Hi ladies! Just a quick update as my net time is limited with a little one. Our little boy Paris was born just fine by c-section on the 6th and is doing well

Had a skull issue at birth which looks to be resolving but we've been referred to the outpatients paediatrics to keep an eye on it. I'm trying not to worry but after Olivia I guess I overreact a little.
Olivia is fine, her MRI came back clear which is amazing news though they are retesting when she is three and on another good note, she has her Geneticist appointment for early January which is far sooner than we thought it would be! She's adjusting to having a new brother and going to a new nursery which specialises in speech development issues and should be much better for her!
Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and hopefully I'll be able to read properly and catch up soon. Hope all is well with you all ladies!