Delaying vaccinations

KX said:
So if u have the MMR older does that reduce the risk of autism etc? Sorry I am asking loads but Rebecca's will come up soon and I always dreaded the thought of it last year. Not its upon us :shock:

No it doesnt make a difference! i had my MMR in december!! (rountine for all student nurses appartently !!)
I never thought twice about giving jamie the mmr, i personally dont believe the autism link at all, plus it has never been proved.
Iwantone!!! said:
are u compelety deaf or partly ?

well i am 76% loss in right ear and 64% in left ear but manage with hearing-aids just can talk on phone if person isnt a mumbler or too quiet lol

Also tho i lip-read to perfection so half time I dont know if i am hearing it or reading it TBH
Beanie they have to have a month between the MMR and the new jab. The nurse tried to get me to have the new one instead of the MMR, but I refused because I haven't looked into the new one yet and am undecided whether or not to let her have it. I didn't really want her to have the MMR but Matt was more for it so I went with it. I'd be interested if you've got any links on info against the vaccinations as I think it's important to make an informed decision on these things, rather than just go with what seems to be the norm.
Whats the new jab? :? See Im lost with it all :oops:
Steph, Coby is haveing his both at teh same time too, its next monday.
I agree with you about the autism thing.

I personaly wouldnt take the risk with not having it done.

Colby had 2 doses of the new jab a while ago cos she was under 2, all babies under age 2 get 2 lots where as babies age 2 only will get one single jab :D

im sorry to put this here and it always causes a big debate thing but i have to say this :oops: :oops: how would yous feel if your child went to school and got a virus from someones child who wasnt vaccinated against these things? i would be pretty dam mad to say the least, knowing why you get vaccinated against these things for a reason as they can be very dangerous if your not vaccinated against it. Sorry but i think all children should be vaccinated wether it be a multiple vaccine ie MMR or single ones the reason i chose the MMR for Adele was to save her going back for more injections plus we ddint have the money and the biggest reason was their was no proof of any links, and i got the MMR and i was fine :D :D
weestar21 said:
Colby had 2 doses of the new jab a while ago cos she was under 2, all babies under age 2 get 2 lots where as babies age 2 only will get one single jab :D

I was told if they are under 12 months they get 2 doses of the jab but if they are over 12 months they only need one! Jamie only had one jab at the same time as his mmr!
their was 8 weeks between Colbys ones :? maybe im mistaken it might well be only 12 months maybe i got mixed up by the 12 months and age 2 :oops: :oops:
I posted this to ask if anyone had any experience of delaying the MMR. I haven't said I am definately not going to vacinate her - that is still something I want to read more about. But I am more then aware of the dangers, I too was very ill with measles at the age of 2. It is not a decision that I am taking lightly.

weestar said:
im sorry to put this here and it always causes a big debate thing but i have to say this how would yous feel if your child went to school and got a virus from someones child who wasnt vaccinated against these things? i would be pretty dam mad to say the least, knowing why you get vaccinated against these things for a reason as they can be very dangerous if your not vaccinated against it. Sorry but i think all children should be vaccinated wether it be a multiple vaccine ie MMR or single ones

I don't know, how will you feel? The MMR CAN prevent measles, mumps and rubella not WILL. According to the Centers for Disease and Control there are a significant number of children who do develop these diseases even following immunisations.
'beanie' said:
I don't know, how will you feel?

weestar said:
how would yous feel if your child went to school and got a virus from someones child who wasnt vaccinated against these things? i would be pretty dam mad to say the least
i was trying to work it out an all,i think weestar meant it is in her original comment I think?

Beanie I have put a Q to you in third tri thread,bit embarrassed to say here

i would be pretty mad if one of my girls cought a disease from another child because the child wasnt vaccinated in teh first place.

i dont understand tbh why some people dont get their kids vaccinated its not as if you have to pay for it, and its giving them that extra chance not to get these diseases or to help fight the disease, OK you have to pay for it if you want it seperate but i just dont understand if their is no real proven proof that these link to autism :?

maybe im just too relaxed on the subject but untill their is 100% proof that these injections can cause autism then my kids will get the tripple vaccine but its only Colby to go cos im not having anymore :lol: :lol:
I thought that too but I asked how she would feel if her child gave measles to another child??

Will look in 3rd tri now.

I am not saying the MMR is a bad thing, all mums want to do whats best for their children. If you choose to have the MMR thats great, if you don't thats great too. As long as you have made an informed decision and know all the risks.
weestar21 said:
i would be pretty mad if one of my girls cought a disease from another child because the child wasnt vaccinated in the first place.

i dont understand tbh why some people dont get their kids vaccinated its not as if you have to pay for it, and its giving them that extra chance not to get these diseases or to help fight the disease, OK you have to pay for it if you want it seperate but i just dont understand if their is no real proven proof that these link to autism :?

maybe im just too relaxed on the subject but untill their is 100% proof that these injections can cause autism then my kids will get the tripple vaccine but its only Colby to go cos im not having anymore :lol: :lol:

the research is still ongoing, I have concerns about the ingredients of the vaccine and want to know more about it, I persoanlly don't think that is a bad thing. Also its not a 100% prevention, and if a child gets measles when they have had the vaccine it can be worse for them. There is so much info out there and I will make my decision for my child based on what I feel is right.
I agree with this too as i think it is such a personal choice to vaccinate or no to and it down to the iundividual.

My sister never did as she felt pressurized from my mother who is very anti stuff like that and does all this natural herbal stuff and you would think giving my history she would have known better,I also got bronchial pnemonia and nearly died at 6 so well open to debate isnt it really

I personally agree with vacinating my children (and believe me had some rows with my mother) but liek I said to her it is my choice,my baby and my l;ife and if was other way round then same.

there was a lot of controversy over the MMR when it came out and i must admit it could ahve been nerve-wracking if i had stopped and thought about it. The next baby well she will have it too.

Kina said:
Beanie they have to have a month between the MMR and the new jab. The nurse tried to get me to have the new one instead of the MMR, but I refused because I haven't looked into the new one yet and am undecided whether or not to let her have it. I didn't really want her to have the MMR but Matt was more for it so I went with it. I'd be interested if you've got any links on info against the vaccinations as I think it's important to make an informed decision on these things, rather than just go with what seems to be the norm.

I am struggling to find much at the moment about the new one but have just been sent some more links from another mum so will have a look at them toonight and pass anyhting on.

Thanks hun xx
Sorry I am going to ask again, whats the "new" jab? :D

I think its personal choice and I wont judge anyone on their decisions as parents.

Love to you all :D
it is the Haemophilus influenza type b (Hib) and meningitis C. Here is a link to the nhs info

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