Determined to get a sticky BFP?

Hey Sparky, no problem, know what you mean about the bottle of wine idea though...
oh Padbrat I am glad I can make you feel that way...... :hugs: sorry you are sore, bleeding, down and out.. UGH I wish I could just make it ALL go away for all of us..

Sparky- you too sweetie...... DAM this just suxs... (((( HUGS ))))

But I am so happy to have found you guys- you have been my backbone through out this FRIGIN ordeal....................

I know I will be crying today today too.. today is my 1st day back in the office (I work from home but Boss Lady didn't want me to come in last week- she is AWESOME) but I have to face the rest of the team... word broke out- nothing can be kept a secret here... so I have to tell them all..... UGH
Kelster, you are a strong lady and I know you will get through this. I, like you don't want to tell anyone... but last night found myself strangely angry... why should we feel ashamed or embarressed to tell people what we have been through?

We are Mums the same as any other woman who has carried a child... and it makes me angry that it is so hard to get support and acknowledgement in the real world for what has happened to us. In the UK they have a rule of thumb that we have to m/c 3 times before we are tested... I was thinking... if someone had 3 children and one by one the all dropped dead would they wait for the 3rd one to die before investigating? No of course not, that would be unthinkable and barbaric... but they let us go through the death of our babies 3 times before helping...

It is not our fault our babies died... we are good people who deserve to be parents and yet I feel ashamed of what has happened to me and I don't want to tell anyone.... why do I feel like that? If I had a child and it had died, would I feel ashamed? NO... broken and unbearably sad, but not ashamed...

I am now going into a full hormonal rant and that is not good...

Kelster, what I want to say is be strong and accept the support that your colleagues give you because you deserve to be supported.

I will now shut up because I have run my mouth (or fingers in this case) far too much...

PS Hope I haven't upset anyone... sorry, can get very militant when riled up... sorry xx
Good morning, ladies. I hope everyone manages to have a good day today.

Padbrat, I wish I could make everything better for you too. It will be alright. I know what you mean about the 3 m/c rule. We have the same in the U.S. I honestly don't think it's meant to ignore a problem but more because m/c's are so common and there's really nothing that they can do to prevent them. If your or OH happens to have damaged sperm/eggs, it's a lottery really. And, chances are, it is purely chromosomal the first couple of times. But 3 times + is more rare and that's when they roll up their sleeves to see what's wrong. I don't know your NHS but, in the U.S., you can sometimes get treated sooner with little whining .... I know I am. I happened to see an on-call doctor when I went through this last m/c and she was the one that offered to test me early. No other doctor would give me the time of day. After all, I already have a child and I'm not quite 35. My point, although it doesn't really matter for you anymore since you've reached 3, is that maybe you could get tested early if you find the right caregiver and have a complete mental breakdown in their office (like I did!) Ha.

I hope we all get some answers soon. I'm in a whole new limbo now and it's driving me crazy. We won't know what's going on until next week. I just don't understand how I can still have a beta level of 130 after nearly 3 weeks.

Sparky, I'm so, so sorry for you, sweetie. :hugs: You deserve a breakdown. It happens to the best of us. It's all just so new and the fact that it's repetitive. It's hard not to see that black cloud over us but we need to be strong for our babies .... both born and unborn!

Kelster, good luck at work today. Like Pad said, don't feel ashamed. If they offer you support, take it. You do deserve it.

On the subject of work and a whole new rant on OH ... we have been fighting lately. Obviously, it's a lot to do with the hormones but also our economy in the U.S. I was laid off over a year ago and have only been able to find contract/temporary work since. I was a Marketing Executive. There's nothing left in the field that's permanent and I'm overqualified for junior positions, so it's been a real struggle. I'm taking classes again and caring for our daughter but that's not enough. He wants me to pull a job from the sky. Ugh. Anyway, it's frustrating and kind of making me rethink trying again so soon. I may put it off until I do have steady work.
I wish it would all disappear too and I we would have all of our answers... I might have mentioned before that I am not the most patient of people... LOL

I know what you mean CalifornianMum... since we returned to the UK from Germany I have found it so hard to get work... I was in HR (but left the field because I couldn't use it in Germany and so got a job in education out there)... anyway I have found it impossible to get back into HR here. Our location doesn't help as we are in the ass end of nowhere in the Cambridgeshire countryside... but we are moving in July/August to a much better place and I am hoping I can get a job then...
It is so frustrating when you have worked hard and got qualifications and you can't work in your chosen field...
And hubbys just expect you to magic a job up from nowhere!!!!
Hi all


yet I feel ashamed of what has happened to me and I don't want to tell anyone.... why do I feel like that?

why do you think you feel like that? Im trying to work it out. When i had my mmc, i had NO idea what was coming. The consultant didnt tell me when i asked what to expect if i waited, i didnt think i knew anyone whod been through it. You have been made to feel like a 2nd class patient because of the situation with bank holiday and how you were treated, but it cant be just how the medical staff treat you - lots of people get bad healthcare and don't feel ashamed. its something in the way the general population see mc. I appreciate that a lot of women want to grieve behind closed doors, thats their prerogative. I think its worth remembering that the typ eof wopmen who posts on mc support must need to talk to help make sense of whats going on, whereas many other must need to bring the shutters down. Maybe some women who dont talk, dont talk because they feel as you do.

I personally dont feel ashamed, i do feel that i 'shouldnt' be talking though, i have talked to all my female friends and have found some of my male friends have been great, others have been rather ham fisted in how they react. My husbands friend last night - i wanted to karate chop him. He came into the lounge and said he was talking my husband for a drink, husband had already drunk 6 pints over the week so i said to him dont drink alcohol, is that ok? husband said yes thats fine, his friend interjected and said 'he can have a drink, it wont make any difference, they are strong little things those swimmers and my daughter was conceived when i was hammered' and i thought aRGHGHHHH, if it was as easy as you seem to think, i wouldnt have lost my baby - its not like im being militant, hes already drunk 6 pints this week. That made me feel embarrassed. He just wanted my husband to drink cos he wanted a drink. Selfish....and I think its about how people dont understand the connection you have to your unborn baby - and if they havent experienced it, they dont realise how profound it is and their reactions can force you to react in a way thats about them, not about you.

sorry to hear about your job situ Cali. Why is he so insistent you get a job now when you are building for your future with classes, is it so you have maternity when you do get pregnant (here you only get maternity with perm positions, otherwise a series of temp positions sounds ok to me?), or is the job/your income just his first priority? I am doing evening classes for a new career - can you do that? Thing is, if you cant actually get a job with your combination of experience, how does he expect you to get a job?

Hope your first day back wasnt too bad Kel
I think you put the situation much better than I did... I think ashamed is the wrong word to use... I shouldn't have used that word. I think when you say "i do feel that i 'shouldnt' be talking though" that is more how I feel...

Although we all know (painfully aware) that m/c happen frequently no one really wants to acknowledge it. Men in particular find it difficult I think... my hubby wants to push it to the back of his mind and look at what we need to do in the furture to make sure it doesn't happen again... so, he has arranged that we will go to a mates house to watch the football tonight... not really what I want to do, but maybe he is right that I need to start getting on with life and leaving the house is a start! But it is selfish too, same as your experience NATO... what did your hubby do in the end?

Kelster, let us know how your day went x
Good morning, everyone. I'm finding myself with alot of down time at work today so of course I've been thinking about the m/c nonstop. I had my checkup with my doctor yesterday and it was confirmed my hcg is back at '0'. A teeny, tiny part of me was hoping for some sort of miracle rise in hcg and a baby still in there (as the doc told me at the ER there was a 5% chance I wasn't miscarrying--i was early enough that all me and the doc saw were clots). Deep down I knew it was over but I guess I couldn't help but have that hope! Now I know for sure.

I for one am fully on the 'no reason to be ashamed' bandwagon. I missed a deadline with a potential future employer last week while I was recovering from the mc and a few days ago I emailed her and explained about the mc. I knew I'd probably make her uncomfortable but I wanted to be honest instead of making up an excuse. I haven't heard back from her. :shrug: I also had to miss out on a few church functions and I found myself feeling strange saying outloud I'd had a miscarriage, but after I said it I felt better. People's reactions have been awkward as hell but I'm finding it kind of empowering to speak up. :)

I've also found back at work (where no one really knows except my boss, as I am a substitute teacher and not close enough with anyone) that dealing with annoying people is annoying me alot less. I feel like I've made it through something really difficult and can now take on these trivial things with a different attitude.

I hope everyone has a good day today. I can totally relate to the previously mentioned desire to say 'screw it' and get drunk, only I'm doing it with chocolate. :laugh2: When I found out I was pregant I was eating super healthily but this week I'm like, whatever, and have eaten sweets like a madwoman. I may regret it when I step on the scale but it's fun for now.
:hugs: to everyone.
Well, I think you are very brave Allie for speaking up and not being one of the silent masses.. might take a leaf from your book and speak up as well.

I, like you was being super healthy and haveing loads of fruit, salad and good stuff... that has all gone out of the window... however, have had a minor panic when I notice how massive my tummy and ass have got ... how did all that get there when I was only 8+4???

Seems I get super wide when I get pregnant! LOL

It has all gotta go before July... Hubby has given me a week of exercise whilst I recover and then it is back on the treadmill!!
hey ladies...

well it went like this:
so of course I am at work and people were asking well how did it goooo (some people knew I was pregnant and others had BIG EARS and decided they were gonna start telling people, NOT happy about that)... I just turned and started crying, trying not to let anyone see me... I went into he boss's office and we talked... I told her I need to tell people but she said no, YOU aren't doing it I WILL.. she had a quick lil meeting with my entire team to let them know what happened to me..... everyone kinda sorta stayed away for a bit and then lil by lil came to support me.. one girl even sent me a beautiful email saying how gutted she was for me and that she too has had 2 MC also only get pregnant again after the 2nd MC one within 3 months.. her daugther though had serious problems when she was born.. her intestines were on the outside of her body and had 2 surgeries in her first 2 months of life...

I have a GREAT boss as well as a great team... I only get to see them one a week but they are like family to me...

LOL oh I didn't get drunk this weekend but I had my fair share of beers :rofl:

you are ALL such an inspirarion and my daily dose of support


from the bottom of my HEART...........

sorry to hear about your job situ Cali. Why is he so insistent you get a job now when you are building for your future with classes, is it so you have maternity when you do get pregnant (here you only get maternity with perm positions, otherwise a series of temp positions sounds ok to me?), or is the job/your income just his first priority? I am doing evening classes for a new career - can you do that? Thing is, if you cant actually get a job with your combination of experience, how does he expect you to get a job?

Thanks, Nato. It's more for stability, insurance and, yes, maternity leave is also nice. I am taking remote classes (online) but from a school that I have attended before. The schedule is really flexible and I'm also adding onto my experience so that I can build my resume in the process. It's just frustrating for us to not have stable income. He works in sales so we never know what to expect. I'm just really focusing hard on finding new opportunities and I'm hoping that the job and the sticky BFP coordinate with each other. :winkwink:

Padbrat, sorry to hear you're having a similar issue. I hope that things get better for you all around when you finally are able to move. Sometimes a fresh start is just what the doctor ordered.

Sparky, my heart is breaking for you. Sometimes a good cry can go a long way. Don't be ashamed to mourn your loss. It doesn't matter what other people think. Even OH can't understand this. I actually had to use the words "our baby died inside of me," for mine to understand. He totally backed off after that. Glad to hear that you have a supportive employer.

Allie, I'm so happy to hear your levels are down and you can start trying again as soon as you feel ready. YAY! Don't feel bad about your emotional state over the past couple of weeks. If she hasn't responded to you based on what you said to her, you probably do not want to work for her anyway.

Kelster, glad to hear that everything worked out for you. It is so hard when you work in a close office like that. I'm assuming you are in Sales? Just a blind guess since you work in teams and remotely for most of the time. I'm so happy that they showed support and a colleague even felt close enough to share her stories with you. Not that we should find comfort in other people's misery but it is nice to know that you're not alone ... and people experience far worse than an early m/c every single day. Not to lessen the horror of an early m/c but it could be worse and it is for a lot of people.
Hi Ladies,

Well after chasing up my doctors on tuesday, I got a call tuesday afternoon saying that I had to call the hospital. Called them and was told that I had to be in the hospital the next day at 7:30am and I would be having my D&C.

I had it yesterday morning and am now on recovery mode. I'm glad it's over and looking forward to august when we are going to start trying again.

I feel kind of numb and empty but at least I've stopped bursting into tears at nothing, so I must be feeling abit better. I'm off to get a little tattoo for the memory of the 2 babies i've lost this week sometime.

Hope you are all ok, and are feeling better today!

Glad to hear that you are OK Chimpette, and sounding very positive!
Chimpette I think having a little memorial for you babies as a tattoo is a lovely idea, will you send us a piccy when it is done - we would love to see it x

Californian - I know what you mean about stability and mat leave etc. I keep thinking that maybe this is all meant to be... we will move, I will get a great job, we will get the tests done and then have a lovely BFP... well in my fantasy world that is how it will happen! LOL! So Sparky I guess I am like you and WTT until I have my tests and appt with the consultant.

Kelster I am so chuffed that your work have supported you... it is always a tricky thing for people to deal with, especially of they don't have any presonal experience of m/c... personally it goes some way in restoring my faith in humankind! LOL
and there is no way you need to thank us... how do you think I survived my darkest days without your sqwidgy cyber hugs???

ps.. added the word chuffed just for you Kelster! LOL

Am feeling brighter today... still bleeding badly, but went out to a friends house last night with hubby to watch the footie... my team lost, but it was nice to not think about sadness and pain and blood and the m/c for a few hours...

Have decided that the way through this is to have little things to look forward to... like little steps along a long road... so have arranged to go bowling and to dinner with our friends on Saturday... might even have a few cocktails, because boy do I deserve them!

Little steps add up to a long way down a hard road ladies and all we can manage right now are little steps... soon we may be able to run, but not yet...

Padbrat-- LOL chuffed.. gosh you sound like me,, I make up so many words.. LOL glad you are feeling better today, such great news

Chimp- oh a tat is a nice way to remember- I though am a chicken poop to get any type of tat.. :lol: but glad you are feeling better :hugs:

Allie glad your levels are at 0.. I go tomorrow to find out but I am 99.9% sure they will be 0.. I took two PG tests and both completely negative.. have fun on the road of TTC again :winkwink:

according to FF it looks like I am gettng ready to O again-- not taking OPK's but surely going to stay away from :sex: in the next few days :winkwink:

Cali--- nope not sales.. :) I work for a medical insurance company in the phyisican appeals area.. we have a small team as it is state regualated and very time consuming but i like it-- very INTERESTING

Hey Sparky, Nato, and Tas how are you ladies today? :)
I am better today - not having to face work and think about things that tax my brain helps, but I know I can't just shut myself away either. My boss rang today and said not to worry about work, I can take more time if I want, the most important thing is to get myself better. She also said that just because I am OK doesn't mean I am 100% so if I want to try a phased return to work, then she's OK with that too.
Sparky sounds like you have a great boss and taking some time off to just sort your mind and body out is the right thing to do. You take your time. When I m/c'd I needed at least a month to get myself back to semi normality...

Kelster... I haven't made the word up.. chuffed is British for happy! I just put it in hoping it would make you smile! LOL Good luck with the docs tomorrow, hope you are back to 0.

let us know how you get on Kelster x

Hope the rest of you lovely ladies are beginning to feel OKish... c'mon a big cyber hug to us all xxxx
I'm so glad everyone is having another better day today. :)

Chimpette, I'm happy to hear everything went well and you are in recovery mode. It will only get better from here on out.

Jobs, jobs and moving....we're moving at the end of this month so we're looking for new and better jobs just like padbrat and californiamom. I'd like to send out not only some baby dust for all of us but also some good employment dust :dust: we can get good jobs and then take some time off for maternity leave ;).

Thank you guys for being so supportive the past two weeks. I'm starting to feel a little like 'myself' again (with moments of sadness) and I'm so grateful to this board. :hugs:
Then lots of baby and job dust to all of us!

Lets hope my little fantasy plan works out for me, you Allie and CaliforniaMum because we bloody deserve it xx
:blush: oopssaa a tad embarassed about that one Padbrat.. LOL never heard of the word Chuffed.. LOL :dohh:

Allie wish you all the best in job hunting, cause I know it;s not easy out there right now... GOOD LUCK

Sparky you def do have a great boss- those are one an a million...

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