Sequeena glad to hear you are getting a new pushchair for T. Sucks that you've been waiting so long. I'm in a similar situation with DD now that we may be having another kiddo. I usually just pack her if she tuckers out but that may become impossible. And she's so tall that finding a good fit will be hard. She's 36inches already
Its been a big week for us. DD took 14 independant steps during physical therapy Wednesday. She was very pleased with herself and me and her dad cried. Ugh big babies we are

Thursday she turned 2 and again I cried like a baby

She made out like a bandit in the gifts department and got to eat more sugar than any child should. We were up till 2am because of that

And today we saw little bean with a flickering HB

I'm too worked up to sleep even though DD and DH are snoring away. I will pay for it tomorrow but for now its nice to be too excited to sleep