happy for you! I just got some genuine smiles out of Anthony too. It's amazing!
Yay Albie! Doesn't it just melt your heart when they start interacting with you? Ellie does it more and more every day and it's just amazing. I am so lucky!
We are all so lucky!! It's amazing. I am so happy that after all of those years of TTC that I really enjoy motherhood. It's everything I was hoping it to be and more.

Sweetpea, so great that Anthony smiled, he is doing so well!! Isn't that quite early for him?? I'd love to see a picture, but totally understand if you don't want to put a pic of him on the internet :flower:

Josh has been on school holidays and goes back to work next week. I'm going to be so sad!!!! He's been such a great help, changing Albie before his feeds for me, and taking him for walks when I really need a nap. It's going to be hard to adjust back to normal.
I feel bad for him though, he misses Albie and keeps saying that he wishes he could stay home with him all the time. It's sweet and sad.

How are your partners doing with adjusting to fatherhood?

Oh the weirdest thing-- last week, our neighbour said that his coworker had a baby and named him Albie! Isn't that bizarre? I've never met another Albie and then that happened. Also, the pharmacist I was talking to a couple of weeks ago said that her best friend has a baby Albie. It'll be funny if they all end up in the same school.
That's crazy Lala! I've never met a kid named Albie. Mind you, that seems like more of a European name.

DH is doing well with fatherhood. I feel bad cuz I sure ask a lot of him and he's the one who has to get up and go to work in the morning. I'm also finding things a little difficult at the moment, which is totally silly cuz Anthony is such an easy baby compared to others! He's 11 weeks tomorrow but I keep having to remind myself that he's only supposed to be about 5 weeks so I can't expect too much.

This is my favourite cellphone picture of him. I call it his "tough guy" face. It's so funny how I try so hard to get him sleeping then as soon as he's sleeping I just look at all the pictures I've taken on my phone lol.


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OMG!!! Haha loooook at that face! I just want to smooth himmmmm <3
I totally feel you with the sleeping/phone thing haha.

Albie has had a cold for about 3 weeks now. Poor baby is so congested, and he hates when I suction out his nose but luckily he doesn't mind his nose spray. I just wish he could breathe easily! Sometimes I hear him breathe in all of this snot and then he chokes and it terrifies me!!

So I have postponed my gallbladder surgery, they called me when he was a week old and I said I wasn't ready yet and luckily they let me postpone it... They said they would call me in October.
Well it's October and I'm freaking out! I don't want to leave Albie for a night. I know this sounds sooo silly because it will only be one night but I am really worried. Josh will be soooo fine with him but both of our mums want to step in and look after him and they will clash and it will cause drama. My mil is talking about taking a week off to help out afterwards and I know it's nice of her but it's not necessary and I'd rather just be alone at home with Albie. He's not a difficult baby so I'm not worried about that.
Also I'm terrified for the day I have to leave Albie with my mum. I don't know when it'll be, but I'm so scared!!! And she keeeeeeeps asking too. She is nice and I know she raised us, but she is nearly always drunk now and she has really old school views (and stupid ideas, like saying yesterday it would be fine for him to eat ice cream now -at 7 weeks old!!!- and I was just being mean not letting her give him any)... One day I had said he had trouble sleeping the night before and she said I should just put whiskey on his gums and he would sleep well. Yeh I'm not going to drug my baby thanks mum. Even yesterday when I was visiting, Albie was sleeping in his pram. It was sooooo hot. I walked over and put his blankie under the pram. Mum whined and said "oh but it's cute!". I went into another room and when I came back he had his blankie on again! I took it off and the poor bub was so hot. Just silly little things like that.
Also, she gets coldsores sometimes, and neither josh or I have them thankfully. But she always goes to kiss Albie on the lips and it freaks me out!!! I will be upset if he gets one :(
Oh! Also my main concern with leaving him with her is that she keeps saying that I spoil Albie and that I shouldn't feed him until he is "really screaming". I don't wait until he cries because he always makes it clear to me by grunting and rooting and lots of other signs, and I feed him every 4 hours. Mum just puts his dummy in and says he doesn't need it yet. But Albie is such a chill baby, he will put up with sucking the dummy instead of a feed for a long time. He rarely cries, and I'm so scared with her that he will be super hungry until he gets really distressed (and he is almost impossible to feed when he is upset). All these silly worries about something that isn't even happening yet.

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