Thanks for the advice everyone. It really hurts that we can't just decide to have a baby and have all the fun/frustration of TTC

I am so annoyed with myself, I am so thankful to have Thomas, he should be enough but we want another and I desperately want him to have a sibling close in age to him. I remember when TTC him that people who moaned about having more when they already had children were nuts and ungrateful. I have to eat my words!!
His pediatrician has said that his head injury at 5 months has had no affect on him. It may have done at the time but it's had no lasting effect and certainly hasn't caused the problems he has now. I'm not so sure she can confidently say that when he's not had an MRI but who knows she may be right.
Adoption is something I would consider but I know we wouldn't be accepted for various reasons - my history of depression, self harm and overdose for one. It's completely behind me now (unless I ever get PND again) but that puts us straight out of the running because of the stigma. My aunt's SIL is fostering 3 of her nephews with the hope of adopting them and they are having to jump through so many hoops it's unreal.
Genetics wise his pediatrician has warned it will take a long time. We've not even met the geneticist yet we've just had the initial tests. I've not heard anything back. I am really hoping it's not genetic and all this worry is for nothing but there's that part of me that thinks there's just too much coincidence for it to not be genetic and since finding out Sean's nephew has autism it makes me wonder are the problems even on my side of the family? It's a coincidence... maybe too much of one for both grandchildren to have such similar disabilities and they're only 5-6 weeks apart in age. They haven't seen each other for a year so it's certainly not learned behaviour (not that I think you could 'learn' these sorts of things anyway).
It's just so confusing

I feel ok right now but I have days where all I can think about is having another child. I know exactly when I'm ovulating (I get pains) and also get loads of EWCM and it just feels like we're constantly losing the chance to have another child.
And then of course there's the worry I'd PPROM again.. I don't believe we'd be so lucky I still can't believe we have him here and for the most part healthy.
Basically I can't win either way
I'm so glad Esther's speech is getting better! It's so wonderful when they master a new word.
Oh the urine sample - no I got nothing for it. It's so frustrating everyone I asked said they don't have the pads or bags anymore. Eventually I got it by plonking him in the shower for 45 minutes and catching it with a bowl. It was diluted and had to be stored in the fridge overnight but I am NOT doing it again without some sort of aide. I'll tape a bag to his genitals myself if I have to. The moment he saw the bowl he started screaming but thankfully I managed to catch some urine (and shower water!).
Almost 1 week until we go away. Woo!